University of Oregon Eager*#. Gregor! An independent newspaper Volume 9?. isswe 74 WE ONE SOAY, JANUARY 17 19% INDEX ganonai ? New»8ri«ftnQ 3 Strange* man Fc#on 3 Sports 9 Qmmfmte to Cmsswon) tl TODAY The registration change fee jgoes into effect today A $10fee hi// he charged to dn>p or change a class INSIDE The Porlkmd Trail Blazers center Arvydas Stibtmu w i It pltiy m the S’BA nniite game Nofthurnt Comic NVh t ami i.V TIM S' mil become one itartmg ut hebrmry 0) WEATHER Skmrtrs Uniat hiih high* m the 4th Walk lights up dangerous areas ■ AWARENESS: Students and administrate discuss making campus a safer place By Ash toy Bach •Hutftnt ACMM«M A# the rain full on TiMHMtay night. 14 student* walked around tainpu* with University official* in order to point out potentially dangerous lighting areas for pedestrians traveling through campus at night Arm ad with light mater*, the students hoped to draw' attention Jo the evergrowing fear many mutant*. particularly wonwn, feel when they enter campus at night The **ta«y walk, whic h began at the KMtf ami winded its way around tlw library and back. wm co-aponaond by the taxstaan. Gay and Bisexual Alliance (IjGBA) and the ASUO Wninm i Center "There are a lot of thing* we as students, are supposed to do to protect ourselves and improv ing the lighting can only help that,’* said Nina Thompson. I f.HA even's . ixirdmator Thompson, as well as other ttudent*. Mid one of the mott important ubgM five* it updating many of the older building't *lei> trtcal tytlemt "The problem with the light ing it all the buikfang* are ok) and electrically, they aren't capable of the light we need,' Thompton Mid Tom Hlt.ka. acting director of public cafety. and Tim King, ground* tupervitor, aumipawwi the ttudent*, disc utttng what pouilil* tolulion* there were to the varimia problem* pretented Tutn to AWARENESS P.^-4 Director o( public Mfaty Tom Mtcks (lafl). and ground *up*cvt*ot Tim King um a light malar to rrvaaaura tba amount of light on a pathway Killer whale dude!!! 4 __ , ,, . .. .i-.-.v.-itt-i - .—■» -•"*•”** - - 11 1 "rir"" r .." —*1..,.,.™. -. — haTmj< MdmOOMtWt Ketko. the star attraction at Newport* Aquanum. m doing weB nd. *tud«nt* hav* formwi Youth Volt* Oft. a mm-partium «tudefit-int»«rw*t program It i* devoted to edit* eating student* at tout politkal banes that at Its t them. sut It as Imam tal aid "Students need (at t* and information to make *ur« thair interests are repreaontod, not sound bytes and name call jog, said Matthew acatlHI. ASUO tederal affair* coordinator On^oo ha* mam I turn 100.000 full time stu dent* in it* public and private universities. said Katv Anthe*. campus Green Vote i uurdmalor "Student* will be a huge (on e in tbi* election," the said Scot ten said federal financial aid and higher education funding are issue* that are crucial for ctudenis He *aid tuition at the University has increased nearly TO percent since 1900 y«t C‘«>n gross vuteri to cut federal financial aid by 1-4 Ohil furn*. ELECTION. Page 4 Hyundai commences factory construction with muffled bang ■ BUILDING A no