9«1 fALL A WNTfR MEN'S CLEARANCE SALE Steven J m AMOUNOo Polo Ralph Lauren SPORTSWEAR 50% OFF ENTIRE FALL* WINTER STOCK Pizano's Special Back to School Meat Deal Small Chicken Strips, 4 oz Salad 12oz Henry Weinhard Root Beer $2.99 f Valut I /H/m 1/31/96 FrWflV I 2 OOpni 4 30pm and BrOOpot I OQum | iVanos is in ivruo Cumptes I w hind WltUam* Btfkcrv M6 0776 MUSCLE PAIN RESEARCH STUDY If you are 18-55 years of age and you have had shoulder or teg pain lor no more than 3 days due to a recent injury, you may be eligible to participate in a research project to study the effectiveness and safety of Relatin'. 1 gm and 2 gm. compared with placet*), tor patients with acute onset moderate to severe teg or shoulder pam (Relatin' is an approved drug and has been shown to be effective in the treatment of the signs and symptoms of arthntis pain.) Eligible participants will receive study-related medical care, laboratory testing, and study medication at no cost. Call today Omgon fte&o&ch Gamp 6863804 Il’rat r-Hcailh Mftlh «t t Myfywo Mtnnpf Sum M00 • OREGON ATHLETIC EVENTS Sneak Feck at the Week OttjoR vi. Actions Stall Thmdrni, km. IS • MdUHww Cowl • 7*im Oregon vi. Fresno SMi Friday, kn.lt • McArtfaffCoart • Mlw HVS BASBIiill Off on vi. AiixoM Wtwrtoy, Jan. 17 • ktArtkw Court • 7:tSm Al wc*> FBI hr UC k ih+mt adai ■w H fKM *f M MM t HMMI MM fidm Ofta (M* Cm*} If. 1M m Dwt UdM Ottn |(mm CmM) *-#, IS bn mm liihinHii. mm tm OwJt Tidal Ofta m MM46I TDO M4S41I Long-time music professor retires ■ ARTS: Betgqutsl leaves to research famous 16th century composer By Jennifer Schmtn Hiunw ronropee amrow A mutk prolMmi who ha* beam «i tha School of Muair lor 31 y«er* retired at the end of fall lertn lo purtue research of a famout l«h century compcMun Petar Bvrgquiat i* currently working on a rowan h protect a* pert of a $ J ,10,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Hwtnanitie* that h# received in 1994 He plana on amending more time on tht* protect now that he ha* retired *1 pretty much planned thia a* • retirement protect.~ aaid Bergqui*! He and hi* collaborator* are working on compiling new edi turn* of music try Orlando laaao. a fatnou* < ompoaer from lire late l®th century 'The original printed muaic •wpsrMcd itw Vlf loul mutiuU pun* into *ep#r#!«! book*." **§tl bvrftqut *l *W» u* working on putting it togwthor *ne museum attracted Davto Robertson to Oregon By Ctrttfy Long Hflftdr (OuCaitan tarn* AfW * 10-month uum v the director’* post lion at the Untvmiti MuMiim of Art i« finally filled David Robertson. 4'* will step into the old dirw tot * *hue« on Feb 1, reptac irk Stephan Mcrtough McCktugh left last Match to bw.oiin the director of the < n* let Art Muttum in S*« ramento. Caisf Del Ham km*, the interim museum dim; tor. *atd Robertson wm the unanimous t hou* of the eight* member selection committee The tmiMum was lu» kv to yet him. Hawkins Mid. law ansa other museum* also wan led to him him Roiiertson will hr ins • aperient a. professional* ism and enthusiasm to the muwum," Hawkins Mid. "On* of David * many impressive qualities is hi* ability to develop dynamic programming that involves a wide range of community and Univer sity groups ~ Margaret Bullock, a graduate student In art his tury and member of the search committee. Mid Robert son wet a clear choice "In some way* he really stood out {from the other applicants).’* she said Rcrhertsun said one of the masons he was attract ed to the University was because the museum is "really unrivaled in this am* ~ "The UC) Museum of Art l» in an eaciting transi tional state, with substantial community and Uni varsity interest in its success and growth," Robertson said "The University's long standing noifRTsoN *»d strong commitment to the role of th« visual art* in higher education and it* diverse inter disciplinary program* offer excellent opportunities for the museum to forge exciting new partnership*." Robertson wilt also tie a full professor at the University He will leech one course a term in '-••leology Museology, which «.«ver» the inner-workings of museum*, is taught within the art history and art administra lion programs Bulks k said the amuBittM had the opportunity to hear Robertson lecture and found him to he a good public speaker who it 'warm arid uiiw««d" in students “lit is a roal mentor-type." the mid, Since 1092, Roi cert son hat served at the director of the Martin DArtv Gallery at Loyola University in Chicago Thu muwum featured both Renat* um and Rarouoe Art Haw tin* said Rotten ton *»» chosen out of a pool of approKtmateiy AO applicants The museum received application* from throughout the coun try. •panning the border* and reaching into the Garibtiean and Europe The *earrh c ommittee consisted of five faculty and staff members, two community representatives and one student representative "It was a wonder ful group to work with,“ Hawkins said. "It wa* {almost) unanimous al every step of the way " The University Museum of Art is open from noon to 3 p m Wednesday through Sunday. Admission is free Auto vandals puncture holes in police theories ■ Chirr: Recent outbreak ot tire slashing *t the West University area is part of crime wave By AIm Eattmnda Cornu n>U» Htvanm Alt Andrea Htggint £ van ton out do now U laugh, aft*r the Ilf# on her Ford Ranger pick up truck wa* aiaahad for tha mu ood tim# Htggina-Evmifton. an employ ee ofCawood Communications, didn't node* ih# driver* aid# front tir# waa flat until D*c 28, 1985. wh#n ah# waa driving to work "You know, you h#ar that familiar thump-thump round." Higgina-Kvmtaon aaid about th« pierced tiro. "I was not happy, It waa pouring down rain." Higgtna-Evenaon had parked, her car on th# comar of Eaat 12th Av#nu« and High Stnrot. where ah# aaid the believed the tire till * lashed the evening before She only had lh« tire lor • week and half before it wn destroyed with a gash along lb* sidewall. The first lima bar pick up tir* w« alaahad war Dec is on tha same lira and In tha tama parking la*. Bui this lima, without insur ance picking up moat of tha lab. Higgins-Evenson had to pay 5250 for a naw lira, which was not a laughing manor at tha time of tha incident Higgins-Evanson ia one of at laaat aavan caaea occurring between Dae 28. 1995 and fan 13 in which car owner* parking around the Wa*t Uni vanity area have found thatr lira* punc tured Parking lot 1ft along East Hth Avenue, between Kincaid and Alder afreet*, baa been par ticularly hard hit. authorities •aid The eetimated coat of repair for owner* of the vandalised vehicles has been as llttls as 53.23 to as much as 5300. Last fall term. tarn* apartment ten ant* living in the West lint verst ty area also discovered their automobile tires were flattened The recent tire slashings are the latest in a crime wave plagu mg the East tStb Avenue are* Police have no suspects and aeid they are scratching thair heads for a motive. Authorities said the vandals may be using sn tee-pick or aim iiar device that can be easily concealed and easily used to pierce a tire. 'It tabes |ust s second to com mit the crime,' Sgt Dave Popp* said Parking lot 1ft, where most of the recent tire slashings have taken piece, and the but stop near it have been bussing with criminal activity, authorities said Police are advising driven to be cautious and alert whan park ing in the West University area and to report any automobile crimes or suspicious activities.