DUCkS! WUNPERIANP 5e VIDEO GAMES sm STueer ® PUBLIC IURKF* 683-8464 ■ vwf o AmJfrufa , v! VAlUEV *»¥** **l At.A at 1*7* HOME FERMENTER CENTER “Your Home for Home Brew Supplies** $AAA Mf»9 In IN* ad and It 00 off M ¥V your rxnrt porch*** of $90 00 or *■ mor* On* coupon per cuitomcr \JTT Offer txpmn Dec 10,19*5. M F 10-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 11-4 ♦ 123 Monroe St *485 6238-, i— _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ I 1 NIQl I < \ROS, ( u I N|) \ks Aj 1,11 IS BOOKS. I API S te VIDI-'O Ki NIAI S | 1 T A 'A'.UMt ' 'I • ** * •» M Mi M»Vi ■ SAP hi ay \0 \C ft (H' Mtt* 1. -u s • I lit} I’a»:i* ; •, • Eugene’s homeless won’t just go away Homelessness is a big problem in Eugene The problem is only going lo get bigger as time goes by unless something is done about it. It's a big issue with me because I've l>een homeless many times I'm cur rently looking for work, and unless 1 find some thing quick. I won't be able to pay rent I vtit through two City Council meetings this past week, and I have come to the c om tuition that the city of Kugene is giving lip service to the problems of homelessness and street crime It's really got its head in the sand Consider the fol lowing On Nov |3. a proposal was discussed for allot ting $59 million during three years for "improved" law enforcement Yet. on the same day. the council rejected a request for one street light in the Whiteaker neighborhood that would i hue prostitutes and drug dealers away from their favorite dark alley hangout On Nov 15. a grand total of 15 minutes was spent discussing an idea put forth by Jim Torres to allow S25.000 to set up a center for the home less for day-use only Hut the rest of the meeting was dedii n!i’" People who have stayed there know that the huge tie Mission is not an option (or lots of people bourns*) of theft and other reasons. Send ing homeless people from church to < hurt h or to Whitebird isn't the solution either t he downtown area has already hod millions of tax dollars poured into it So why keep throw ing more money into it. when if* basically fine COMMENTARY just the way it I*7 I'm sure most taxpayers would rather have their money go to something more constructive. Why not take pi*! half of the pro posed extra SS20.00G and improve our streets by spending it on the homeless situation7 Here are my suggestions • Build a homeless shelter or remodel an existing building for that purpose. There am lots of empty buildings around, such os the old i hurt.h on 17th Avenue and Columbia Street, or if not that building, then one like it 1 will even help with the construction. Just pay me • The car camp needs to t»> funded It's not a proper place to provide showers, bathroom use. or phone use (especially for those who don't own a car). • Support churches that are willing to provide shelter on a rotating basis Offer this two nights a week, with supper at night unci a good breakfast in the morning to get peoples' day off to n good start All that's needed for a bed is a three inch thick foam pad to throw on the floor This way, taxpayers know exactly where their money is going not for cash payments, but for meals and a place out of the cold for people to sleep. • Provide GKD classes and vocational rehabili tation. so people c an learn a trade and get a job so they won't be on the streets. We would all like to think that the problems of the big city c ould never afflict us here ill Eugene. II the city continues on its present course of denial and spends the extra 5520.000 to Improve the downtown plaza area to attrac t businesses, customers w ill only get scared away by the homeless who hong out down there daily. And the businesses will move out because the city hasn't solved the homeless problem. I ask you. Eugene City Council, mayor, c ity manager and taxpayers, where are your priori ties? Knit A Faun4, a Eugene resident, is try ing his best to keep from becoming homeless again iPizza Pipeline S"S' . HUPP MM M W;s::r,.4■'■&'■#; '4 i In appreciation for your business and to help you through finals we offer you these CftMf tMUttti ___ _ -f^Wg Any 14" One Item Pizza Plus One (1) FREE 22 oz. Soft Drink 686-5808 Free Delivery IV’c accept UO purchase orders. Not valid witti any other offer Fxpires 12/1 1/9$ * re0^e\. 824 Charnelton Street I i Eugene, Oregon I flPizxa Pipeline Any 16" One Item Pizza Plus Two (2) FREE 22 oz. Soft Drinks 686-5808 Free Delivery IVt- accept UO purchase orders. Not valid with any other offer Expires 12/ II /95