Keska cruises as Ducks qualify for the NCAA Championships ■ CROSSCOUNTRY: K.• won the regional meet and the Ducks qualified for the national meet By Chris Stewart Th« Oregon mutt'scrow* noun* trv team qualified for the NCAA Championships by placing s** ond in th» District V!II qualify* inn meet Saturday Hm Dm k*. linithnd with tin points and i-iime in second to Stanford, who had S3 points The L)u« ks beat Stanford two wwU ago at the Paulk 10 Con feren*c miwt bill this time around the Cardinal prevailed. Holh schools will rar e against <-.!( h other again us the District VIII representatives in the NCAA (Championships in Arne*. Iowa on Nov 20 Oregon coach Hill Did huger who has guided 20 teams to th< NCAA Championships in the last gs years, said the Duels were there to qualify for th« NCAA's, and that is just what they did ' It's a qualifying meet Dellinger said "ft would have iwon nice to win but on the other side of the coin we cl id qualify for the NCAA's, and I think we can still run hotter " Even though the team t ame in second, Oregon's Karl Kesko won the meet finishing in 30 minutes. 119 second* Keska, a junior, added the District VIII individual championship to his Pac-10 championship Keska has hern the first collegiate to cross the finish line in nit four meets he has participated in this season “Karl ran a great race." Dellinger said "He was in con trol all the way Up’s running really well right now " Kcvltn nasi I v handled the com* petition as he beat the second place finisher Dii Steidl of Portland by a full 1? aeconds Oregon sophomore Matt Dim-, had another strong showing as he finished in fifth place and was less than three seconds behind the fourth-pltn o runner Davis was the Din ks only run nor to go to the national meet last year and his good finish m this meet helped to bring the rest of the Oregon squad into a qualifying spot for the N't AA meet Matthew has been very con sistent all season," Mlinger said Other runners for the [lucks include sophomore Daniel Das Neves who finished 14th, David Gurry (22nd) Rick Cantwell i i trd). Mu ah D «MMM0 t« 2\SO *? m U0 «• leucA-tana P*u*« «*»»«« 9arr41 MUCK FIWT rtriyt burrp* MRfew USASJE lol******* PO 82*3? Pw*Wd . 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It youre smart enough to know mktng a whore the $ is. and onvt ronmental solutions are hoi, then (om out team S5k$10kwmo No joke Offices in Portland. Eugene Fot intervKiw (503)363-634? Student Pool Advisors warned tor the College ot Business H you are a motivated, responsible individual looking to strengthen a variety ot studs then attend an informational meeting on Thurs Nov 16 at / pm Applications avert, m 271 Gilbert Outdoor Program Ski Trtp Ptenwlngcante. The workshop wd cover the equip ment and information avertable to plan O P common adventure ski tops Also, tind out about the eco nomc and spiritual benefits tor O P ski tnp initiators and the reward ot creating anoutdoor adventure Free event Mon . Nov 13. I 30 p m , Outdoor Program Room (EMU) The ODE Classifieds... more than just a place for the crossword. We 're sad to say goodbye to Calvin and Hobbes Since Calvin & Hobbes will be discontinued after Dec. 31 we’d like to know what comic strip you want to see daily in the ODE classifieds. Please call 346 4343 with vour comments and suggestions. Student cartoonists will be considered. Please submit examples to the ODE classified office bn Fridatf. December 8. Doonesbury by GARRY TRUDEAU „ '**? AACA At . • >NAiiiHAPPt*£P ■> \ami • ■>/. anp * /< •>' i/S>THf. STUCK) \W> >*Jf V£,;