Steelers want into Cowboys’ house ■ NFL: Despite doubt. Pittsburgh is confident they will contend with heavily-favored Dallas i»iTTsmmc;tt taim - The Piltibuigh Slwlcti Kiwlvd the I Villa* < jowboy*' initial bombaal (if Super Howl bntggmdot lo Mon day with *miit« and anfckert —> anda warning Their muiMgi lo Cowboy* wide rt* mw Mtrbaei Irvin was Ikml take (hiI a mortgage on that Super Bowl houe* ju*t yet. The Cowboy* began talking tr**h m toon a* they heat (.rwn Bay 311-27 Sunday in the NFC < hampkXMhip game, diwm wing the Metier* a* fust another Aft. Kretender lo a title won by the PC for 11 mnm uttve «*re*tm* *’W«‘re not going lo the Super Bowl, we re going home.'’ Irvin taid. after making two tour h* down ** ”l»‘* our house i-a-t year we jutt let tomubody Ikittow it Now we’re going to go < her k it out. *«« if it * dirty We re going home " “And you know what we re going to do when we get there ’ Ithe Super Bowlf,’ Deion Sander* «aid Cowboy* owner ferry (one* alto we* m a talking mood 'Nothing attain*! the Steele**, ” June* *aid. "but we are the let ter team ” The Steeler*. by contra*!, talked re»pm tfully of the Cow boy*. but *hower) no outward trepidation in playing lire team that will Ire making a record eighth Super Bowl appearam* “I don’t know if they’re in their borne.*' running tret k Kmr, I’rytram said "They have to mam that right " W«* don't get caught up in all of that (talk- rei pivwj Andre Hasting* Mid That's why Me haul ««i all that stuff. no I the medial will pal ii on TV That * the way il it. ww w imSMUmm " The Stealer* have an enviable Super Bowl report card of their own 4 0. with two venule* over Utlfakt But those I970*-«k» games am* when meat of the current Stealer* were in grade whool This team won t be inttmi dated hy anybody." coach Bill Cowhartacd Tlx* Cowboy* are |< onfident |. and they law every reason to he They've hacked up their talk in recent year* But, at the amt time, we've played good football for the la*l three month*, and we want to finish it off right It's like I told the team, people dotty remember the losing team " The blunder* don't have any. trouble remembering the last time they played the (jpwboys, a 26 d las* last M«a*on tn coach Barry Swltxef's Dalles dehut fminili Smith ran for l?l yard* and a touchdown tn Three River* Stadium and the BUlrburgjh defenw didn't record a tingle sack But that game wit an after thought Moniiav a* the Stew lent front office mart scurried about making it* Super Bowl plan*, and the player* admired a VX> pound cake that a bakery whipped up to celebrate the team » AFT championship The cake «a» displayed prominent ly in the Steeler* lobby, and (lowlier playfully told several of hi* oversized linemen not lo dare sample it The Stealer* also began learn tf This team Htm'f he intimidated by anybody The Cowboys are (confident/. and they have every reason to he But. at the same time, itf'tt piayed good football for the last three months, and we want to finish it off right h i like / told the team, people don't remember the losing team — Bill Cmrfctr PasUutgh Stetfen Coach - 9! in# just how few poop to. even outside of Dolls*, consider them » legitimate threat to the Cow boy*' third Super Bowl« hampt oruhip in lour «***««* The latest line the Stealer* «* tt 1/2t I let u guys down tonight I want to be in that sit uation again, and nest time HI do better * The Ducks had to deal with losing Lawrence with over nine minutes to go in the game after he fouled out "We really needed him at the end." sophomore forward fa mar Gurry said "He's a scorer, a dri ver. a (tenetrator There are peo ple that can shoot, but people weren't really trying to pane irate Jamal likes to do that a lot." Green said the game was a dif ficult one to lose. "!< was a big disappointment for me. and it was a big disap pointment for the team." Green said. Oregon will look to get back on the winning track as it travels to the Hay Area to play the Stan ford Cardinal on Thursday and the California Golden Bears on Saturday. I your HEALTH rv cpr W orkihopt JANUARY 16 I uesday Wednesday 22 Monday 24 Wednesday 2$ Thursday 10 Tuesday 31 Wednesday FEBRUARY 5 Monday 1 Wrdnesilry 13 Tuesday IS Thursday 19 Monday 21 Wednesday 22 Thursday 21 Tuesday 28 Wednesday S 309 30 S 00 9 00 5 009 00 S 009 00 S 009 00 S 30*9 30 S 009 00 S 00 9 00 S 00 9 00 S 309 30 S 009 00 S 009 00 S 00 9 00 S 009 00 5 009 00 5 009 00 Adult Itt Ad AAA InAant/Ch*) AduR Infant/ChM AduR mrant/Ch*) AduR 1st Ad Adult AAA 1st Ad miant/Ovid AJuR AduR • For registered UO Students only • CancfHaoom must be 24 hours in advance or student wt« be charged for workshop • Students signing up for First Ad must have current CPR Card poor to cWnstime • Classes held m Student Health Center Cafeteria Register Early 346- 2770 1138= The Health Education Program is available to organize and make presentations, addressing the following topics of interest: Healthy Eating Stress Reduction Substance Abuse STD Prevention Many others j If you are a student group l (club, dormitory, coop, \ fraternity, or sorority), call us at 346-4456 by February 9 to discuss how we can meet your needs! I ~ 1 i The Quilt Is coming to the University of Oregon May 12-14th Volunteers are now needed to help coordinate: • Publicity • Logistics • Fundraising • Related events • Outreach to schools • Making a local quilt square Numerous volunteers wifl also be needed during the three-day guilt display This is a powerful opportunity to be involved with a communtty-WKle AIDS awareness and prevention event Call the Health Education Program at the U of O Student Health center at 346-2728 to become involved \* m'4 «SH 1 [STUDENT HEALTH CENTER • I3TH A AGATE • 346-J770