Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1995, Page 15, Image 15

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    How to j*et your
car ready for
w inter driving
Pan If
Before the long road trip
home f>*r the h> ■ml,!', . tv
sure your car is in good
mechanical condition Regular
car maintenance can save you
costly repairs in the future,
ami will help ensure a safe
trip home
From a mechanical operation
aspect, w inter conditions
wet, cold and icy weather
present the greatest challenge
to your engine's operating
efficiency. Since these condi
lions cannot be avoided, pre
pare for winter by getting a
complete vehicle check-up in
the fall. Have your mechanic
check the following items
The Ex Hat st System:
The exhaust system serves
two main purposes First, it
carries off carbon monoxide
and other harmful gases pro
duced by the engine. Second,
it niutllcs engine n use Have
a mechanic check your
exhaust system for leaks in
order to minimize the chances
of carbon monoxide poison
ing Carbon monoxide is
odorless, very hard to detect,
and it eon kill. If your car is
stuck in the snow and you
have the engine and heatet
running, open a window and
slightly clear snow away from
the exhaust pipe.
Ht M1M. SM)
Cooling svsri m:
Check vuur radiator and
hoses for leaks and cracks.
Make sure ihe water pump
and thermostat work properly
to pump and control the flow
of coolant to maintain the best
operating temperature, In
addition, add a sufficient
amount of antifreeze to your
vehicle for the coldest weather
(at least -30* F). Test the
heater and defroster far proper
evo Washir:
Wipers should he cheeked
for proper functioning. Blades
that streak tlw windshield
should he replaced. The wash
er reservoir bottle should be
filled with an antifreeze wash
er solvent.
Check the headlights, side
marker lights, emergency
flashers, parking lights, direc
tional signals (front and rear),
taillights and brake lights for
proper operation.
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Ard Happy Holidays!