Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 14, 1995, Page 10A, Image 10

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    DeYoung: No matter how much players are paid, baseball entertains
■ Continued from Page 9A
havt) Imnofited if the union hail
disbanded I am sun* few peo
pie believe Jordan and hwing
Hired more money
Alonzo Mourning was ro< rust
!v in tlm news !»•< mise the poor
guy find to leave Charlotte
Imhjujso they were not being
fair to him They only offered
him SH) million a season, and
he thinks he is worth $13 mil
lion 1 somehow doubt that
extra $3 million will make a big
different« in his life
I am sure that for Zo. it rep re
stmts respei t When a player
tielleves that lie is one of the
I rest in the league, he wants to
lie paid n lot of money I < an
understand that
Hut the guv fiegged to lie trad
ed from o team that had so
mut h potential with players
r—'. 1 1 —-— 1 1
like 1-nrry Johnson and Mugsy
Boguns to a team like the
Miami Heat, a team that had no
big names and few ho|>es of
being a championship team in
the next millennimn If I went
'/.o. I would rather have a hig
World (Ihampionahip ring than
an extra .Vi million a year
Hat k to baseball Ba< k to
those rotten and grandy major
leaguers Hm k to people who
went on strike Inaaiise they did
not like tin' salary c ap the own
ers were trying to Implement.
()! course the players didn’t
like it Why should tlu>>'
I'he only thing that would
change if baseball had n salary
i np would lx‘ that the fans
money would go to the owners,
not to the players the ones
who ai tualts play the game and
provide the entertainment The
owner* wouldn't lower ticket
prices because they < laim they
are losing money and that they
have to have salary caps in
order to not go bankrupt But
owners who really want to win
find a way to get around the
cap — |ust look at Jerry Jones
and the Dallas Cowboy*
Do you really think they had
an extra $35 million sitting
around, waiting for someone to
give it to? And then Deion
Sanders just happened to come
(ones rearranged salan«*s and
used bonuses to lure Sanders to
Dallas Even if major league
baseball did get a salary tap. it
wouldn't mean less money for
the players, it would only mean
more trick* for general man
agers and owners to perform
If money and salaries an?
Mich i» concern to owner*, then
they should *11 just sell their
ten ins
Hey, I've got a couple hun
dred dollars, won't that buy me
the San Diego Padre* ?
There are so many players who
simply love to plav the game
Ryne Sandberg is coming l*n.k to
ba<sel**ll after a year and o half off.
not I a* ause he needs money but
because he missed the game (al
Ripken has played every game for
over thirteen years and I don't
think it's because he's being paid
by the hour
The bottom line is that pro
fessional sports, including
baseball. are part of the enter
tainment industry. People go to
the games and wall h them on
television Ihs a use it is fun
These men are paid to go out
and perform eight months out of
the yrsir 1 don't «» anyone
putting "striking fan" sign* on
saelt at the movie theaters where
Jim Carrey's latest movie is play
ing, even though lie got pain
somewhere around $20 million
for working on it for six weeks
True, baseball doesn't start
up again for another five
months And true, they still do
not have a contract with the
But don't let the cynics make
you think that the players are
all money-hungry |erks,
Im-i au.se they are not Anri even
if they are. it doesn't matter
because baseball will always lie
baseball, no matter how much
the players are being paid
Androa DeYoung is a sports
reporter for the Emerald.
(Ul results .... hlvertisi in On iron (Daily Emerald Classifieds! (‘all 346-4343!
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to place your ad today
Congratulation* in *7
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Footnotes a; ?;i,
Idilrnf • AtmUrn e •
t.iapCmt test V *<vwn • Itftumes
7 4 1 - 7 5 5 3
Horoscope by Frances Drake
\ fumdsv 14 1SPJft
t March 21 to At*r»l l‘i)
Tuning ta ww^rthtni lm yuu. *n
lurmj that mr>thmc you tvwh fail*
(NvpMty into place S«me make plana
foe a future trip Huamea* Weak
ikroufhc me e*cil*r»g
1 April 20 to Mav 20)
It I br«t to ripe* t the unoijartAl
m lerma of bunitf'M developmente
What tran»p»r*a though. ia in your
favivr In th* evening romatwe i* a
1 ( *. KM IN I
(May 21 to June 20)
Avert! fouiwHf ami take a hand*
on approach on the )ot> Something
me a arui« ** > t i i vg la a m pia* *■. < a uatng
y hu to eapK** a new area of alody
hvpftdt are particularly hotfAil
i June 21 to July 22)
You are peraonahty plua »n but)
rye or and much auccea* can he
»< K>e»«wt That now potion rou meet
will prove U> he influential
pJuly 2.1 Ut Aug 22)
You're making tie a career plana
that look fvtud he future game How
ever, don t ignore what » lurtenUy
'■n vour schedule Spend thtntnmg
catching up with loved cmea
tAug 2.1 to Sept 22)
The key to getting what you aapue
f*«r i* mK diariplma and determine
Inm You ve been a bit lackadauncal
of late and need to take »iep* to
ctrmt that Jeaiouay iW*nl he
come you m love
tSept 23 to Oct 22)
Stop putting all that project
Seen dreading Sometime*, you juat
have t» plunge right in. am) now t*
the’ lime Aa a rr*u!t. bu*i naaa and
financial gatna are achieve*!
(Oct IP la No* *’l)
Ym nawi bbmk mit of yout »h<i|
a bit and auciahr* mure If you d*v
you realli* (hat o(W* *if realty cm
y«ur aide and are wtttni to pileh m
cm certain (ir»^(U
(No» 22 la l »k 21)
You c an mater nee* 1t trtul* ,J <*n the
load Single* sen turn thi* ift- *
romantic oppurtunity A problem at
Home reaches a happy rwlulwn
(Kit wwkrfid
CAHilCt >|UH
(On 22 to Jan it)
Keep your ear* i^arn f • t important
lintni tal new* that * til come y.wr
way Finally, you can *ee (he light at
the end »f the tunnel whet* work i»
(Jan 201* Feb 1H>
lh«n t be afraid to rail m a favor
and take advantage <4an influent. »<
fnervd 7Ya**l plan* are favored for
both bostneaa and ptaaur*
(Fab l‘i u» March 20)
It aeem* people are willing to just
throw money at you However, lhc**e
*» called deal* botatg offered by ter
lain credit card comp an*** should lx
u rutirujed careful !y
YOU HORN TOUAY are astro
verted, totally uninhibited and coos
pletely comfortable when in theSpot
light U *e*;rvs iu> matter where you
are or what you do. you are the
center of attention Some undereati
mate you and lake thi* boisterous
perwnaiity a* a eifn that you're not
bright However, your intelligence
Surpasses molt people you’ll mewl
While thaw bunnrvi i* heavily fa
vored for you. ju»t about any field in
which you get involved prove* auc
ceeafui because of your dynamism
hifthiiate of Me lean Suwswii,
actor Koaetnary DvCamp. actress
Hnan Keith, actor
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We ’re sad to say goodbye to
Calvin and Hobbes
Since Calvin &, Hobbes
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we’d like to know what comic strip you want to
see daily in the ODE classifieds.
Please call 346 4343 with your
comments and suggestions.
Student cartoonists will be considered.
I'l case submit exam files to the Ol )E i1 ossified office
by In da y, December 8.
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