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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1995)
VIEWS Mad about Morrissey li anything is pretentious, it * [the Morrmey) review not Mormaev v lyrus Hot k, Oct 1995] As j ian. I must n/oim the reviewer that the new album iiow% Wtu\hall and / away' Maybe it sn i as pretty as IjuiAa//. bill Morrmcv im t pretty, and Soutnpau (tr.tmmar is the superior album Ihc lush pop melodies’* of Vauxhall were muffled and boring I hc more powerful sound ot Southpju wrings me out of my scat I he review surprised me Meanwhile, fain arc happy as hell, and Morrissey is prepar mg to tour with David Bowie in the l' k (urit. \ tlLtrrftti. junior, V. of 1 exits, Austin I'd like to express my sad ness at the review of Morris ics •> new Southpdu itrummar Morrissey is a talented artist who has been around tor years { otnpare him with other tal nuteii bands, and hr comes up No ! every time Admittedly, the Smiths arc of a higher cal but you can’t divtrjpcxt Murrmcv |iwt Kcattic you don’t trrl his pam tr* Vw«, topjpomorr, U. of Western (htlarui, ( unaJ*t / id read ti* Morruuy rn tru- itn thr I Siutarjfu u<b uu ho* rru*rr rrvteun and knowledge in tUi» dun tn diktcufc j<mi ruU notanjv rrudi I Htirru \arrtt, junior. ( . of 1 tn nrnt-r. knawtllr Etorlt&tay, whatever In ihc CXtobcf l'WS issue. you fra luted j *1ory on a female w rr\11cr t an i Pm Her I»own"' 1 hr artulc Mtd the attended Berkeley High Vhoul tv* Goal Had Eitra Havnrt Extra I'm! Hour Page Economic* in Huntington Wood*. Mich l he iihooi u Berkley High, and it » in Berkley. Mnh ()thet than that. I enjoy vour mag very much Strrrn t) l rb*m, V. of .tyubtgan Law uk&oj Block th® vote (Regarding Pali \ juii.* Non 19^S), I vc given up finding; 4 {.tarty l like Aful rrtmted t<> toting to# 4 dead lin k One patty m < ongrrt*. the other in tlic While llimw At lean it the gov ernment u atmuitwd in parttun wjuab Mmg it won't Ik- able to pan any new Uw* to Ktrw me ovet Mow about (.hit for neat month * poll tpjeoion "lh» you think it » time lot 4 revolution'" I bet you’d l»e »ut prtard how nunv of m 41c not vumplete ly sick and tired of out sorry tor 4 government «»♦. lor ami bv ihe f»eople Hr aJ Htll. tophemorr Nt*t* l Reef or Mtidnets In 'High I imr (or 4 ( hange [Ouobff frank * alhoon, iuuiant dim lor of the health tentei it the U of lei**. Arlington, trwiik 4 lew outlandish comment*, including that under the rlTnn of marijuana. “you havr no drive lor anything ” I hit limply un't true I here ire million* ol verv productive nuMiiuni uiert Ihe notion that 4 joint will remove my desire to get oM my at* it absurd He alto had (he gait to declare, Ihe stuff now is at least 10 to 20 timet more powerful (hill the old stuff 'from the J " Mas (he linnahit sprues some how mutated in ihc past U) years' Marihuana dues not v just hr on dam Maniuafu b not add*, ttve You unni* overdose on rnartiuam Manfuatu n not Ukcii vsjth fieri mis <i t l*t 1’ in isn't u*ti of tiiuff that <4uin t fit tn t/v magazine, i Hx. it it ous Hip fa-ut* umupu-nne ed Tenure, tenure i hiQKS u' rumh w -i ram article 'Riding on the 1 cnuir I rack |l Vt 1995) It was very informative and showed why tenured professors are often dull Now I know the politics of jitjumng tenure, and I‘rn very sorry this is turn the syv tem works After all. a profo sot * job o to teach students t ollrgrs should have die finest teachers (not necessarily re irarikm) achieving tenure I used to want to be a professor, but now I'm not sure I'd be willing to play their game April Mel Jetty, junior. HouJtmf (irren Stair U„ Ohio Ihc article ahout tenure is disturbing but true II profn have che option of quitting whenever they want to, univet sitics should have the option of dismissing professors whenever they wanr to I find ic humor ouv tlut the emphasis n plated <»n research and publishing instead of trashing ability If research on t effectively passed on to students, it’s use less to them Research is important, hut it’s far more important to be able to convey Ili UMKAIRiN HI Mu HAH VX'l HH. U. o» NodtH C*lli>t INA HOW ~ wasteful? Or cl* V° OW effective h»r liw vle-alcr > ( airuxio i rhetork had no bunnett being published in your nugitine He un i a fell able muhr anonymoui. l of Maryland. ( alUf* far it Re Rwefwr Madness In rrtpomr to the letter from ‘iftonvmoui/ I have 4 few thing* to add hru it 1 4 matter of »tudv ami record that chroQu [marijuana] uce van lead tu reduced prodtn tivity, motivation and drive Second, the growing tceh roquet and the hybrtduatton of the plant have produced a much more powerful plant f inally, marijuana doe» not contain tubitancet. tuth at Pt’P or heroin Hut that » not to *ay tomrbody couldn't lace it or put an additive in it I guru you have to trutt that your dealer tin t dipping you iomething you don t know about / rank l alhuoH. asmtant dire* tor, l ’ of l ru>, Arlington health 1 enter Hey. I-rank >orry far 1 pellme your name u-rung tn the (Ktoher mue It u-4) 4 ihumrUxt error arui ue heiiete JO Lkdm u*uh the uel, orporatf noodle 4tr tn order t4 U. rulo» You gUV* I )|U u the »C luvc Keen % a ting hu t*n ,4mput f» r .*« long *% I « *ti rftiumbrf kr<rp up thr m*»*t ct« client <*4>rk Anti *iav on the f»Jgr v»*u guyt *mi g4It {*»»>k jjshhI fttimg (he tiii' Jorjp l>t+tc <* it .A Hato kwur >. jfr**J ttwJUrmt. ilottUu Int i l Mtumi Work for U. A»k about our ammtmtant aditor program, e-mmlis aditor tfumagoxlrt&.cofn AppHcntlon» duo dart. 28, teas. U. Rolls Knowing whnt you know now, would you choose the same co/tege? Ughts on or tightm off? BOO/0U-VIEWS (688-4397; Mora pollm at hftp^Avww, Liberal or conaarvativa? ConBmrvmthrmi M% Utomrmi: M% Otts+r: fO% t consider myself intelligent, ! informed and intellectual, which would automatically mean that I'm 4 liberal Brad Nation, Ml far, U. of Oklahoma • In 1996. Clin ion and Core will tail Phillip Angua, aanlor, U. of Hortharn Colorado • More comerviuve, of whatever Colin Powell is Victor Scamardo, junior, U. of Arkanaaa • l think the majority of people in our generation are liberal. I I believe (hat In the neat decade j there will he a huge increase in j the number of liberals and a decrease to conservatives Moogan Glaser. tophomora, Weahington State U. • I'm more middle -of* j the road than strongly for one side or the other I think most j people my age (eel the same way l do because we grew up watching nothing change for the better Both parties have had then shot ! at eithet the presidency or con trolling Congress, and we got nothing Nathan Byrna, frath* man, U. of Missouri, Columbia • l am liberal by current standards, but conservative when it comes to rhe Constitution Sam Mayer, aophomora, Ithaca Cottage, N Y. • l*m progressive more than liber si. I iberal has some negative con notation*. I want some positive changes to be made that would include all people, not just fb** rich and privileged Mona Ada a, aanlor, U. of Alabama, Birming ham • l don't believe a one word description if adequate to describe one whole ideology and belief So I'm neither liberal nor Conservative I just have facet* of both Dare Zati, senior, U. of Maryland • I’m conservative j Rush Ktmbaugh and Newt Cm | grich are the best things to hap pen to tlm country Jon Danny, aophomora, 0. of North Dakota • I primarily label myself as liberal, hut at far as my voting record is concerned. I am first and lore mmt a rhmker Adam Smargon, aanlor, U of Florida Do you have a name for your “thlngy?" Vmm: 00% No: 0% Of rU lf*r uc M uti numti >*>« £u>> | .am* up wtrh for your 'thrupet. " thnt \ inrrr pappnd up the moil afim Stanley ! the Power Tout, Mt t lappa amf Rut | tell the I nvr Munir Hrrr art «imr of ihr morr unmuol tatrtti Party rotpeJo Chris Hinkle f, funk*, (attorn Michigan II. • Jeju | Michael Bowman, aophomors, IMnoia Stato U. * Untie l: teddy John Clift, Irishman, Ohio U • Pijvt lot gnh ml INpo far buy* Hsian hocha, wphomon, i fit of Lakarm. CatBt * I'cpr the (.'uhui Urn Samagr Tad Bdoh. tanka, (asl ant Kentucky U. • I title Mvh Mika \ Motor, tanka. It of Btowto. • < ianlcn wraatl of kmc, lot ttiy hoyhtetid't MafM M Jacobi, Irishman, Milts Collage, Cakf • N'tgct Ban Underwood sopho mom. Kansas Stats • fmL ho** toy gnthtrtid't name lot Itrrtit Wilma Juan Mbatots, baahman, It of North fkrtda • i uiMi MVf Heomm, rnsnmart, u Of IWMPMffi Columbia • No. hot the piutae "( Hi. < wxT etmi to mkim up a whole fin CeHne Harris tanka. It of Maw Mexico. • Tommy Stout Warren Johnson, tanka, U. of Mississippi. • j Mr Rubin Kadh Johnson, grad Ma dam U. of Morlh Fkaida • I tall my ; dungy Hope, aftrt the dtamonal. Iterator j everybody aranu it, Intt no one tan »rnn i to pi tlieu lutwii on n Mad Moffstt, junks. Oaorga Mason It, Va • EKo Tmda Scrtbnar, tanka, hdfar Stats fit, Fla • ( hilly Willy Jammy Btynaa, tanka, SUM U of Mam fork. Certkmd. • Mt s*lty Mika Luaachar, tanka, Florida Stato If. • Stammy the l ire I hill had Hatmuaaan, funks, Cafdot nia Stato U, Sacramanta • (>ne l ynl Utla M.inner Chris Chudih. funks, Motdtotn fattens U. • Vantage. hut (ten noumeti iikr *uauagc' dsn Thompson, Itsshnsan, U or Southern Cakfotm. • IV l‘i!Ur Of l ury Adam Stonawak, wanks, U. o( Arizona • IV IVart Ntc hois Fromm, freshman, U of Wiscon sin, Fan daks. • Stop taking vtupiti ifoettumt Vi hi khuh! like hole laahier Bob Barth, Irishman, Ithaca Collage. M.Y. * Sopettoakci Cho Cbomjtnda, ksahman, fit ofCadtomto, Dam • lln man Pat Comeaux, funks, Louisiana Stato II ♦ Hetmr Josh (rant, funks, SouBrarnMnotoli.