Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 18, 1996, Page 6, Image 6

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    February 3
On Campus
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Frohnmayer thanks ISA at reception
Prea*denf Dave
Frohnmaye* welcomes
foreign students
By Doug try mg
University Ptwiident Dave
Fmhnmavrrr tpahe to the people
of *6 (OURtrSH Wednesday
night during ttse International
Student A»*mittion» winter
m septum
Frahnmayer told the interna
tional etodent* they added an
important dtmemsun to the Uni
versity and the community
'What w» find that you tmng
it a fay and an enthuttatm ~ he
Mid, 'That give* gt a remark
able character *
Frohnmaver *pok* of hi*
•xpwfcMk <«* at a foret^n *»ud*«t
and dtHTthtd bow Ihow «ip«ri'
mujb* iJianged hi* lit*
"l« taught m« lh*i I wa* an
indiwidual." ha *aid “l wun'l
|m« [«rl of my own nation any
Jioma of ihw oarlimu pho
tograph* of th« Untvarcity
include *a fapanrre* student,
I rohnmavor told I ho audiwme
Tan portent of th* University
student population ha* baan
international for ovw a d«ad«
‘ It i* a vary mit hent*#*,* ha
Subir Ihitta. Assistant tfcmlor
of lb* ISA. described it a* an
"umbrella ***oo*tton“ for intar
f *t MBN (HMitiMi
Unlv*r»rty ProsMont Dm* Frohnmsyoy talk* to U*a Khsn. ths Public
Roiobomi Qrtuzm of th# international Studont* Association
national student*
-W» work a* • social and cul
tural #rmip," h* »«id "W* alto
promote ail the different cut
turn* ”
According to Dutta. tha ISA
represents over 1.700 University
student* from 86 countries Th«*
association sponsor* interns
ttonal i nflee hour* ovary Friday,
and co* sponsorscultural nights
Th# vrlntor reception was a
( banco for tho association to
introduca iliolf publicly to the
Uni vomit y According to Jubily
Hoy. ISA Office Manager. the
association would like to mm*
more undent*
"VVe would like to servo more,
to that international student*
can make uw of the facilities,"
Boy Mid
The ISA help* international
students find host families and
Join cultural groups, according
to Boy It also provides legal ser
vices for immigration and other
potential problem*.
Fmhnmayer ended his speech
by thanking international stu
dents for their input to the Uni
versity. and by welcoming them
"You are a vibrant interna
tional community within. I
hope, a caring community here
at the University of Oregon," he
vaid “May you always regard
the University of Oregon, in
some special way, as home "
Four student programs receive funding
■ SENATE: Requests
granted to student groups
By Jenndw Carter
#MW* 4d*v»m I Om*
The Student Senate approved
special injunit for funding
from the ASUO Women'* Cen
ter. Holittli Opt tun* for PhnuH
Earth Sustainability
(M O P.I S.), the (ailitinn
Against Environmental K*uuit
and the Student Senate
The ASUO Women'* (enter
tweivod $72*1 to catntt an error
tn wag# tabulation for it* offke
coordinator. Hunnte Ken ter
hauler »* an Or.-^i n Public
Employees' Union member, and
her salary i* mandated by the
union last year, her salary was
tabulated without taking an
OPEU salary mt nuesu into effect,
and the Senate granted the *pe
rial request to rectify this error
-fTtls is a mandated expense.
mi I move that we approve it,"
Mid S»n $uun Anderson
The Student Senate alio allo
cated money to H O P E S., an
arganixaOon ovated by anJUle.
«ur» and allied arts student* lo
pul on < onferonce* that explore
H O P E S received SZ.SUH lo
u*« (or the group's spring ton
forum* on otology and the
process of making plat* The
alloualion will go lo cover c;»n*
(erniu * expense* including I rav
Th«* Senate debated about
whether lo fund ih« special
r*t|ti*»i betausw* of ii« *i*» and
bwauao the group received *p»
dal request money last year
Tm concerned of establishing
a precedent that allow* pro
gtam* to coin* in and ***» more
money each lime and at the
tant* time do le*» fund rutting.
Senate president Martin Either
H O P E S, alao rot roved a
loan of $4,275 from the Sonata
to caver speaker fees. Because
the group received a loan, «hey
must now work with the ASUO
finam «* coordinator to establish
a loan agreement
The Coalition Against Knvi
ronmental Racism also made its
spe< lal request to help fund a
conference The group's request
to help pay conference speakers
was fully funded at $2,000
The group is currently part of
the Multicultural Center Jo«\
Lyons the MIX'* co-director.
said thal despite the $2,000 in
additional funding, its upcom
ing environmental racism con
foreine will be short of funds
The MCC has currently
fundraised more than $4,000 for
the annual conference
The Student Senate also grant
ed a spe» lal request made by
Senate vice president James
Boyd to pay for office supplies
The request was for $250
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