WEEK-LONG SPECIALS (I/I6-2I)B West End Bottled Beverages: Snapple Beverages: 2F## Snapple Soda: 5OC (while supplies last) DAILY SPECIALS & VENDOR SAMPLING* FREE POPCORN w/any fountain soda purchase Monster Cookies: 3 SC (first 144) 1 S% Of# any purchase of $5 or more Pepperidge Farm samples FPOO UO mug to the first 50 purchasers! | LOCATED NEXT TO THE FISHBOWL | Hours: M-F 8 am-11 pm; Sat.- Sun. 10 am-11 pm v ODE Classifieds... ' Worth Looking Into! • A portrait and book exhibit featuring print* by Hen Shahn, tavern* Kraus* and wort* by Martin Luther King Jr will be shown in the Knight Library (ram (an * to Feb 2, • A Martin Luther King |r Video Festival featuring video* on Martin Luther King |r and civil right* tn the United Mate* will be thown at the Instruo tional Media Center of the Knight Library from Jan ft to tan 19 For more information, call Pave Chadwell at 34«* 1919 • A multimedia exhibit titled "A Community Self Portrait" that celebrate* diversity in the Kugene-Springfield community will he in the Current Period!• cal* area of the Kotght Library from Jan 15 to Feb Ift • University sociology pmf»». «or Nathan Jay Roller will pre sent a lecture tilled "Social Inequality in the 1990 * Marlin Luther King Jr.‘a Vision for Today" Tuesday at 4 p in in the Knight Library Browsing Room Sponsored by ihe UO Martin Luther King Jr Celebration Coordinating Committee • The University Gospel Choir will perform Tuesday at 7 pm in Room 150Columbia • David Bradley, author of The Chaneysville Incident and South Street will give a lecture titled "Coming Down from the Mountaintop Martin Luther King Jr in the 21st Century" Wednesday at 7 p m In the EMU Ballroom Reception and trook signing to follow in the Knight Library Browsing Room For more Information, call 340* 1019 • Key Chow, from the Uni veraity of California at Irvine, will offer a lecture titled "The ory. Area Studies. Cultural Studies Representation and Pedagogy in the Age of Multi* culturalisin' Thursday ai 4 30 p m in the Cerlinger Lounge Reception to follow This is an 941 Oak Stree t Fall & Winter I SALE Steven J Men's Clearance Sale . . SALE . . . SALE . . ACROSS FROM THE OVERPARK m tt x . SALE ^0* *>'e Dress Shirts Reg $60 per shirt h'[»lYJ $60 for 2 shirts (I box 100'$ (.'mum Pinpoint Oxford in White or Blue urns SUITS SPORT COATS SPORT COATS SPORT COATS OOIF SHIRTS DtfSS SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS SWIATIRS SWEATERS CASUAl PANTS SUCICS _ SUCKS __ TIIS.... (541)485-6022 941 Oak Street Reg »o S6S0 00 Reg to$SS0M.„ Res to $775 DO R*S to $325 00 Reg to$4$0W... Reg to $4$ 00 ... Reg to $90 00 ..„ Reg to$90 00 _ Reg to $175 00 „ Reg to$11S 00 Reg to $4000 Reg to $17$ 00 _ Reg to $12$ 00 Reg to $77 50 from $367.00 from $247.00 -—from $127.00 .... from $147.00 .from $227.00 now $24.00 now 2/for $40.00 —_ bow $24.00 ——now $59.00 —now $34.00 —. from $14.00 _ »ow $04.00 ——bow $54.00 i $24.00 Steven J Validated Parking across from the overrark •vent in the Mirim. "The Limit* of Representation." «pon*or*»d by (he UO Comparative litera ture Program • An evening of faculty, grad uate and undergraduate Mu dent* reading original work and esc erpt* from Or King'* writ ing* and speeches will take place Thursday at 7 p m. In the Knight library Browsing Room Fee more information, call Faye Chad well at MA-I8I8 • "An Evening of An. Song and Poetry by African-Ameri can*" will be presented Friday at 8 p m in Beall Hall by the University of Oregon music fac - ulty. Sr Martin da Porre* Cole man. SNBdcsN. Edwin Coleman. Mark Beuden and Barbara Con rale* Palmer • The ASliO Women'• Center is sponsoring a women of color conference with UC-Davi* pro lessor Yvette Flores-Orti*. Jan 19-21 at the UO lew Sc hool For more information, call Danielia Diaz at 348-4095. • A three-day workshop titled “Alternatives to Violence Pro ject" will tie presented by Shan ta Kamath and Kthan Perkins Ian 19-21 — Friday from 8 to 9 p in.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9 p m . and Sunday from 10 a m to 8 p.m. Registration is $10-50 For more information, call 345 3944 • a reception tor the Martin Luther King Jr Award for Clas sified and Management Service Employee* will take place Jan 23 from 11 30 a m to 1 pm in the Gerlmger Lounge The reception will honor staff and management service employees who have upheld Kings’ ideals For more information, rail Linda King at 346-2966 or Ceci LaFayette at 346-2953. —Samantha Martin mmmiAHV SWi 5T*f|T PU8UC 14* Run 683-8464 f Wto ASVUfTUKi 'I «JV*IM«UkZA University c;# Paging I860 E 13th 342-3775 Buy and sell pager* NO CREDIT CHECKS* Las Vegas .Airfare and 2 Nights Hotel, at MGM Grand : kto* J245.00. : _ ancun or Mazatlan" Fr«* 5479.^^ T« : itTa i rox M •