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Sun 114 *123 Monroe St *485 6938 MUSCLE PAIN RESEARCH STUDY I! you are 18*55 years of ago and you have had shoulder or leg pain lor no more than 3 days due to a recent injury, you may be eligible lo participate in a research project to study the effectiveness and safety of Relatin', t gm and 2 gm, compared with placebo, for patients with acute onset moderate to severe leg or shoulder pain (Relafm* is an approved drug and has been shown to be effective in the treatment of the signs and symptoms of arthritis pain } Eligible participants wilt receive study-related medical care, laboratory testing, and study medication at no cost Call today Omgon Rmmrcfi Group 6863804 IV«i rHcdili Mrtl>t jl < inwip IfOe Mutant .«**»« SuM> %-SOO ■ Cuptn* frrrrrrrrrrrrTrrrrrr* Otf.NOf / FoR6oTrt> look foe ck&st/am feuou&dtP ok CAMPuz/ rr-Trr—:. r::r,Tf! CHI ALPHA Christ ia n Fellowship OPEN MEETINGS Every Monday at 7:30 PM in 110 Willamette Mali Eor more information, call 346-0910 or stop by Suite S in the (.round Moor of the EMU Building ***<«*« MCMXXMl'O'TjfKWU Mo on* could Map* th* • tenement a* they witnessed Keiko the kilter what* arrive at Mewports aquarium K**ko » veterinarian* predict that he will adopt successfully to his new home Keiko: Should his health improve, Keiko may eventually return to the wild ■ Continued from Page 1A *s*y their goodbye* Keiko iravelod aboard a C- J 30 Hercules aircraft During the flight, a tram of Mexican ami ARHtnem veterinarian* and K<-kc * t»« tmiiwn attended to him irotti Mtnico Qi\. Kesko* trip to Oregon me iuded two atop* Pmwb) for the aquari um, Phillis Hell. Mild the trip went along without any expand ed delay* but that the need for fuel and a stop in Phoenix wa* »« eawirr to dear c ustom* While stopping rit Phoenix, lieil said the water for Keiko'* custom-built tank wat changed and tie was added to his tank The list ol paperwork to clear Keiko lor immigration to the United States included the Cus tom* St-rvii «, immigration, the United Stale* Department of Agriculture and the- Department of Pish and Wildlife An aquarium employee. Pat Dordan first mentioned thot there was a transportation dilemma ami l luted Parrot Ser vice offlc ials quickly offered iheir ser vie <*s by providing the CM 30 To transport the 2! foot Keiko. the airc raft carried a cue lom-imiit. watertight, fdierglass. steel and plywood bo* weighing mure than 40.000 pound* Keiko was bom in the Atlantic (Kuan off Iceland and captured in 1079 where tie lived at an Ice landic aquarium Keiko. now 17. is a %ub-adult mala orca whose growth Is nearly complete After the release of Free Willy, a November 1993 tnsga rine story revealed that Keiko lived in an Inadequate facility. Consequently, appeals for action to ensure Kelso's survival arrived at Warner Bros, studios Marine biologists said he suf fers from various ailment* including skin lesions at the bate of his pectoral flipper* and tail flukt■*. a drooping dorsal fin. worn teeth, a potentially com promised immune system and weight loss Response to Keiko's poor health began a two-year cam fit It hus a thrill to see hint swim off ami Hart ruling ami tart squeaking ami talking like a teal killer whale — Of Unity Cornet! teams Vetertroftafl 33 patgn to find Keiko « new homo and const ru< i a mammoth pool that It lout time* larger than his former home 11m two million gallon pool at the aquanum it ( older and filled with fresh seawater pumped directly from Yaquina tlav Ketko'a new home ha* a sub merged rubbing beach and he'll eat high-nutrition food* that should enable him to gain more weight, aquarium olfu sal* said The aquarium wa* clewed on Sunday due to Keiko‘t arrival but reopen* to the general pub lic at 10 a m Aquarium official’, said atten dance, which ha* been more than ! million visitor* urn* the aquarium opened two sear* ago, i* expected to rise considerably For those wanting to visit hello, from Eugmta the drive it approximate!) two hours on Highway 99 heading oast to Cor vallis Then from Corvallis, fol low ogn* to Highway 20 Went Highway 20 end* in Mew port at Highway 101 and the Aquarium 1* south across the Yaquma Hay Bridge The aquarium is the «*:• and right on Ferry Slip Hood and then turn left into the park mg lot* Visitor* to the aquarium can view Keiko from large underwa ter window*. Panel* provide information about the world of urea* For those who are not yet able to make it to the aquarium. The Discovery Channel, one of the five largest table television net works in the U S . is producing Keiko'* Story, which will pm mkm early in 1997. Keiko arrived in good health and began eating within five minutes of being put in the water. Dr Cornell said. For now, the thousands of *w hool children who brought jar* of money to the aquarium and for counties* other donors all can be proud Belt, the aquarium president, said seeing Keiko enter the water of his new tank created an "overwhelming feeling, it's fan tastic having him here"’ Cornell said everyone is excit ed to have him here It was a thrill to see him swim off and start eating and start squeaking and talking tike a real killer whale. Things he wasn't able to do in Mexico City because his tank was too small.*’ Cornel! said. In Oregon, Ketko may regain his health and eventually return to the wild but only time will tell Aquarium spokesperson Diane Hammond said, “If Ketko’s health and other hurdles ».an he overcome, he will lie released bat k to the wild —* a project never before undertaken with an on a," Cornell summed up the feel ing shared by all Involved in bringing ketko to Oregon “The fad that people got together and built a facility for him shows what people tan do when they really care." Cornell said, Can Keiko Be Free? The factors involving Ketko's release back to his original home in the waters off Iceland depend upon: • His medical progress « His ability to hunt for food • Whether or not his orig inal family cam be found • Whether t.r not his pod ■takes him in • Government approval from the U S. and Ice land Soorr e The Oregon Coast Aquarium