Police trailer start-up planned to spark student, street safety By Al>e Kulimtd* Community Reporter The grand opening of the West University Police Station on the corner of Past 1.1th Avenue and Alder Street Wednesday afternoon drew about 50 small business owners, the media and I (sal dignitaries, including Mayor Ruth Hascom and Eugene Police Chief LG. Cooke “As wo open the doors to this station, it is analogous to a blue print materializing in the form of n new home. Cooke said "That blueprint is part of n long range community policing plan that you helped develop Through continued cooperation, you can take hack the streets You can take hac k the neighbor hood so we can all enjoy a qual ity of life again in our community." The opening of the temporary police station, a gray trailer that sits in the parking lot of 7* Eleven, is part of a community policing plan passed in 1991 that involves dec entralubng and branching out ps>lit *• protection to individual neighborhoods in Kugetw A similar police station is also operating in the Whiten It er neighborhood 'Die intermittent rnm and dri ving winds couldn't dampen the enthusiasm of Ku hard Green, president of the West University Small Business Association, who has I well working with authorities to bring a continual police presence to the Bast 13th Avenue area "This is our neighborhood. This is a safe neighborhood This is a neighborhood we all 1 relieve in," Green said Merchants along l ast nth Avenue have bean asking police for more protection, particularly after last summer when large crowds of aggressive pan ban dlers and loiterers began dis rupting commerce and scaring away i ustomers "1 think students are behind it," said Steve Mvers. a Univer sity student and an intern work JANtlW t>» *M | rnmaxs A Eugene police officer looks pasl the new West University Police Station at 13th Avenue and Alder Street in# at the |*oh< « station “I know sorrnt of th«m havu boon intinu dated by what's been going on down h»rv l'he station is n good stap in bringing the mtighhor hocxl buck to ih« HiudonN." Study discovers hatcheries bait for salmon extinction ■ WILDLIFE: Long-term effects of unnaturally spawned fish takes its toll WASHINGTON (AP) — Emphasis on raising salmon in hatcheries, om.t! thought the kev to their survival, is helping push many naturally spawning salmon species to the brink of extinction in the Pacific Northwest, the National Research Council said Wednesday. "It isn't enough to focus only on the abundance of salmon. The long-term survival of salmon depends cru« tally on a diverse and rich store of genotii variation." the council said in a new report. "We have already lost a substantial portion of tfie genetic diversity that existed in these salmon species 150 years ago." The report concludes that sav ing wild salmon will require a wide variety of costly measures addressing their entire migrato ry life cycle, from cutbacks in ocean fishing as far away as Alaska to laws prohibiting log ging and livestoc k grazing near inland mountain streams. ET ALS MEETINGS Asiun/Pai ifu-Amern an Student Union will mwt today from 5 to6 pm in the Multicultural Center. For more infor mation, call 4207. Vietnamese Student Association will meet tonight from 6:30 to H in tin* Multicultural Center For more information, call 346-4207. Programs Financ e (Committee will meet today at 0 p m in EMU Century Koom D For more information, call 340-062 » College Democrats will meet tonight at 7 in the EMI Hoard Room. MISCELLANEOUS OSPIKC'% Endangered Species Group is hosting a bake sale today from 9 a m to 5 p.m at the Bookstore. For more information, call 345-3927. Career Outer ami Graduate School yvill sponsor a work shop titled "Surviving Your Academic Interview" today front 12:30 to 2 p.m in EMU Century Room A For more informa tion. call 346-2604 Career Center is sponsoring a workshop titled "Internship Options" today from 2 to 3 p.m. in Room 12 Hendricks For more information, call 346-6001. Center for the Study of Women in Society and Women’s Study Program will sponsor a workshop hosted by Elizabeth C. Lyon today from 3 to 5 p.m. in the EMU Walnut Room For more information, call 346-5015. Office of Academic Advising and Student Services will sponsor a workshop titled "Practicum Opportunities in Physical and Occupational Therapy” today at 3:30 p.m. in Room 164 Oregon Hall. For more information, call 346-3211. Career Center is offering an orientation of its services today from 3:30 to 4 p.m. in Room 12 Hendricks. For more information, call 346-6001. Career Center is sponsoring Hewlett Packard - C M pre meeting today from 5 to 7 p.m. in Room 288 Chiles For more information, call 346-6001. Outdoor Program will sponsor a Wilderness Medicine Clinic tonight at 7:30 in Room 100 Willamette For more information, call 346-4364. Low Prices To Lots Of Places Everyday. 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