Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 17, 1996, Page 5, Image 5

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    Looking Glass receives $25,000
■ GIFT: The children's
charity was gn/en the
gram toward construction
ot its new facility
By Metis** Letoahn
Ronald Mi lkmaid Childrens
Charities of Oregon and South
»mI Washington awarded a
S25.IHX) gram to looking Glass
Youth and Family Service* Tuee
day afternoon
t.uann Lynn, who own* sever
al Mi: Donald''» restaurant* in the
Fugene area and who is a hoard
momlnT of RMCC, presented the
award to the president of the
board of directors of Looking
Glass. Frank Gibson
Gibson said this was the tarsi
prize he could ever get in a "Hap
pv Meal "
He said this money would go
towards the building of McKay
lodge a new home tor looking
Glass's Stepping Stone Program,
which will he haated on the new
Juvenile lattice Center Youth
Campu* an (lamtenmal Boulevard
acroa* Imm AuUen Stadium
Mapping Slone t* a tammufti
ly baaed reauJenlial treatment
program ter young man with a
diagnosed marttal or emotional
disturbance. according to Slap
ping Stano
The program works with hoy*
age* 12 to III and include* indi
vidual. (amity and group there
pj? a* well as individual and
group tiiils training fhi» pro
gram allow* bov* to *tay an aver
age of eight month* before grad
oat mg the program to their home
footer rare, or other community
The Stepping Stone program t*
limited in it* < urrwt far ilttie* to
provide ten mow to the commit
nity * troubled youth bet au*e ol
the building * age, design Ion*
tton and other fat tor*
The new structure will allow
Stopping Stone to belter nerve
delinquent youth and etpand it*
WrviOM to young people with
tpecuil itaue*. lile wtual offend
•ng and at»on. who lannot cur
rently ho tvm>d. according to
information from thinking (;u*t
M. ha» I .edge Looking Ghc*
prnpoted structure. it ettimal
«*d to com St ijr.ooo Morn than
SKM.OOO t* still needed to make
thi* project puasible
l jsnnine tfoo t« planned to tiart
in March and due to he
completed in the Fall of lfW«,
Gibson wid
twin taut Looking i.Ucc Vouth
and Faintly Service* ha* done a
wonderful |ob working with the
vouth in the community
RMCX of Oregon and South
west Washington hat awarded
over Sant) (KM to local ihildren
organization* in the patt two
year*, according to a new*
The ohfet live of RMCX' it to
help the children in the area bed
happier, healthier and more pro
ductive live* KM( ( met hm thi*
goal bv giving grant* to nonprof
it organization*
!' MU Board •* m+mt today at *
pm «ifUUO**J»HoomO For
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torwgw at ft» *t IN» I MU F-*
Boom # urxabM to attand. pck up
•* ■Ppftowww tn Room »4 Or*
900 H*» For mor# .n*orm*j*o«
W**t*y Mght F«M(Mr*lMp art*
tpomtcr » SacrtW Dante tomgrt m
T m9m ***** Fcmntmon. 1236
K*"C*« Sir** Spactw guaat
Sartor* WuMar. mm i«m tn* pro
((ram For mcr* m<orm#usrv can
W8 46M
Mm»fnar> Cantor a# o*#r a tkt
flan* Maas and v.vm*> torvQft as 9
at i860 CmaraM Siraai For mo»*
attormanort, cat 343- net
Cttmt Cturn wt* «ccone* *to»
mafioo t*Mtont today to* tto» M
compan** Cottoy* Pro
P*nto*t Ppm noon to 0 p m »
f MU Cootury Room B Mann**
Norn »0 am to 2 p m m EMU
C«toBowiB fOM tom / to 0 30
p m m EMU Cadar Room E fo*
mo»* •ntormatton, contact Room
24* »***»<*»* a* can .wnooo i
Car*** Canto* *«: otto* *r
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today t*om 3 » 4 30 p m «t Room
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oi can X9-6001
Otoea or Acadamc Ad*>*ng *
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AppTytno to low Scttool wortMiriop
today *4 3 30 p m «n Room tp4
Qtoflon tta»! Fo* mot* mfcxm*
son. can 340*32» r
The Oregon Daily Emerald
http:// darkwing.uoregon.edu/-ode
Building: Hyundai links with LCC
to create job training program
■ Continued from Page 1
• Noim’ shielding d»vit«*
shall he used on all motorized
equipment to the maximum
extent practical.
"We are trying to keep the
noise levels down," Gasxman
said, "as if it was fust a business
operating, not construction "
The sound of construction
muffled in Willow Creek Indus
trial Park is the start of a $1 3
billion factory on 210 acres
Construe tion is expected to he
complete by the end of this year
The factory is scheduled to open
in ianuary IVH>7 and is forecast
ed to employ from 800 to 1.000
Hyundai will hire about 850
machine operators. 120 techni
ctan* and 230 engineer* and
*upervi*or*. according to the
Hyundai Projtx t Guide." ll i»
anticipated that Hyundai will
pay wage* and provide benefit*
comparable to tho*e at other
Oregon wmi-conductor facto
l-atie Community College i*
working with Hyundai to train
it* employee* after they are
“Once they are hired, they
will go through a highly apeciai
ired training program.' *aid
Dave Oat man, director of buat
new and induatry aervice* at
Lane. “Also, we plan to offer a
da#* in the fall for anyone inter
ested in a career in twmi-con
doctor manufacturing “
It’s as
easy as
If you’ve had
Chlamydia is the rues* common
sevuaHy transmitted disease w
sex, you are
the United States today. One m
at risk for
fifty men is infected and sho*s
no symptoms of the disease.
TIM Batoanltf of Ortfoa SbM««t
Hoottti Coaler to eftorteg c»toiy«o
wtatar tono. Stag fey Mm Moratory
Monday throng* FrMay. 1:00 o.a.
la MM p.ai.. or call J4«M tor
• air conditioned • dean • safe • well-Ut
• 4 Doable Loaders (sleeping bags, bedspreads, comforters, etc.)
• 30 Speed Queen Top Loaders * 22 minute cycle
•15 commercial 301b. Dryers
_ Daily: 7:30 11:00 (last load 9:30)
687 W. Centennial Blvd/ 1.5 mile* east of Autzen • Springfield. OR • 747-3822
ftltftf w *»
D,,c»ness Ma9az’ne'
r.> * H -nu
— . Vl„g. ■' ■
k. Myud
e» »<*i
i NUu>
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