Open 24 Hours. Because sleep is for wimps. kinko'i 1265 WSwctto / 344-3555 In I t f n I it of n licoRtiR rlillrtillt 'll rum Iko* hmk l«Mtn >« tkf »%• Ytmr mum* muurt atm kt km Tkt,.» mkrtu tkrr AwM fcr Mw p»* «*a /rtamtHwaiawt muukt tkum ‘ »*.«> ttanl 1U«a« J Learn Your Way Around The World • Mwd« attrnad la Vi Ilk. Spain, or ImmIwi. I onload. tut a uiwmti, far • Kanin or for a fall aafrnic >cai • t uniso la Wwnl at t« ud later uaMoaal banaru • Hurt* i la a forrtga ktrpiap a • f iaaarlat a*d appllr-t itinp Inr mmm rein «r») I'mna < mli • hr hibm, mam. hwi) and (arid inpi • tn Smittt, Spain $'.*•*»> (fail or tpring) Un Wfncrmutt rruiteati V' l50(Wlw approval la tak mg longer than expected for a Klamath tribal casino In wroth-cent rat Oregon faff Mitchell o( Chiloquin b*e am* executive co—ittee chairman law Tuesday follow ing the resignation of Marvin Carvia Garcia'* departure wa* the latest in a anna* of resignation* by tribal leader* and board member* Un ii. dm* tor of th# trihes' commodities program, said h* could not devote eftmigh ntw to tb« «hatrman * work and hi* (oh Th# chairman before Garcia, Mom* Jimenea of Sal#m, cited health problem* and trawl con n>mi when h«* stepped down in November "t believe on# of th# con* tributing far tor* i* th# amount of work that rest* with th# posi tion of tribal chairman," Mildwll »aid In response, th# IO m*mb«r rinutlvt committee agreed last week to pav committee mem ber* and olfn era for their time spent on < wmmittoe htmiH-w Mitt hell become* th# find tribal chairman to work a* a full-time, paid chairman of the executive committee The Klamath Tribe* hoped to open a temporary gaming facil ity along Highway 97 near Chll oquiti Iasi cummer Hut the plan ha* been held up while the tribe* eeek approval from the National Indian (earning (am nit—tea. it’* a very long and compli* idled prone**." Mitchell tut id The tribe* have contracted with OC Canning, a -South Ihiko U firm to manage development and Initial operation of the gam mg operation Mn< tied Mid he wa* not pre pared to predict when construe tion of the temporary gaming fac ility might be complete Hawaii lawmakers will argue whether to legalize gay marriages j has She potential 1(9 affect law# I In all SO claim whether to allow j man lo mam man. woman lo [ marry woman, and thereby j grant them the social. legal and Anancial benefit* afforded mar I had heterosexual* That* is good reason one vote j tn distant Hawaii is carefully ! watt bad fry <0 other Hate logit* | latum* — and anticipated hop# 1 fully by hundred* of thousand* { of gay Amaru an* Heading a j clause in I ha Constitution. state* I generally agree to recognise ■ each other * statute* — from dri j ver permit* and vehicle nsgtstra j lion* to court decision* and j marriage license* Hawaii * Supreme Court jua J lice* said the date had to chow ■ a compelling interact to ban j cut h gay marriage* and cent the | nt al orientation i* not ** ; Joseph Mnlitlo. <8, and j Patrick I .agon. 38. partners for j 18 years, nought marriage license* almost sis years ago j say* he is encouraged by the commission** report HONOLULU (API — A thorny issue facing Hawaii’s reluc tant legislature Thirty-three Islamic militants killed; Hostage-takers killed j weekend clashes with Algerian j security fort**, including eight | man who had held * ft-ywarold j child hostage Meanwhile, a car bomb exploded in • town east of Algiers early Saturday, killing two people and wounding five other* a* it destroyed part of a national guard base The bomb exploded in Dfe hahta near Booira. 70 mile* east of the capital It wa* not imme diately known whether the dead and wounded were civilian*, national guardsmen or militant* In the other clashe*. security said they seized military weapons from the militants, who am fighting to topple Alge ria'* military-hacked govern ment and replace it with strict Islamic rule About 40.000 people have been killed in fighting and ter rorist attacks since January 1902, when the array canceled 1 parliamentary election* that the fundamentalist Islamic Salva tion Front was {raised to win On Saturday. 33 extremists were killed in clashes with the army in and outside Algiers Fight, including two who had held the child hostage, were killed moments after releasing the youngster unharmed It was not known why the child was taken Three militants were killed in Chief, 70 miles south of Algiers, and 12 were kilted in Constan tine. about 250 miles east of Algiers Ten armed men were kitted in a standoff with security fone* in the Beau Fraisier quarter of Algiers, officials said Among the dead was a leader of the extremist Armed Islamic Croup. Algeria * roost violent faction I The Armed Islamic Group has dts la red war on the Islamic Sal vation Front, accusing it of sell A L G! R R $ , Algeria CAP) — At toast 33 Islamh militants were killed in j mg out to the government OPEN 24 HOURS STUDENT SPECIAL $1 Oper -I MONTH NO INITIATION FEES A l Ini Gtmiipm f 3RD & LAWRENCE ST. DOWNTOWN EUGENE CALL: $86-GOLD Campus Interviews February 8, 1996 OHM?, Ament a * Fuji Santa* Dticwuni Broker**, u looking for highly motivated individual* to cclablich a caw to the brokerage bucineu Qualified college graduate* who cuter our 4 12 month Seen ritits Traimng Program will prepare for Sene* 7 licencing and receive a wealth of experience »rating ccde by cide with a cucccufwi uoctbnAn OlDS'i CuamMtATMm Putuct Iwtma: ■ Attractive hw *aUry A raaaaWoa payout* ■ iMfcrfccmlw health plan A vacation time ■ 441(h) Rrtlrrmrtu Plan Campuc interview* will be held on February *. 19% If you would like to Micceed m the dynamic brokerage tnducuy. plcacc *ee your Career Center for mure information or contact ()l J)K. IMacoont Stockbroker* National Recruiting 751 Grtewohi .Street Detroit, MI 4812* 1-800-937-0606 1-1 jt OLDE I US«1K VT MU vnie^tlis \o t^ail Oypartuatty f. jujrte** ;