Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1995, Page 13B, Image 21

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    _Season’s Greetings_
Holiday film reflects ‘real’ families
It's that time of the year when
the blues show up and so do
the relatives
The film Home for the Holi
days. a Paramount/Egg Produc
tion is showing in theaters all
over the nation, and at least until
the Thanksgiving holiday is Over
I think the film is a true reflec
tton of the not-so-typical Amort
can family Co-producer Peggy
Rajskt and CO producer/direc
tor/actor Jody Foster presents a
pleasant took at what sometimes
is not a pleasant event, the annu
a! Thanksgiving get together.
The movie is supported by
classical American rock music,
one oI which is the opening song
"You've Got to Change Your Evil
Ways" originally performed by
In other words, it is a good lilm
that I would recommend seeing,
and students get a discount at
Act III Theaters, so take your
families and friends.
Avy Kaulman. the? casting
director, puts together a terrific
line-up and Foster brings some
depth into her character both
through directing and acting with,
Robert Downy Jr as her brother
Home for ihe Holidays
Pururrwunl/Ejg* Phxhutum
Ptucitd bv Ixhf f\*iw
★ ★ ★ ★
Tommy, Arm Bancroft as her
mother and a whole host of other
talents including Steve Guten
The show is a sweet and sour
experience Some of the titled
novel style chapters of the
movie's sequence are more real
istic at times than the audience
can handle But at the same time,
the very same scene, which dis
pleases the audience with its
star* reality, eases the audience
with its severe endearment as
The movie balances itself .with
the two extremes well enough to
still create an ideal work of fiction
The extremes are seen in the din -
ner scene in which Foster and
Downy Jr., who prove their sibling
closeness and let it all hang out
■ dusmg the audiem e to almost
taste the humor on screen
An overweight lather, a wtg
wearing mother, a starving artist,
a gay only-son. that son's Straight
Inend, a daughter's yuppie family
and a depraved, over horitcul
lured and /any aunt create con
stant familial pratfalls throughout
the movie
Although this movie's strong
point is its humor from the con
frontations of the culturally
diverse family, the romance gives
it that warm holiday I eel mg as
well The feelings run deep both
lor the good times and the bad.
and the cast does a (me job in
realizing <t for a believable sense
ol relation
Not only does the movie play
to the lives' ol white middle-class
family members, but I think it
also appeals to a wide range ol
social stratum® by addressing the
problems and remedies that all
people experience with their lam
ily or loved ones
This movie is definitely not It's
a Wonderful Life, and it certainly
is not the classic A Christmas
Carol, even so. Home for the Hol
idays should make anyone's stay
with their relatives over the holi
days a pleasant one
fi\ Xruireu Wuvrr
Cross country skiing ideal recreation
War.l to dazzle your sun
worshipping friends
when they return from
places down south in January?
Learn how to cross-country ski
during winter break
The River House, located at
310 N Adams St, offers classes
for the beginner to the adventur
ous, who may want to plan a tour
of Crater Lake in early February,
Beginning cross country ski
lessons cost as little as Si25 and
the student teacher ratio is as
small as 6 l Topics covered in
class range trom equipment
selection to ski waxing and emei
gency repairs.
The winter outdoor program of
the River House is entering its
28th year and the professional
instructors are members of the
Professional Ski Instructors of
America — Northwest By taking
a full day and a half lessons,
River House invites students to
take advantage and to discover f
skiing is (or them
Besides, the ski programs, oth
ers classes include instruction in
ski skating and classes for chil
dren Winter survival techniques,
snowshoemg and avalanche
awareness are also a lew of the
speciality courses offered
For more information, cat! 984
li\ \nn, Musa KurnfrUi
Conic see ns at /:'/ Ibrito for the
Starting December t
Gift certificates available.
1003 Valley River Wa>
Eugene, Oregon 9" MU
(51 I) 68VT29 i
ODE Classifieds...
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Viv» A MjkstrrvArtl welcome • 687-3615
Come do your
Holiday Shopping!
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quality un-d, rare. and
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768 East 13th Avenue 525 Willamette Street
345-1651 343-4717
Eugene, Oregon 97401