Cost: The fee increase is caused mainly by increased staff costs ■ Continued from Pag* t 'll'* ftlilt pnrtty mo*pcn»i%o, a» to i om« over and v*«ji hntw«*>n wud Iksvul Kvarts, a major ing iniMoloKy "Tht* tan t too tar rib!* " T»r> Embanks, a patwnt major tn# in aiamontary wtHKim, Mid aha agrewd walh I ha in« rn«M hw.aww much of th» *>«!ra m«m n wwni lo ml mm 'll taka* a lot ol «nat*y to k*wp up with (beau hitler people.' atm •aid Ruvnoldi Mid « minor imimw rarely prevent* parent* from uMng the c hild cam frx IHtie* Mmi needy |uinmi« rvcolv* «mw financial aid. both (mm federal •ok,miration* and the ASUO < hild (4i» Siihkid’i Program Bu! WM» may need lo b» a Bale tighter on hour*,* he •aid The Child Can# and Dwtlop ment Canter* have ft tad emit., moaning that they am < harmed the tame regardle** of h«m many c hildren are nerved Thu*, at attendance at the center* rim*. unit to each parent fall The tenter* had hoped for in« rented attendant e to prevent or muumnee the fate inteMwe Tttt* did not happen The fee tin mate in Univerei. ty child « are i* part of a tontinu ta|| trend of ifstag coat* that affect loe tie ante Undent (urent*. «aul Reynold* "lew imomr familte* are get ting priced right out of higher edte at ion. he »aid w» fjM,'M * 1 Hv0, * f Wc>** Fung pUyt gm«i wtm wwnI ol th* chtkJrwi tram th* EMU CMW Car* C*m*r SOFA BY DAY BED BY NIGHT MONTEREY Full with Futon Coffee & End Table $S99°° ROCK SOFT FUTON SE PORTLAND 3200 SE Hawthorn® 2360921 NIW LOCATION NW PORTLAND 602 NW 23rd 2744217 EUGENE 1231 Alder (U of O Campus) 686-5069 FINANCING AVA1W6U 90 Duyi Sam* Ai Cavh wiito Credit Approval HEAVY METAL with Futon $249°° Election: Wyden promises to protect old growth timber ■ Continued from Page 1 today At (.online to the poll, 45 per t;tml of the respondent* said they would vote for Smith while 42 percent said they would cast their ballots for Wyden. a IS year veteran of the U S House of Representative*. Thirteen por tent of voters said they were undecided. At least one University stu dent. Mark Hemingway, said that while h« did not agree with Smith's political stances, the negative ads from both sides have soured him on both major party senatorial candidates, reflecting the sentiments of many Oregon voters Wyden said he would focus more on issues in the coining week* of the campaign. Tm going to be doing my best to try to get this campaign up in the last couple of weeks," he said “I want to get the tone of the campaign up. making sure people can see that we can leave a thoughtful dialogue without getting to the decibel level it has reached over the last couple of weeks " As part of his commitment to issues, Wyden said be would call for reform on the salvage -rider Saw that allows logging of decaying old growth tree* while protecting the financial security of families dependent on Ihe timber industry I want to vsw that aid growth i* prot«H ted," he wud "it* * treasure; we an lose it. and a* your Senator, I in going to get that rider c leaned up and make »urt> it'* not used to cut down healthy tree* on the west tide, and you can count on that " Wyden al*o pledged to pu*h for a constitutional amendment to cap the amount of money being spent on political cam paign* Ha called the current system an "acid on the democra tic process Mn srrarr PU»UC 14* Rtf 1 683-8464 J rGBBD mo APVPfTUW , *ti4 **r*+n *y*A '‘wSt SO DUCKS!