University ot Oregon Eugene. Oregon ■■■■■■■■■HI An independent newspaper VohiTM 9?. /o mgm WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10. 1996 INDEX Eauonal 2 Maws Boeing 4 Strange* than Fcfion 7 Stx*ts 9 Dos*fteds to OQMMMWd It TODAY Ibdav II the last day to drop classes or redto t credits amt still receive a full tuition refund 7F1» ; INSIDE Pmks show itf> Colorado h ilk fan loyally ami turnout despite had weather Eugene'% alcohol free First Sight rang m the new year sober, hat still silly -si <0 WEATHER Aftrrmw* t lr*tnng »»tih it hath nsit; U) Wyden vows to vote for students, speak on issues ■ ELECTION: The Democratic candidate gathered support during an on-campus ralty while critrcizmg his opponent By Abe Estimada Qawrwwy th/pam* DunacraHt: oindidiUi Ron Wyden v ow ml loi would continue to fight Republican a**«uit* on financial aid to student*, middle claa* families and the elderly, If volar* elect him to the U S Nona le ”1 want you to know that a* your Senator, al the top of my priority Hat. will be to protect direct lending, pro tect student loans and pro tect working das* families." Wvden said during a town hall-type meeting that drew about 100 students to the EMU Hen Linder Room on Tuesday An energetic Wyden. almost yelling at tune*, tool shot* at Republican opponent tkirilun Smith's anti abortion position. "I Find it particularly interesting that whib Mr Smith is always talking of U*\% government. Ins* intrusion and loss burvaucroi y." Widen Mid, "be want* to go out and put government bureaucrat* into women's private live* with respect to women s health urn? I or (bats wrong ' Wyden and Smith are locked in a dose, heated race that has drawn heavy criticism for negative < ampasgemg on both sides A recent poll hv Thr tt'Xistfr Cuani and KVAL showed Smith with a slight edge over Wydcm as mat Pin bailors go out Turn to ELECTION Pages 6 _ . . _ _ f** %mt <*«*>«*» Ron Wyakrty. tha Ownocrsttc Party candidate lor tfte U S Sanate. spaeh* with aodtenc* mwnter Robert Rnaand altar Na u>Mch *" th# EMU Ban Under Room on Toaaday evanmy Ballot* lor th# marl in election ar* bema mailed today Erb Memorial Union to undergo major additions, improvement ■ CONSTRUCTION renovation wv<t! apply to both the recreation center and food service area By Aahtey B*ch .jnwtjww"» ;**ic retfA-irwo* The EMU Board of Director* ha* approved ma«siv« r»m»va Uont that will u»ve the * ampu* tenter a newly remodeled food wrvue ami. wuwimn center and a new suite addition by (all term 1MB. Tim charges will ultimately alter the location* of mvirml *tu a* well a* revamp other areas of the buikting Among the moves already under i 'instruction u the shift of the m hedoltng ami information office from the mercantile lev#! to the former its atioo of the Mam Desk Store The store has tenta ttvely been moved to the old Fountain Court location Budding officials hope by t on solids ting the service* of mTimI COST INCREASES i Weefcty price* tor campus-area ctokf care faoMiea before and ! after toe 4 percent rate increase V*ard Houm Too** Program w«tmor «*aoa Todtier Progn** Gr«w« Toddter Moum Mom Hoow Pfa*choe» Program EMU Prweftoot Program Waarmonhsand Praacnoaf Program 0»o*m HouTi Program StSJPC* C^MCiwi !.im^w»>»»«wi c»w« ■ AlMiOMnWrtriOTtMwiMMMkKNiti MWOf* *11750 SM750 SH780 *as *86 *86 *86 *fTf« $122 00 $122 00 $122 00 $80 $m sm m tiling ami information into a main floor location. they will make theimelve* morn act eaatble and vitible to Mudtnli and other patron* "Were trying to go an»»iop -• hopping . ud Du'viy Miller EMU dire* tor With the move of the schedul tng office. the re*t of the EMU admiiufttratton. which current ly i* aharing tpace in both the EMI! and Oregon Hall, will then be able to move completely Into the meiaantne level taking the it iliof ll v (if Offi« S t|M< » there Miller *iiu| the * I Jiff nurmbur* will than i*e able jo work mom «ffo molly beceuae thay will bo in doer pmxiffllly Jo one anoth « ‘There * ju« a Mud desire for four! staff to have a home." he •aid Early this summer, umtiniC’ lion will twgm on <i 1000 square foot addition on the EMU ground floor to house the new offu* for Creek Life Like the EMU administration, the Creek office, which is currently being houwxl in ih*t Craft (enter Inn mm# of it* *i*ff opiirilling in Oregon Mull The mm o(0<n will enable ihe whole group lo *h«re on« i|we A* part of * uopamto W million project tbiii will (login crawl rut lion in the niitmiBf of K»<)7. the food *ervu « it rim «id r»t rout ton « «*iii«i will undergo remodeling and updating of hu little* "VV*> want rtudenls lo have a» good a WMVic* a* p«M*ibl«*." Miller said "And we will b« able lo when this iranovaiionl i» done “ The price of child care goes up at EMU ■ COST: The increase w be only 4 percent. some parents don't mind By Doug Irving Sutort A. asutm Hf»em* On i dark winter .ilti-fiiinm young children laugh and ploy happily on the playground out kide the f.Mt ‘ After a 4>perceni increase in child care («*«#. their parent* might not he nearly so happy The tuition increase, which took effect on fan 2. will affect (he student parents of almost JttMi children IIhi increase was main ly a result of iim ratMttJ staff i mit that wore caused by raise* and annual mem int mi**, said Den ni» Kwnuld*. KMtf child care coordinator We re hoping lhal the uttpi* t will be minimal, he said Right now we're in a parlkulariy stithy time " The a portent increase will irauaiate to a fee increase of no inure than $45 per child per term, Reynold* said More espeoiive childt are program*, such as the Child Care and Development Center'* full-time toddler pro grama, will fate higher fee imreaae* than their less expert ttve counterpart* "We re still at market rate," he *aid "They're not going to *ave a lot of money by going some where else," Student parent* at the r enter were not overly concerned with the increase Matty said the at < *»• *thlo location and relatively inws pensive costs outweighed the increase Tom to COST Page 6