Dumb aid Dumber? WAl k INTO ANY 1)0KM ROOM, and you're bound to find a tele vision set in maximum use I'hc images living from the screen shape our worldly outlooks, stimulate our minds and make us look deep within ourselves tor life's inner truths. And thai s just Means and Bun head Shows like Picket Fernet and 60 Minutes win the award*, but you’re more likely to find a college boob tube playing such modern clas Mi s as Married U tth ( htldrert. .Martin or Merer iy Hi Us, 90210 NX hat could be l*chind this trend? Have we grown 11red of stuffy dramas, or are we truly getting dumb and dumber' ’’People like those shows because they won t nave to think while watching them, saw Becky Redmond, a junior at lx Mo v fit ( ollegc in New York I hey in cult mv intelligence, though At colleger ac ton the country, Mtirmr I’Uif par tie* ate as much a Monday night imniuuon a* their rival football gath etingv Roommate* bond over Htavu, and girlfriend* order their vtgmli vane others to rid their dorm rooms of Hay watch posters \ of North ( aroiitu sophomore Ihuion Rcmigatlo vavs the shows arc an eve a|»e 1 he characters un get assay with anything without having to fate the consccjueiues he savs "We all want to he like that And Lauren Self, a freshman at M Olaf ( ollrgc in Minnesota, watches out of nostal gta I went to high school with [>eoplc like Beasts and Butt head, she savs 1 fie was the show makes tun of them is |x-rtrct NX hen, it ever, will this all stop' As long as there s an audience tor this mindless mavhern. such future classes as Beam ami Butt head the ( allege )ear, Return to \1elroit Place and the inevitable Married With {.i randc h ildre n un r he too tar oft Bud s bound to get some sooner or later Josh Massey, U of Georgia IV* dream of good acting. Ml Bundy — our lord, our MVtor, our fmvorttm Mppto? BE WITH THE ONE YOU WANT TO BE WITH. Somewhere, there is someone vmi want to be with, bet ( ti evhouml take you then- We iro to over 2400 destinations around the country, hares are low eveiy day on every bus. Just w alk up and buy vom tn. ket. You II be on your way to a great time together. Don't let a few miles stand between you and that special someone, ho bud out .iImuiI our low lares and convenient schedules, call 1-800-231-2222. a Go Greyhound atd djvv ltd <3nymg to us. O 1*^*' ( »*»Y kawnai I