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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1995)
■ Othce AaatMantmecotda Or»» ij 15 hr* per *««• Mu* be (kMH ort enied. fto***e and have aiipenance w**ng and record* Needed wn mediately com act Krwlin *«•> coca MS HELP WANTED Web Page local educational software reaoeer KJoemg lor a Wofc Page program rme with HTMl, and Perl «»por> enc* Grape* Am fQuat*. Page maker) eipenence atso desired Mu* have wortung knowledge at both Mae and PC Fu* O'part time E mart »aanc#t» Marrow* com or resume to Webmaster. PO Bo* 10638. Eugene, 9?4ao 0<*ng to Scant*'’ £ am *24 All you n*v» to (to i* UM twins hom £ ugen* I will mart you m Seattle and pit* town ■»> (nun you< fxiu*e Cal 2111543 2086 c« om*i nm«din«y#alKxihno org t Cruta* Snip* Htrtngf Students Needed1 SSS> l mm Tf»»rt tCantv bean. Europa, Haw***) Seasonal I’wmaiwH. Mo Eipet Necovsaty Go*to 919 9?<M398eitC 1007 Rais* *** The Cittoar* tundratsei a fww« io help you* Fast, easy r*o nsk or financial oMtgst >of vgr <«* s. groups. dubs. motivated mdfvidu an. CaI now Ra«s« *600 in arty one «wm* (800) 862 1982 e»1 13 Prod roadei foi Irtwary review Staled. off«. lent cixnrrattad Call 346-396? TRAVEL ABROAD AND WORK Make up lo $25-4Vhr teaching ba sic conversational English in Ja pan. T atwan, or S Korea No leach ing background or Asian languages required For information call (?06) 63?-114b ext J60692 If you need to work Winter^ term. • »avs the time to apply’ Tim EMU Food Service is looking tor stmt ents who are avaAabfe lor three or mote hours between 1 am and l pm Positions inctude Sandwich prep or opening me Fishbowl. Atrium. Daily Grind. AAA Hearth. Breereway, Lit tie Caesar's and other Food Serv ice locations Pick up an application at the EMU Food Service office be hind Lima Ceasars in the Fishbowl ot the Erb Memorial Union In crease your odds of getting lured by having an application m before Tuesday, December 5 For more mlormation. can 346-0606 and ask lor Me ti *1750 weekly possiWe matlma our circulars For Kilo 301 306-1207 HOME TYPISTS PC users need ed *45.000 income potential Can 1 600-513-4343 ext B 964? ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Stud twits Needed1 Fishing Industry Earn t4) to S3,000-$6,000« per month Room arxt Board1 Transpor tation' Mate or Female No experi ence necessAry Call (206)545 4l55ext A8O09? Oregon Voice The Wage.-me o* 14a vafualala magazine experience and add a *r»e to yot* m»i*na N*»e h«tog Associate Eem. enters. Ail Or oi ls* and Art if'ago Oewgn) Omcst* Appacattona avaaotoa Hm ?t LMU Mlposahon*unpaid An A A tOC. AOA I Wft0y9l Ap pocaftona due Fn . No* 17 by 5 pm MJMTtAU OfFICMUS WIOfD! Rrttwwrt -wmlm! tor rMCA emter B«e« league* Saturday game*, grade* 2nd-M S , i' M per game Apply at f: ugone r «m*y VMCA try 1 1/27 2065 P#n#r*on SI Uka Plant*? like to t*an ahead’ Wholesale nursery looking tor high energy people part kn after Christmas lu# time »i spring Send resume to PO t»» M2, Cent age Grove, D« 97424 Now i* your chance to apply tor a reporting position »t me Oregon Owiy £ mat aid Wo are hiring a tughe* eduction reporter starling winter term lr» a pen time |ot> availatite tor any Unrverstty student It you have questions or want an application, come to the Emerak} office located «i the EMU, soiio 300 Application* for the position are due by 5 pm on Weds , Nov 22 The Emaraki t* an mjuat opportune ly employer tommnel to a cuttunU ty dw»w workplace MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES is now accepting ltmlert apphce bon* tar software Unary ‘consuftara position Must have microcomputer savvy lor DOS/Windows, Macin tosh, and some networit anpenence Encmtent orgam/atmoal and com munication slolt* Starting pay $8 IttTiout Apply in room 250 Computing Center Project Salende now twmg tor dis patch position 1V20 hr* per wees Job destnptiorvapplicalioos avail suite 3. EMU Application* due Nov 21. 5pm Protect Salende is AOAiEOE/AA Help wanted U ol O Housing Food Service* need studenl am ptoyees pan time tor me 1996 96 school year Food service eipon once is a plus You must be #t> rolled tor at toast 8 crocw hours at a higher education institution For inlo ca* 346-4303 ASUO Multicultural Canter Graphic Design Computer Tech Coordinator |ob da scrip! ions and applications available m the Mum cultural Center. Suite 33. FMU Wotkstudy or StOCYmo stipend. 15 hrsTwk Apps due Nov 16 & 5p Call 346-4207 with Questions or stop by the center AArEOEMOA ASUO Multicultural Center Pro gram/Outreach Coordinator |Ob descriptions and applications avail able at trie Multicultural Center. Su ite 33. EMU Worlistudy or JlOOrmo stipend. IS hranwk Apps due Nov. 1# it 5pm. Can 346-4207 with questions or slop by the Can ter AA7EOE/ADA mHOUSES FOR RENT 2 bnoxarn, 1 twuri Oum< naigfUMrtwoel Wusnc rtomyt Nopwtn *vi*t4tn« now !»66-ll3?3 IQ 2 txjon .In*'( 5 {*i M uO A** C*4ft rn. A O DA M--.K « 1? 16 tCMXMfapOM lW3) r*j»- 712? Tudor Cottaga Wamodotad. twwHj(f*ul f rTyni } taJrm oe*l*ga Oa» knot. Iraplaca U/6 A Wi tarioaa a*ey (torn Oaft Aortl) tSSCVmo No vixaig o# p*Ks >43-6000 Rental Resources New listings ikiiiy (-ill Ut (.120 m APARTMENTS (FURNISHED! 1 twdroom VJSVmo IVtvjU. (Jec*. part ing, mm fcamxry 4 btocka tfom camfxj* 465 2623 Apartmanta on campua I and 2 C**ma toon J42i> M18MS 1 tWrm turtwfwj tour Wockj to campua. 0A cfctpoaal 1200 Fan> Avail 0«c 2 343 Ml8 |;:o APARTMENTS {UNf URNl$HEO | Spacious 2 Bdrm ISSS W iWi Landscaped grounds. Ha (snapped Sittben SS&iMno Montb lo murth WIMM. Shownduty Ml 01»9 2 bdrm 1 bath $550»mo $200 deposit 160 m.w> tenant:* lea Lease urn* June IS 942 £ t6th »t? 343-0000 CAMPUS I BLOCK 2 bedroom $596 large dean, nice carpel. Wtundry, lurking tease, no pies J50E l» 345-/98/ One bdrm. SJuum.. Ml i.? i u Ave *l Can 343-0236 lo view CAMPUS 10 BLOCKS I bocfoom $426 Chun laundry, parking. 3 blocks to Saleway, tease no pels 2045 WiSamette 346 m/ 2 bdrm new stove, new peart, lodge, rw» binds, on Site laundry Wa* lo UO $500 465-9800 No pels 1 Bedroom 4 bits from campus Lease lieu July 31.1090 CM tenants «jp 30? 3949 2 bedroom freshly (Minted 3 bedroom fireplace. I '/• bath Diihwajhrfi. tmw f*bJr, rourmt parting, wi biuiinr voa Klein Property Management 485-7776 1301 Ferry Gf*«t location*' 2 B*m 0W. jartxkja <*»pOMl laundry room. tetndacaped ground! Ca* k» on av« *»aMAi fi* 4610199 or 466 1362 3 ludraom aptartmnnt t» crus Mock from campon and often <Mm op tton. laundry on **«. iwkirw ».»<* * gartMrga indudsd m JAM! mo CaB 666-9128 HI QUADS ffw Rune Ta*a cent my imw anti J*» Nov mrt Irwo S-“.*mo 341 4929 or 344-4 T90 (tattva mnugt) Slvara bitty and kltchan, torn* tonml\»a. carpatml. oH slrtMt park my, m uttMwa part, on ana tairtdry S24Vmo l tiC Hayaol 343-4109 Rtwrn tar 'me Grata tocanoo • 14V Panorson 302 M» Hooms avaria6ta tor wnrttar lorrn (tom tSOOrtno ncludtng r»a obMam and a* moat* Studarna Ctoopora !iv« AMOCMAan 68.3-1112 H«*n avatUMa n townnouw. 3«r ry St SrtOga araa. on bus i«w 1200.114 uM*m 485 3843 re ROOMMATES WANTEO Spacious room try eerier torn only (Dee 10 Apr* t) $?88rmo or $4<X) tm*m Includes uMm ■ Close lo eannua M 7-6032 toxnnuw wanted to share a three twdraom apartment »nrt us I ISil from campus Cable option, f*ytung. on Srt* lauxlry Ca» M8-91 28 Need tamale roommate to sh#e 5 txtrin bom* * .mt 12/1 SI /Vtrxi • $200 dep. tISuWs Cad M4 «136 1 (her« 5 txym house w 4 friendly »oomm atria Specious w'great t**kyani $28Qrmo met uW 686 9829 Gimme Shelter! M 20yf tranaler •moss on campus room Arta; spring Heat . articulate Sam at (503) 588-2494 CHASE VtlLAGE APTARTMENT! tomrtle grad stud 2 t*tmV2 bath $325. 112 u»s avail t/t 484 4932 NrS lemalo roommate needed to share a room in a 3 bedroom house near busline 5 across street Irom Albertsons 343 4931 SlSOTmo . t/4 uteitnjs Seeking rV» lemaie rximmale lor 3 Ixjrnv' I bth house t irate troth Book store Owner has sm dog 343 3221 SERVICES HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS o< grams and tchotarsrtpa avaAoMa to aft studMnts Lai our yoar* o) fa MHVcfi twr«« you unrrw-Saifl (|uat ■htalxjn cot (SOO) 270 1744 ADodion S«rvtCM (O 21 *««tn Ff<*> prognaney lasti 44 yvamerfs M«a»i Sorvuoi 633 E I lift, 342 M40 We’re sad to say goodbye to Calvin and Hobbes Ax /\\ Since Calvin &. Hobbes will be discontinued after Dec. 31 we’d like to know what comic strip you want to see daily in the ODE classifieds. Please call 346-4343 with your comments and suggestions. Student cartoonists null hr considered. Please submit examples to the ODE classified office by Friday, December 8. Calvin and Hobbes *jsam. MAwicon*, * \ GKoSV _y S*l°aOf, Nfcfc! Ml INTESTINES jysr burst trtSroM/KH wwi/ £P M .1 by Bill Watterson i SVwgU) 6*1 5W46 KOSS AhD if I cm <3Et cut ot KMH CtA'iS mSERViCF WANTEO 100 STUOCNTS to Iomi 0 too tw '*••« MwtatooPvri tVivtk ifxtxign Goa'antonO Rasotla 00 coal 1 SOO 200 i«*« Probtama? Call tha U of O Cftaf* Una tor trcwt. afxxiymoay cotavaafaxg M f. :<«> <Vam .’4 Hra.d*y woaAanda 34A-44M FREE HELP- iaax :4'*rf a Call AkoboOca Anonymoua 34J-4H3 ?4 hnaxtoy. cooMwamf ConaWaong abort ton 7 ConaxJn* OKI aii«rvd»<vna 1st Way Iran tax) confktonbaf (VBiT-WAt ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! Or anti A acfvoiarmntpa ara avaftabta Button a of Oof tan tn grama, qualify Immadtataiy 1 AOO-400-0209 Saiuaf AaaauA Support Sarwoa ?* Hr Crura law y.Wd JOSCAMPU S mroii TELEMARK SKI MK1MT Th« r<»nm»k turn n becoming «v C Mi.jnvi.jfy poputaf T BkwTVvk lix f«v>K«> <*'« t»> H«i lotus o* ffw wortishop Video* with alow mutton lHt> ml ttn<wfW<*v3l laMtmdfVMing will aha t» shown tftutvldy. Nov 16, ?00pm Outdoor Progtam Room (tMU) Study Abroad Ov*n«Miai Study Fa* Nov IL? I 4 6 pm F * Room, t MU Owmkaht Bach Country Ski Touting NorNny m qulla to magpeal <it wafcmg up vi a quw# snowy wadar t*m Th* workshop wws got you by ctacusang how lo MM and dotting in ackftmm. W» VrtS lA& about pt^TVing ViNtfy and ptacmi u> go Fr©* nvoni W**J , Nov t *», / 00 p m Outdoor Program Room (EMU) lie ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln Tonight, Notvmtxr 16 Lilubuil? ilckj^ram " itl> Nicki Scully Ml \ » W* I< mm f,S " yjfi — 1»»V» Mk V *:;«**•• K«lu<«v« Uma Ttnwman MONTH BY THE LAKE « I* M« • X) JEFFREY. nuMi BIJOU l C1-<I(KKKS MALLRATg, RECYCLE V ■ lllll c I < >1 I I I I I |l| I- .V. III MINIS ON C \\ \1M S in i \ i'iiiI in I < >» I i " on i»\i \ <) no |» \| m ia!.iv !■• I < A\ i ii ! !:l<) !’.K \\ < <\: i;.\! K CROSSWORD By Eugeni- Sht-Jfer ACROSS 1 Spacecraft compact mftflt 4 Ctochtftg • SUtfefcJM 12 * You lonescxrw Tomghf?" 13 What %*)T mMftft 14 GoO U'yet 1$ C4*C treat 1? C omputer 19 PQiiif 19 StsrouUted »i lead an ar*l her *«i 24 * !!*> MMUbQtt * 2$ s«u canton 29 CM rva*'P**K« 29 Ov«*I 32 Sp««k;ft therapy lutojod m Oneutei diet <xjo 36 MtmaJayan 37 "Merry WiClOw" compose* 39 toosy 41 Mr Chaney 42 Knock 44 On hor*# back 46 On# rmgM *.n*m lfV4»r 50 ‘VWpf 51 Colorado I'm*ohho* 52 : ^k«d 54 Stommat# 57 Inert* 54 H<«kxy Chapter 59 l «k# hn# «wn** 40 T en«« 61 1 rrMjUlw Bofcsy Bom DOWN 1 Chum 2 M<n# slyfl 3 Wrttck 4 Word wtih \m*M at 5 Do* t'ttMO* trilogy 4 M*5jun# fKrfXK©#* 7 F*u«h»d a broom • N*#dmg w»*t*N 9 S#r#y 10 t orton 11 Fa 19 Puny cat's parinor 20 Unaos kjn 21 WortJ tMfort Rwn oi Mqom> 22 On® of HOMC-S 23 l ong lunen? 27 Hun up phono Ml 2f f njoyft • k# 30 fW (n * tftggpf AM)) 31 7 mtwi fVAtKiiAf ftOund V««> dry Pttch *Go IMfflr ABC ft OW*MW 43 irrtunon 45 f kiw t*> Bug» 44 Coug* 47 Un 44 Connects cut school 44 H go4ft »n tr«» wt*ry 53 tarty b^tf* 54 lioloto 55 Margery o# fttymo Solution tlmt 23 min* Ye«!*rd»y • •*•««•* It to