Assault: Students have more than just one option ■ Continued from Page 1 repnwont t fu* number of women who art* vii timi/ed According to their t Hunt infor mation forms, -til of the more than I .UOO clients at the Counseling Center said they hod been raped find another *1 i hents sjh-i ifieti date rape These* statist it s do not include men het arise according to Uni versity and legal system dufini lions, rape is defined ns vaginal penetration Thus, women are taped; men .ire sodorm/ed Gwen l isdadt, the (Jounseiing Center s office manager, said while these numbers refer to exponent es ot t tirring through out the lives ol students it is highly likely that many of these instant es oi curred on campus. "And the problem is that i! pet* pie don't report it. il looks like nothing is happening on i am pus." Why women don't report l^iura Hlake Jones, an ascot i ate dean at the Offit e of Student Life anti a member of the Unwanted Sexual Itehavtor Task Fort**, is one of the people at the University try ing to find out why women aren't reporting rape. She said they might not report it because they feel guilty anti want to put the experience Ix'huui them, turning instead to counseling, family and friends "There are blurry feelings," Jones said "Most t uses ol rape are acquaintance ami date rape And pimp out of the bushes ni|»e is under-reported If woman feel blame (or (stranger raj**!, you |u*st multiply the guilt by a< quain tance rape or dale* rope and you start to m«' a picture1 about why women don't report Triel Lindstrom. Sexual Assault Support Services volun teer coordinator, said another rea son women don't report rape is Isnaiise they don't believe report ing will help "I worked with one woman last year who went through the process at the University, and nothing happened It |ust mokes a nightmarish experience even more awful," she said. A group of students are out to change this, they formed Stu dents for an Assault F'ree Knvi ronment Inst year Trina Truini, a member of tfie group, said she believes there are several problems with how rajm is dealt with on < ampns "SAFE was created last year after Take B«c k the Night lasause during the si>eak-out we realized there are n lot of dis< reponcies about how rape is reported on campus.' Truini said "We want an environment where (sur vivors) know they are supported • ! afraid of (peeking mi! Truini said she has heard w ims ire often em oureged to solve then i axes informally, and SAKE is lookifig at the \ ability of the ai i usation and whether this is in tfie lies! interest of the Uni versity or of the student SAFE members also reviewed the student conduct code last year to find areas that need improvement. She said partly Isa nose of SAFE'S work, tfie stu dent conduct coordinator has a graduate teaching fellow exam ining the conduct code this year Blake Jones said the Unwant ed Sexual Behavior Task Force is using SAIT’s recommendations to help improve the connection between rapes committed and rajs's reported "We're looking at how much advocac y and support are available to survivors " CAMPUS SAFETY RESOURCES AND STATISITCS HELPFUL ORGANIZATIONS ON-CAMPUS ■ Project Saferhte Safende provide* tree on-campus and otf-cempus shuffle service to Unrverstfy women To reserve a nde, ca* and leave a message on the day ot the nde Fat) hour* Sun - Thur* 6pm to 12 • m Fri Sat 6pm to? am Reservation tine 3*6-4239 Sta« tine 346-0663 orr -campus ■ Sesual Assault Support Services SASS i* a community organize bon providing supped to s«>uai assault survivor* The organization operates a 2A hour ensa ime. counseling sennee* and an advo cacy program f’cw suport groups tor Survivors, no appointment needed Takes ptace Mondays from 7 ■ 6 30pm O op-in counseting S«ss*on open to survivors, no meet needed. For more inSormahon, cat! 485-6700 {cn*»« hne) 4$4 9795 {cm# (me) 484-979? {business *in«) ■ Set earn Saferun provides women with dogs when they go running or waging For information, cafl 345-8086 STATISTICS ■ l ast yea* at the Urwersify. two women turned in official -ape laports to the Student Conduct CoonJ;rtf»to» According to Counseling Center: Statistics suggest rape is a bigger problem When students visa! the Counseling Center, they must ft# out a student information form to give counselors back ground on them From these forms, me following sta tubes were made ■ ' ,?48 people visited the Counseling Center last year and reported the following had occurred to them at some time m their lives ■ 4 1% unwanted s«*uai e»penence, ■ 3.4% rape • 47% date rape •3 4% senuaJ assault ■ last year at the University, live women turned »n unoltoa! rape report forms According to Sexual Aasault Support Services: ■ t in 3 women and 1 in 4 men will be sexually assaulted by the age of 18. ■ 1 m 6 women in college has reported being raped by someone she knows V Date m;x' accounts tor 60 percent of ail reported 'apes The ma/onty of victims are between the ages of 16 and 24 How to report .Students cen mnf rape either offi< tally or unofficially, on-cam pus or off-campus On-campus, wmnwi i an officially re|wirt rape or other sexual assaults with Stu dent (Conduct Coordinator (Claim Green, When student--, report the inci dent to Green. they have the option to resolve the issue infor mally or formally Green said most women choose to resolve the situation through informal channels because these decisions cannot be apjxinled; w hereas for mal dec isums can he appealed all the way up to the Oregon State (Court of Appeals. Green said informal reports <*an only he resolved if the Univer sity and the accused agree* to it. She said most women opt for informal hearings because they an* provided more privacy. "If it's informal, they never have to meet face-to-face about it If it's formal, the survivor to testily and i an he cross-examined by the accused " Students not wishing to offi cially report a sexual assault can fill out an unofficial report form. These forms are loc ated across campus, including in women's bathrooms They are anonymous and allow both victims and friends of victims to report sexu al assault The forms am sent to the Counseling Center where they used to keep statistic.s. The reports am then shredded Off i ainpus, women can take their castes to court Blake Jones said women can seek financial Don’t miss PEACH at John Henry's Tonight! 258 E. 13TH AVI. EUGENE, OR 97401 342-7975 MATT GAmow assistance to pay for legal fees through a special fund adminis tored through tfur District Attor ney's office. Regardless of whether women press charges, they can seek long term support and advocacy pro grams through Sexual Assault Support Serve rs in Fugene The service also runs a 24-hour crisis line. Whether off-campus or on campus, officially or unofficial ly. Green encourages women to report rape "I'm concerned about it being very under-reported because I stm what a devastating and life changing experience it is. For some people, (reporting! can be part of the healing process." Green said. Fishing boat, 11 on board, missing since Wednesday ASTORIA {Al») — A charter fishing boat bound for Alaska with 11 people aboard was miss ing Wednesday off the Oregon Coast after reporting engine trou ble and bad weather The Coast Guard sent up a C 130 airplane and two helicopters ■to look for the 115-foot Monterey, which was last reported about 10 miles west of Lincoln City. 1 he search began Tuesday night and continued Wednesday, said L.t. Polly Bartz of Coast Guard Group North Bend. Before the Coast Guard lost radio communication with the boat 1 uesday night, the skip|>er reported one engine was out and they were heading for Astoria rather than Newport because of bad weather, the Coast Guard said. Bart/ viid the Monterey's home port was unknown, but the skip per reported that they were head ing for Alaska with four crew and seven passengers. A search of foreign and domes tic data bases on oceangoing boats turned up nothing on the Monterey, Bartz viid.