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" * sum i satins * vavii mtu missis ^ * * * * * SUN Tits A MANrOtHJR FINE PIICIS Of * VINTAGE & CONTEMPORARY COLLECTIBLE FASHION 1022 WILLAMETTE 345-1414 __ - _I__ 0M« II fc MON SAT • SUNMr 12 4 Season’s Greetings Get handmade gifts at Holiday Market Eugene's Saturday Market is changing with the seasons as the eighth Annual Holi day Market opens Friday The Lane County Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall hosts the five week event with nearly 400 craftper sons. a wide variety of interna tional foods and Lane County's Farmer's Market On it s 25th year in operation, the Saturday Market is the oldest continuously operating open air craft marketplace in the United States One of the many tradi tions is for local craft persons and food vendors to help the local economy and to share their prod ucts "We re a small group of busi nesses," said Bill Goldsmith. Sat urday Market general manager "Our values talk to the impor tance o! tamily" In addition to the traditional outdoor Saturday Market active ties, there will be an Elf's Pla/a for children including craft work shops and face painting Live muse is performed each day To assist in the festivities, vol unteers trom Womenspace will be on hand to wrap gilts and check packages and coats as a convenience to shoppers, Gold smith sa»d All craft vendors will be selling handmade original holiday gifts including ceramics, clothing, jew elry and floral items. Food sold at the markfat. Goldsmith said, 'is the same good, iocally made food —■ alt ongmal recipes " The Market will be open Nov 24 through Nov 26 from 10am. to 6 p m It will also be open the following Saturday and Sundays through Dec. 23 from 10 a m. to 6 pm. “We’re a small group of businesses. Our values talk to the importance of family Bill Goldsmith Saturday Market Gemeral Manager Three weekday shopping days are included in this year’s sched ule, 11 a m. to 8 p m. on Dec. 15, 21 and 22 (or more after work market opportunities. Last minute shoppers can visit a special Christmas Eve market (rom 10 a m. to 3 p.m on Dec. 24 There is no admission charge and parking is (ree. By Scott Nonce Eugene choir performs Handel The Eugene Concert Choir will perform Handel's Messiah on Dec 2 at 8 p m and Dec 3 at 4 p m >n the South Eugene High School Audito rium The choir is hacked by the Oregon Mo/art Play ers, who wiii provide instrumental accompaniment Soloists Kerry O'Brien, soprano, Don Ebel, coun tertenor, David Gustafson, tenor, and Norman Smith, bass iead the choir's performance ot the tra ditional holiday musical The quartet ol professional singers sing the most challenging vocals of this musical favorite Adding to the festivities. The Eugene Vocal Arts Ensemble, who performs dressed in ornate Renais sance costumes, will sing rare and traditional car ols. AM of the performances are directed by Diane Retallack. Tickets are Si6 for adults and $12 for students and seniors from the Hult Center Box Office at 687 5000. For more information, call 343-7522. By Anne Moser-Kornfeld Gift Certificates Locally-Made Foods Gift Basket Makings Huge Selection of Holiday Been (North) Off Coburg Rd on Willakenrie • 334-6382 - Open Daily 7-9 (South) 2489 Willamette - 345-1014 - Open Daily 7-11 Im/w Transit's annual Joy Ride shows off festive outdoor lighting & holiday displays The Lane Transit District begins its Annual Holiday Lights Joy Ride on Dec. 15 through Dec. 19. Each year, the public can board LTD buses, playing holiday music and tour the area's festive outdoor dis plays. Live holiday entertainment greets the public boarding buses at 6 p m. and 7 30 p.m. on Dec. 16 and Dec 17. On Dec. 15, 18 and 19 the buses depart trom the Valley River Center station, out side Mi K's restaurant, at 6:30 p m and 8 p.m. The Seventh Annual Holiday Lights Tour costs S? 25 per seat and there is a 10-ticket maximum purchase per person Tickets go on sale Dec. 4 at the Valley River Customer Service Center, the Oregon Eye Associates, located at 1550 Oak St. and LTD Cus tomer Service at 10th Avenue and Willamette Street. Tickets are limited and advance ticket purchase is nec essary, LTD spokesman Michael Schumacher said. In the event ol undesirable weather conditions, the Joy Ride Service will be canceled and the public is advised to listen to KUGN Radio at 590 AM or KMGE Radio at 94 5 FM Refunds for canceled service will be available at all Joy Ride ticket outlets until Jan 12. The event is sponsored by Lane Transit District, Oregon Eye Associates and Valley River Cen ter. For more information, call 687-5555 By Anne Moser Kornfcld SNO YV B O A R I) i R S i' k t s i \.% o \ i t i i h i; \ i 11 > \ OCT Ml AD T f Oft TNI NIW SCASON, COM! SCI I 11 / / Y N AY I I SNOW AND SKATE SHOE ****** o* *© ASTAOslU '* Mutts EtfOl a«S-«120 TOTH AND WILLAMETTE The Oregon Daily Emerald IS NOW AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~ode