COTTON BOWL OREGON VS COLORADO Scout team one reason for success Closed Dec. an Certificates Available Umr Friends. 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As lhost! in attan dam u chiHT or boo for fho loams' perfor in a n < « s , thwy really don't un<lor stand what yjfx's into Hotting ready for oath < on tost Most fans knovft that tils toarn's HALL p r .11 I i . «- JOHNSON every week day, but who they practice against is unknown This is where the unsung heroes of a team come into play For the Oregon football team, a group of approximately SO play ers makes up the scout team — the heroes missing in action. These athletes range from incom ing freshmen who are getting pre pared for their first season to players who have been in the pro gram for a year or more, trying to fight their way lo the second or first team No matter what their background is, each player has one thing in common — the love of the game While the athletes on Satur days have the mission of winning their games, the scout team has the assignment of making sure that its starting colleagues are pre pared for the opponents' game plan Kach week the scout team must exist ute the plus s its coach es Mark Johnson and Collin Hall — think the upcoming oppo nent will trv to use against the Ducks on Saturday The* teem must look, ni t and play as if it was the foe "W# are very businesslike and very workmanlike In the way we go about things." Johnson said "Wo want to grab our lunch pail and hnrdhat and we’ve got a job to do Nolxxiv wants to do it, but wo have to do it Because all those guys in front of them had to do it. so it’s now thoir time After the regular squad has had time to heel its wounds. Wodnes day and Thursday becomes the scout team's game days The players try their hardest to win, hut first and foremost they must make the starters realize what ai tion they’ll lx- seeing come Sat urdny. "The main purpose of the scout team is to prepare the team for the next opponent." Johnson said "We simulate the next opponent the hest we i an We have a day or two to prepare our guys for the job they have." At the beginning of the season, it look some time for the scout players to get into the pattern of their job because of its nature to beat their own teammates "It look us (i few weeks to get to know each other and what was expected," Johnson said. "Early in the season we had some times when* we lollygagged but it final ly came together The players didn't want to upset the starters because of seniority, but finally we'd execute a play and build from that As the season continued and the scout team gained more con fidence. its importance to the overall program grew When it came tune for the Ducks to pre pare for the annual Civil War game, the coaching staff found out just how helpful these unrec ognized players wen* to the team "They've been great all year," defensive coordinator Charlie Waters said after the Ducks 12 10 victory over the Heavers on Nov 1H “They helped us against Washington Those unsung heroes have kicked our ass on several occasions and made us plus I letter in practu .< Waters had never coached against an option style offense before the triumphant Civil War, and he welcomed any help that was offered to him "It was gu*-wrenching." Waters said. "The attack is so uncon ventional. You don't tram your playors nil year to defend things like that. You train them to defend against the California* and UCLA* and its very chal lenging It's <1 credit to our pins ers for being able to change gears after 10 games and go into this mode of stopping the option I was impressed with them." The Ducks were able to change gears on both sides of the hall because of the performance bv their scouts during mid-week They not only learned how to look and act like an option offense m less than a week but also how to give the resemblance of a nationally ranked defense to the starting squad. "It was pretty tough especially the way the cone lies asked us to do things, " lohnson said “We had to have one of our corner hacks come over and play quar terback for us he did a fantastic job. There are so many things a team can run from the option. It took us two or three days just to figure it out." After the players and conches were able to define the option they had to find a way to run it at full speed without injuring anyone from the starting defense. "It was hard to do because we had to go ns fast as we could without cutting the players, oth erwise they wouldn't get a took," Johnson said of the preparation for the game. "If we didn't go full speed they would've made every single play but it wouldn't have been realistic." The effort the scouts put in that week obviously paid its divi dends. as it has ali season long. The players have stuck with the program, improving themselves and their teammates toward one of the team's major goals — a Jan. 1 how! appearance. Johnson is proud of his squad and believes that each of them will be a top athlete at Oregon in the years to come. "I was blessed this year because i had great kids to work with." Johnson said. "They're all super people and competitors Watch out in the years to come because these guvs are all going to be fine, fine players and fine people to bo around " SNOWBOARD RENTAL *15 per day for boots & board with coupon • deposit required • Expires 1/31/96 687-0139 , 10% OFF ALL SHOES at the new Annex 957 Willamette Street with coupon • Expires 1/31/96 LAZAR'S BAZAR 687-0139 I L LAZAR’S BAZAR I AIRWAIK Jomftmw Simple,. • Vision • Saga (’logs • Negev Sahra • Reebok BOOTS: • Harley Davidson • Durango • Georgia • Caterpillar • Jack Daniels 687-0139 57 \V Broadway I Downtown Mall ‘>57 Willamette 1 knvntown Mall Wide Selection of: POSTERS BEDSPREADS beaded CURTAINS black licnts lingerie bockn roll T-shirts skateboards SNOWBOARDS AND JEWELRY