* «'*-:'*** -«•*» > MMTOM ~ •*«*» *WP> *t «# site* •w*r» <mm* nqp* Raqurm * S >>Vm« *«* «u0> t*% MM H**t »»** *«n Mfc (W V %m*0% pqgm to «ur> Ngf; «wj, tMtPNO 00$. (SAP JttKlWA 10 *00 towns 009 Tr**» mm ABROAD A HO WORK Wa*» up to WHSV «M»r»'Vj tar •k conwarMHon# EngMB #i j* (a*n Tmtmn. at $ >om No mmc*v Aj !KK.K</r«ArKi 0> Amt WKVKtS •» Mtqufftti for «0onnMan cof tK»i9?i jwssa reorssrmje Twmtwy posWws Mwnuout Mr f>*vt «• pension F KM Mut J4M10I uwp Oeocny iwfM 'or Gut SeOUl COM* MWW MMKlpnl camp BASS m human serves* h*a, tMpannjucm esperwnce. tow# el £NUW ana oudoors needed Ottw positions also svstiao** F«* me** me eae UMItt tfcar rail guda* needed Tratfsng twgui* March 9 For «Mo contact wad Water Adventures PO Sot 249 Creswes OR, 9/42S. Bar and grttt All positions internes* 2-4pm M Th tftsw TitftAv* HOME TYPtSTS PC users need *e S4&.000 income potentm Cat II0HIS4JBM ft-awa NOME TYPtSTS PC users newt so 14 S 000 ncome potential Ca* t«KM1MJI3a« B9647 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Stud era* Needed’ Fishing industry fain up lo S3.000~SS.000* per month Ooom and Board* Transpor tation’ Mate or F*maie No erpan nnee necessary Cab i206t»71 3610 tal A80893 WHOLESALE NOKSiKY hung ererganc team workers t© Id we* ■ms possum* especially assent tang orders and delivering Pan tuna »««> Christmas. MMtma rft t*mng Sand res-sne to PO bos 632. Cottage Gmve. OA 97424 ***W «OM K» ?. fwr«M Car «un «Mnts ma mtmmncm • <"%«* 3»»» tw» tm $3*4 m •tmmM'mtm mums V*r y Jw, ****** CmC«Mni»f ' ’*• Cmjrm tunm <* **»**) 4m ****** mpKM to t« *> ^ o* I .w4» Crm « «ntf «uC»»-*» «*urtiwr* te* 4)1 OJturm 4«Xi#b fwcqnv*» Cvtgrn t-rnm m Ommprm « »•»*», jiarwt 3*, *W# M:MU MM»» $A4S§T< 4*044)00 ThDCy MAP tOA* Mflli* •**o4»e» 8a4d«»» » new *,» r» P«*W» * O»0>»wfc* *xl P-4* %ytftgr—wg Cmmtnmer <a» «*wn» *« do* I »«?<** *«* not *4to«4» *460863 AfctCC AG* XHlWUUSMXmi 0*» >•»***• mCMMmw Una 'mat* 4 *hm> t«4t rKW»ng tor aw Omi/cm am*» tmmmt *r> m«> •wrung .-.Mwikn (My IMM "•MrXMf** A* r«MP»y *»l ,frmM m*m m* «ntai4>MjM«a «> ***■, ttudani to •-•«% lot tneOO* Copy (dKor NmtMt to won «W0 noun a •on* after %pnt PoMwn * pad by !N> Now wocnmooy <* A P u,« **l pnor «*ng arpenerve s]» ered good grammar and *peamg a n*«t the* up appacabone tr<d pfi cMacrVMra .jMUer* at Stale WO t *J 'f a* • ar >■!'.•■-■«>•! * Mft-SSn tor mom mtarmatwn Desdbrw a Jan t? Sport* ftapodsr Naedad IP cowar *pod* orartt* and partonaMan tHmaon « pant and raqurraa about JO ***** a but nour* are .»***• the* up apcecataana and too datewp bona upturn at State WO EMU or can Troeor ««*'») at J« Wit tor mot* nbormabon Dead mat «a Jan <J Entertainment Reporter Needed to «ra# n#w* and feature* tor tha entertainment taction and produce via ««•% catanrtar Pot***** « pad and «*■ CMTM about JO ***** a mrt P*» up appteamwt# ana pt* de tcnpfeone upatae* at Surta 300 EMU. or cat' Anna Uo*e> Ko mMd 0 Jaft Mi* 1 «t» more mfc* matron Oaadhnaa Jan I? Ereetance writer treaded to atrtta n«t and taatura* <n an* ansa ercept aptrv dn. no eapenence 'equeed Era* >ancar» are paid accQKkng Id *«*> sengm Comae* *eea Mw*«r at Suae XX) EMU or cat MO ISO 11 tor more rturmabon The Oregon Oat* fmaratt • an Eduat Oppoduntr Employer, eon* 'tutted to • cUkaadr drrerea aer* piece Cmrnm Qmm Smwm» tMfMf *wr* OonMOen Mw* .w 10 V «PM «*n «*» tMU ISM* ’'W*W»W< mm imemmn <*« fwwn^ m omw* MOom 0 * MO MM' *»! 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M»4m A»* canton itoadtoa * tjpn. tab t* t«K fGAAAOA tnaMuHcm cnmmtttort a? c«4Ma( tTvtwmv Uraa faamawt »*elwi atanan) tt» MWMy mtww 0*» Mr* '*** je-*tse CtttMM Hama alfj* twt JSann nanjatood tow*, jmr trgr* percn ?<*»> in) nta nctuJKl IgQftmj Cat S**a* at M>«XO BtAUTtf Ut * UMtQUt MCMAtS t/M MWamatto • « Btim*, Jltf mv> *< rao • ? «*»* ? taatn |t»96 •* t**m 1 turn J3240 »« ai< ant) !MitaM Man* V*vu&\ SOt mnummm amour* •mrmt'&fm wwM *at> tmm ■ **tt**» Ar«i jan • mj aooc t tna 7tw*w** A*mmm -*m u» m«w • M M »tlni iiMii ft . I wxw, * t«*~ *1 6Ml«ro 0 «*0 | »>9* M>W« uu<x» J ffy t Ci >nfi IBACiww laac -J***j*t MO*MN* MnN*» «w 1«M» vrtM Ain* 14 *rwt« *W AM DM), **» * *»**j **»-«» Cto*» *o c«mvw» * trtfm «• »<*•» *»•**» teem 'w»*t o*Mng» Mm um»smrj*»**»««■. cm*$4mt* ***** MAC COUNT *•■* <*n* «**«* 1 MP" (MW**. *•>•1 twMngm. TWO*, not4>0» 1 CK.OCKS TO 00 **»Mo*«W » «**«*! non) %*»» *n*p*s*,:«. m> smn ttOSOndap CAMMUtt 1 B« 0*00*1 Ctana*»u* moamt < t**m m» Maw** ’•*'**• Max** *nn*» man y .Me*. MO *f T8 U'UOAP NitWJW •wmmmmmj »# tfl * Min' «•** uo £»*«*. «Mn «► «*• ■-*•**►'» 'Mai p**r4 -vt CMreM w» Mo t**s» 1M0 «M«MW IrAey* On* N**mw*n 10 Me* ***** Cj*rn*». <»*M (iw*>«8 UK *m Ilto WUI •** ujo * MUM*f '*««•* i **«> <*•) *•«, ••wrf MOW fftWWt ^WNWlV^, 4u|jJ| lift t * 4# Mr m itii «n liwa w>-im imfuti Pearl Garden Apt. *«r» n«* ? t»*w <n • >** com .«*« **•* rummiwi. o* ■***»• Ml. BAteon* On M* (mt*sn$ * tauran Ift'VMKC <u» no MJAWI of «>!*.'» I»t l*W> *1 *«• »*! work k*W> ,> »i> f nil (Nun tmnttm. <mOnoem •» l**» P**M •*»« Ifrtlrtl ;«*«•» ndtut* 1MO AM*r u» *<*-»» c*gwfe*l a* Mini *1 un» Ml (MM. tfHMt Munslry iiM'i.me *04101 IwfWHIMd »g tnnny loom, CUM nouBiigwreMr! -dm » uO nn* iMHnna i»» «t» Mt» Rea* in !».«*• «*i 2 it*m oAig* •AikMWt ml of Crvantan <#* Mh* arm tieun* MMQ •<.) CAM »«&. Ca» L niversitv Housing tv now treking enthusiastic individuals to fill the position of Reudent Assistant for the 199b-97 academic year, A|tpl« anrv need to tieftv mutate ijualrttev .<• t lanpiiwm ieaditvhip Armbtltty, organ>/alum. mukuulhwal tumtnunxation ton* and be soiling to at! as 4 toie moOr) and a leant playet fyjjKt at ntp.a>\ »»i.i #-v invuhe vtudt-m guwwnmee*. tut* feogtamnwng, pot™ y nthmcmem and nthr« ifc.t «-v •< a ntudrm had ol 10 *0 ttrutleot* KA » mutt be lull tun* UO ttudents, have tophomoee standing by tail t**m Dhtt. a«d have a minimum cumulative CPA at 2 % a! the tutv cd applw atxm CampeovMuai tnctudes worn and l*<a<d ** a uiy<fe- wn and IhtX) Applicant* a»e encuuiagt-d to anrmt une «d the ifAa.ivala.mat meeting* t vied btoCwo Appl* aim*** may be obtained at the Mousing < War Rev«deme Matt -Area Dev** anti A the iwu ItM'A l(**nut*e Tattle tonpined appl « alum* tot/vl be turned <«i> (he Uoiveev.iy >k*.v g < >*»« e by Delay tanuary 19. IS% at tpn Cad UMI11 with any tj*it*ev UO tv an AArKVADA mvitutitn tumnutcd to cud uial dtw*w> Informational Mretings: ton It, .f QOpm fttky Matf ton U. JCSUpm den tmdw Attamvf MO ton. i S. ’ otyen Aa/fvo fca.m»Man«<hei C'umpto* ton. Id. ? (Jbpm < atvun Mad 6oW Swam University Housing is now hiring 10 Program Assistants tor the 1996 97 academic year Program Vvusunfc. *<ifk m plan rod pruduu educational. cultural and mmtioatl prapaai *1 the frtadrmr (ulh prtmott ana liiM tiudrnt leadership or|M(utwm and network with other leader* ji the i nnm . rod l i (Miimuiu! Sound load1 Spphcamaw and addtootul mhjrmMum am br nhtaawd at information *o.**um Thu». s*i I (that ' *f<n. tikvMill in pm ! JSh iiSpm Kb> Under Rm. OM Vfan tin iSth ' aipm, Rama Rm, Hroalfcto Uwqdrc to pm Hah 7 rSjsm Udd Rtn, < UraaidUii Oatjfdni at art! is m thr Muuxng ofetr tn laitun IU11 Program Usoiara* iP\t must hr Ml umr Mudmts A the t() and need to bar hi a residence hall a ben the* arr ffnpfcwrd faunprosatiun lor the (Mnjtiun b a mm and board The deadline for (Mgktrd application* t> % OOpm Januao Hth to dtr t ftnrrvn ikxnuw, office to lalton lull IMOUI *«i»f MM Wh» WH ewf*nrr m I mtmtvi Weasel’s World by Kraig Norris 'WHAT'S <j«NG ON? * it's rush wlex hoc AT SGMA TAU DEllA bJGMA TAU DEtTA?* rtp THE ‘STUDS' AND I'M KUSM CHAAtfcWi x *- "" 1 tw5 a a vrjrr mwuni WfJ* . MK NOV C3Wtr A«t Wl LOOKING FOK ftOPl£ J'm wt uvt WrTH.&fTOWS ^ MOWi Bt tf/ctus in " THtCOWKJNirY, S ■ tea-. ox*, point io a COUCH l CANCMSHCN Wcpxwtoton mtrtml to inw* iwt, tna* *VUM an mtjaUmn) mtrmgm * mum mm et CtM*g» Ohm Use aUcMK «*» |« LMKt 94J--OHB Htmfar*mm Imw raammHm to Kw» f Mm mi cum «, <-amcu« ®f*aw • <'?all oan* m«|ji fvmawt'aaHaitnotouw J MM* to #w«»w«to%l ia». Ml «M* cm Jotm «MHWI ‘Wnan* to* m, Mn imh to* •Mw pMMnn Atm** to«*> «*» *2i*we >«n ato*W' Ctot 0*b *» Im ***. iw %W*J to toW* ♦> (***•»•* tow****# to 0*I»«!*| to** tS9'f *w Ca* *nto Cto* S*o>n tcu«* CLU* MKtTIMO TlWHtof. Xto II M*«> ♦‘tojaiu* *tox* ■** Omh WntoHHto as •aerttaw §«*>«;•» » *'••» intjnm'tMl* 4* ttwwt'y •*«■»»' .Wxs'ik* M) f HI* Mt’ •MO Oo^MMWt’OMHwUOlO Crtwl lint *ar k«» «cun«Ming *»*, •’<*»»**■« .'<tm%,M««nll M* 4444 ‘•'•mUrar*'* •A'.«*»ir* <V» a*» fwup Ga^km** U*»kj *■<<’1** Vr*» p**jrw*:v inn t« A»« <M»? M*i S**uM A.tMb4 Swmikm J4 *■•* Cm* i<n» 4M w.'Nr. . v*i Q/?£CKCifJ ■ranawinttMTmnM : FREE MOVIE whnta at <qu* m *mm «** c w-on MnwiH (jMrawi (uK 4 tWSQn Mm Denver When l To^i're Bud 4 f *e ^ PERSUASION *»• wit *tan. «>*•«■«*. ««n* i i*r*ifiv.)U;'ii«Ka SIBAtt* DAYS J j£g£X.gAT J U of O Club Sports Alpine Ski Team would like to express our appreciation to Ullr's Ski Shop for all their support, assistance and technical expertise as we head into another successful season CROSSWORD fly Cuyerte SheJJcr ACHOM » OK I 4 JVtWW* "■af* t It Xtmrn*' MN. W4Mjr« t* OnM **)■»» »»**•« It Wmk*i • |» 1 • • kxvXt . ** »’»ol«vr ItMH >t r«/i «u M%iQ<W4i kHv MOm XI tkVtas* XI UmiMMV 1" •« M Ww« TV thorn »C«Wt IT T*«n )>IKW* M »4* *1 ♦jus a*> Cacwcw « 44 Toutft JSS If #ftl M Afvowwt «o« *#» MCtauftft *>** KJ luwQm (KM !***»» II Oan&Mr DOWH I IMM *•« Mi a W| Mery I &#* «n t fp*> KMlM I CMNMr ..»****) I Ptstod wort I toe** aw«« Wj«* • PHWIO io r*»i r H ***<» «*> IM«w l» \Mmw' » **»» ««*> •ft a* UilMt) 19 <MCW«N» < Now* am M *CW S**«* n smciwii M UmrntcM it • »-»a».e« Vowilhi* NW II HV-mang *££, Dm*) «*>d low* • « M t *>g» >.«.•» 40 »0»—M»«l M * <a«M»n* *** «&««mar MtKuMtfi «f WHmCmnw mxmattw MNo I {KMMU^ ti* (kn» S*t«r U KJhHWA <#«*»*<* UUigm MMMI M l«*Mn .