CINEMA CCMtlf n * •■HD' A Inlander plays Robert Grant, manager of the Majestic Hotel, where Ounston Check* In Animals lovers may enjoy ‘Dunston’ rite opening of Twentieth Century Fox’* production of Dunston Checks In brings an adorable, 5 year old orangutan to movie screens nationwide who is sure to win the hearts of audience members Dunston has long orange hair, climbs from limb and won over the vast's heart in his debut film. He was liorn in captivity and is not yet full grown At the height of his maturity, Dunston will weigh more than ZlWl pounds The film. Dunston Checks In, tells the story of a high-class hotel manager who believe* he's capable of handling anything until he encounters Dunston Dunston is the captive partner of a low-life jewelry thief, and his antics turn the five star hotel into a three-ring circus The manager's young son, Kyle. played by Erie Lloyd. re» cues Dunston from hi* evil cap tor and then attempt* to control IHmMon * outrageous behavior The movie i* a comic, fantasy adventure about life in a grand hotel and how tiling* go from normal to a completely durotii nightmare, particularly for man agwr Robert (Irani The movie wu filmed entire 1> in the Bullock. * Wilshire building in l.os Angela* The historic department w«i con verted. Inside and out. into an art deco New York Hotel The film crew w#* the last movie company to tthoot in the building before it wa* taken over by the Southwest University law .School which i* committed to preserving its historical value —Anne Mmm Korn fold Countcv mtifo Graham Sack and Eric Lloyd (Kyi* Grant) ar* brother* who wraak havoc with Dunaton tn an ataQant Mow York hotel WUHDUILAHQ^^ 5*10*0 GAMES Mh STREET PUBLIC MAftXCT 683-8464 f wiOAPviirrwn Awa« » Banyan iree «UW eiadUmf featuring our own line of handmade and dyed clothing and accessories 485 E. 1 3th 485-0333 1 0-6 Mon.-Sat. 12-5 Sunday Oregon West Fitness YOU LUCKY DUCK! Anne Abbott Youv# fust i#on A One Month Membership * Each week one faculty staff or student w« be randomly chosen from the student directory • winner win have until the next Monday to claim prtre massages, T-shirts, coffee, etc. • Lucky Duett appears every Friday Oregon West F It N E S S — 1475 Franklin Blvd. across from campus 485-1624 Muftiqu* Gourmet Cssm****** CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC, OPERA. BROADWAY & FILM SCORES ON COMPACT DISC CO S FROM $5 95 \-rn tn rn« Ftftnpwl BuitcJmg 20T £ Amthm 343-9000 I 'c JEW | E*m uub,v. ub si1 anru. m» n Tr~'vrvv ,. nrr Thirs- to io ix >rr<*r ' •« • » * » 13 t to** %iu < MM Ml \|(H IIIMI >K " HMI MU,\/|\| r AWONRKRRl, a RPR1.SK1 ri:i<\t w/ox ■ fnl.lj.iii I:| In' ' " .tth s < • 1^6 INDONESIAN CULTURAL NIGHT 1 rb Memorial Union (I Ml)) Ballroom l 'diversity of Oregon January 14,1006 l he making ol Bank at 6:00 pm Dinner starts at 6: H) pm 9 ,Onr WmiMion lor IndtiWMiin Siudrttt VvMH Miion HII Oregon Festival 14 of Oregon S Best Bands Dixieland, Western Swing, farly 60S, Youth Bands and Big Band Sounds i Days Ian. 12, 13 & 14 at the Valley River Inn IIMyfM • n rvmi«K <4 m MwfcugtMl ’10 %*t ■»» tUy <10 «n «» *JS S*l evtttiflg l*i |*n lu Mftfrtigill) *iO SureUi <10 Mti m 4 j»n) M 5 ^ \ fjriif'r.vm a, j.ijW. J) P* tt Wf AdtW**»*l mltyrnjPMin IU 41M 4 Performance Rooms Wmdi changt twryhau* m nth mv