Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 22, 1996, Page 10, Image 10

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Disability conference attracts activist
Mob itty Iniemaiortai
encourages disabled
people to be proactive
By Sherry Rainey
An international rote model
for disabled people gave the
keynote address at the teas lh*
ability t on herein e on Saturday
Susan Sy*ali founder of
Eugene* Mobility Internet tone!
we* « delegate at the Interne
t tonal Women"* Conference in
China teal summer 5 y gall
helped lead a protest when the
disabled workshop she tried to
attend «u tw heduled on the
third floor of a building with no
The protest wit broadcast on
CNN. and the Chlnaw threat
ened to take away the only
wkerldiitr ao essibla bu* pro
tided for the conference But
after hour* of negotiation, the
but wa* given bark and the
workshop wet moved
The biggest victory. Sygall
Mid, wa* when Hillary Clinton
mentioned the disabled
women, * prt)!f»! in her Speech
at <b* women'* < onfareru *
During her keynote addre**.
Svgall encouraged disabled pen
pb to be proactive She Mid *he
believe* that disabled people ate
ju*l •«other minority and they
deserve human right*
The disabled luu* ha*
always bwn a medical para
digm,” *he Mid "tike disabled
people are *i<k they are the
one* with the problem. so vre
mart give them charity and ferry
"Now it'* changing to a
human right* paradigm.*' *h«
Thu human right* paradigm
i* a* idont in the Americans with
Disabilities Ad of looo, Sygall
"Whan people ifront other
countries! hear about the ADA.
it it a beacon of light, of what is
possible." »h« said "We are not
trying to e sport the ADA, but
the idea of human rights-based
legislation t» important "
The t)i*flbiItty Confenmat
consisted of four panel* with
diw u**ton of disability right* in
education, atoena and discrimi
nation in housing, disability
f f-—— -
When profile (from other
, ounines) /tear about the
ADA. it is a beacxm of light,
of m Hat u possible. We art not
trying to eiport the ADA. but
the ida of human rights based
legislation is important
— Susan Sygali
foundwof Moc*s*ty wemahorB!
right* tn the workplace and pub
Ik arrecsihility
The forum was free and open
to the public Also, attorneys
registered for the forum earned
five general CLE credit*
The following organizations
sponsored the event- University
of Oregon School of law. Uni*
varsity of Oregon Student Bar
Association, Minority Law
School Student Association,
lesbian and Gay law Student
Association, and Monitor Stu
dents Advocating Human
Film focuses on human rights in East Timor
■ ABUSE Dmm of a
Nation documents
Western fnvolvement m
human-fights violations
ignored by the media
By Jennifer CAfter
*M»w *«**•*» I dk*
The Commit lee for World
IW * i* tryiti# to bun# the hor
mr o< international human
n«ht* violation* home to the
Throtaghovst the »«>i the *tu
dent orient ration t* doming
death of a Nation a film that
doi um»nt* W««t«ni involve
WU in human tight* violation*
»n Ka*t Timor
Karl Timor, on«e a mfony of
PHttail. lie* nevt to Indonoata
and ha* been occupied by
(ndonevt* St IMS' ISIS,
Shin Y«*ut program director
lor the Committee for World
P«*aie tutid the Unit.nl State* i*
re*|Min«;bie lot minima! media
enerajee of an occupied East
Timor. “After Indonesia invad
ed. coverage of K#*t Timor
dropped »o virtually roro"
Yatui *«id that a* a result of
Indonesia * occupation, about
one-third of bast Timor * people
have been kitted These deaths
were partly atutd by US
actions, he said
“At the height of the killing*
the U S increased it* anws
trad* with Indonesia." he said
in 10S1, about 250 people
were killed in last Timor during
a jwaceful demonstration at a
funeral procession Bec ause of
media coverage of the massac re,
the United State* imposect sent
tfons on Indonesia, said Yasut
The U S imposed restraint*
on military training and small
arms exportation to Indonesia."
he said "But we simply don't
hear anything much about this
in the new* media.”
Yasui attributed the lac k of
media coverage to corporate
inter**** “{Media < ov erage! i* of
no Interest to the U S govern
mem and global corporations.”
Yasui said “If something posi
tive happen* to East Timor, it
would be counter-productive for
"It's kind of scary that some
people at the top decide what
people can see at home." Yasui
said “East Timorese themselves
in bravery go out and protest the
government. Their voices are
not heard outside (East Timor),
which means there's some kind
of responsibility on our side "
Yasui said the film is being
shown to educate people about
East Timor in the hope that East
Timor Wilt soined.iv be added to
the public agenda “Since peo
pie don't know much about East
Timor, they need to get
informed first," he said.
The film Dmth of a Nation Is
(wing shown Monday through
Friday at 1 it) p m. It i* being
shown in the Multicultural On
ter every day except Tuesday,
when it con be seen in Cedar
Room !■ A discussion will fol
low each showing.
Pitch in! Recycle your copy of the ODE.
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