rnCARS TRUCKS 1989 Gao Spwetrum T ape eteck '»*o new !«wW*li jjrwy 80.000 mrkk* $1660 Or maae cUtm 683-238 I. 9 anv-Opm HO nonia Ctvtc St Alack. *t#y kxKXK). tow m*es in.300 joMpn m r»-?646 WINTER IN MEXICO 71 VW Camper Rtjfngeraiar. »r* AM* M tasked* .*< If* on nKu« engei* $1500 work ttus tumw Aa recetpi* New Imt. tMtm muffler from And Mr O'l'.M mKMncal cond SaCrAcv $2200 6&3-S634 1968 Cwip*i VW But N<« body, engine nwad* ovwfflaut Make odor 746-568* 77 MERCURY COUGAR Brg, Smootti. Sokd nd9 $400 937-8206 346-8112 1991 isu/u impulse 30k. A/C. any tm cassette 5 speed 2 (loot Cacol lem corattan $6500 343-0869 iMMOTORCYClES SCOOTERS 1981 Black Suzuki GS550L New toes. cfutei and sprokot* Fuff ndkng included, make offer 586-4452 IS5 BICYCLES 1967 Tommaso 56cm a8 Campy, made m Italy, Scott Arson, face, tram SBOGdOo 466-6281 JM COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Panasonic W1600 Word Proces sor Easy to use Excellent eondt two $300060 Can 466-1322 Latest playstation Saturn. NfviGeo CO Games, US 8 import. IBM 8 Mac software and services Soil ware 88 at gateway Matt 988-1088 1995 Apple Powertxx* 150. plus Stytewnter it printer Both in axcet lonl condition Pd $1600. until sen tcrS9SG/ot» Jo»h 688-2984 W.sfiIooi Conauiung Mac & PC-Houcecalls 68/-2822 165 STEREO SOUND EQUIPMENT CASH! We Buy. Sell 8 Setvice VMS VCR s and Stereos Thompson Electronics. n?2 0a* 143-82/3 Entertainment Center with TV, VCR. Stereo w turntable duai cassette doc* CD auv. graph*: etyuati/er. au dio level iridtcalot and enlernai speakers $400 Z4/-2725 170 INSTRUMENTS Guitar: Las pack Studio Black ml ctirome hardware repair work Make otter Call Adam 484 901 7 ieo SKI EQUIPMENT Snowboard 1993 Burton Air 6 1 Never been used S250 Boots, too Cell Brian 988-1834 94 MORROW DRIVE 83 Board $ Bmdrngs *z?yoBO Calt flch 484 443? 195 OPPORTUNITIES Parliamentary Procedure This two credit course (studying Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised) b being offered Winter term, Thursdays from 4 • 6 pm either graded or P/NP {Undergraduates a graduates') Details available from Frank Gel met — 146-0007 IgclmcT (if oregon l,rt |).U dlion Inr I t;t(li i shi|) in |In " orlri \rmintl ^ mi iSSOPPOP'UNlTitS Want Mora? H route »m*n enough to knew m*tng ,* »'■««•» the i *. and sow ronmora* wMwoi are hoi. man yaw our team is* itOkirmo ten F** 0«cw* m Portland tugana far interview fS03»3SJ-«M2 winiK T«fm uTtmtsHpa available through me Career Development internship Program Environment Ml Pagan Arboretum Nearby Nature Financial Servicer VA Retirement Services Education Youth Service* Human Service* [Win to Three Dona Ranch lane Count? Mental Health lane Sfeteertare Sr ipwortb tlana County vouth Senecas! legal lane County Vvtim Servtce* Slate ot Dragon Dept of Oorree tuna Marketing Public Relation* Convention and Visitor* Assn Sth Street Pubic M.uVet Western River* G«rt Scouts Council Wiitamamiane Par* A Recreation Publication Marker Gene Technologie* Inc Oregon Marketplace Coma to the UO Career Cen ter, 2*4 Hendrick*, to slgn-up Available for upper-division credit to Jr SC* only Scan WWW to loo* at Internship possibilities at: (http webfob uoregon adu CDIP html) Deadline is Friday. November 10 NEED MONE V FOR COLLEGE Recorded message gives details MS-1073 Earn cash 4 tree long distance wprepaid calling cards 345-4538 Cruise ships now hiring Earn up lo $2.000»/month working on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour compa nies World travel- Seasonal M em ployment availaWe No espeoence necessary For more information call 1 206-634-0468 e«t C60691 b u yf 14 b £ wk k e fH* ()rt#£*t (Kitty tmruhi jtwmri no (or ad I ontrnl or rrtpunw Kds Vt u icrfaftl to* itief*! lOBtMl Mid nu*( ordrt Mh «ni prmtdr * umfir of Hr* lot tak Olhrrwitr ads AppTM km food to W irur. profcifatv Mr tripond 4l your own mk POSTAL AMO GOVT JOBS Si?t/HOUR ♦BENEFITS NO EXP NEC- Witt TRAIN APPl & INFO 1 800 MB 3040 Student Peer Advisors wanted lor the College ot Business if you are a motivated, lesponsOSo mdrvtdual tooking lo strongmen a variety of stutfs then attend an MormaHonaf meeting on Thurs Nov 16 at 7 pm Applications avail m 271 Gibed Volunteer in Africa 4 Latin Amer ica: One year posts m OemoerSua 6on. human rights refugees. health, (ournaksm. Me Can (2Q2>62S-7«a3 Find stuff in the ODE Classifieds (movies & stows, per sonal messages, computers, real estate, job opfiortun/tles, and more) 0&C4I **amant« 4&S 03M EftEMI t Cruise Ships Hiring! 'V-.te.iU Needed! $$$ iFree Travel (Cants bean. Europe, Maw**') SeesonaF Permanent. No Exper Necessary Ckade 919 929-4398 o.t CtOCK Rette SM The CMw* fundlaser a her* to hetp y.xv fast. easy, no ns* or hnant!* otrtigrtrtiorvgreoM groups. clubs, molts alert mdvtdo afs, Can now Rente 4600 « onty oneew (900) 8ft? IMS' Ml J3 Janitorial Security Upscale retirement community seeking reliable, stpmancM m* wlu.iis Part limn lor graveyard sfntt Send resume arvj cover letter try 1t 15795 to Director Wasfung lOIl Abbey 494 <6r tOttl Aw Eu gene. 9 .'401 EOE TOO 1-800-/% 2900 $1/50 we*Sly pnsuhtn mailing out cvcUars For »i*o 301300-170/ After school cere in our home 3 teds appro. 1 Vhra per »n* Nwetl own transportation references Celt MA 0*01 HOME TYPISTS PC imj need ml $45,000 income poterwt.il Cad I 800-5134343 e.1 0-964? Lap Support Technician t?-month student portion, t&-20 hrvwk. 9 00 Provide coordination and Sipporl tor mstructiorvai and open accosts rmcrtxomputer lab faciMies housed m the Computing Center and etsewhere on campus E .ten sive hardware, software and net worti experience reqmr«t Resumes can be submrttad to the Computer Operations Recepciorvst. Room !08. Computing Center, prior to Friday November 17 lor more information, contact Mary Bradtoy (phone 348 t m or e-mart nwxac*ey#or8yon) Now accepting applications tor drivers, inside help and janitors Appty m person at «?4 ChameOon P.ua Pipeline E.penence pre lerred r iM OPPORTUNITIES .'■'HELP WANTED Part tun*, muti nave neal ap and no.*)*«> wnedute A«*v at T»ct) Belt arcroia tram UO Bookstore Mo phone ca*» i'S HOUSES FOR RENT Tudor Cottage Hemodeftftl. bftduMul crtynl, 2 txlrm cottage Oak door. Itmptace 1376 W Sffi t across aftey tram Craft World) $6&tVmo Mo smokiy or pets 343-6000 * isrnshed Jfcdrm apartment AvaaaMe Oec 16 4HNU Apartment* on campu* I ar*t 2 t*»n*i A«o*.a*.» soon 3426 3626 343 6646 2 B<*m t-jrnrsfwo tour Mocks ft) 'amp** DW dttposal. new carpet $&60fmo Avail MOW 343 -3318 .PARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED) Spacious I Bdrm t66s yft lain ;arttscap«i grounds. ltd rftjutpped kitchen S69S/mo Muntn to month or lease Shown tS*(y 461-0199 Spacious 2 story 2 bdrro apt do** to campu* J60 oft t *t montrta runt Aw»t 12/21 Ca»8«S-46/l Two txlrm apt. ckxw to campu*. nr* area !«j ipactous. avail now C J or Bob. 343-7463. anytime CAMPUS 1 BLOC* 2 tort00m 3643 large, clean, race carpet. laundry, tiartmg. lease, no pets tsot 1 am 346 /w CAMPUS 10 BLOCKS t bedroom 3396 Clean, Laundry, parting, 3 Mucks to Saleway. lease. no pet* 2046 waamettn 346 798! Croat location*! tt-.i • t , 7 8.6”' OW garbage 1 VOCATION C* Rar»NAL SPKX ' WHAT A SUAMtUKS tNTJWON * WHAT A HtAMTSSS A«7iJWLl on wmah DiGmri < , Wtt *RJL few X IM STM&MG ) wkrcwmb TVS. WkU-> A. Tnj fiwr Acro*» from MuMC Budding tg Stmlo wood Hour S40Q Xv*l NOW One Odrm .n,ut Owe Vt 30 A* u1*» #*c «*v (Metric .Mi-6000 m QUADS SHar* batfi »n>m« Kjmdurn. .v;v*iv! otf «trn«it (vvl tig at uMrtMin on vln laundry UA-iWno ' ‘Ml HUyaAl M3-4t0» Rtxwn 3 tkotfct from campu* fc’SO UtiAtwm & caCM mcimfcxl fit. Iasi • danxwi Avail Ooc i 683-6664 Emrawmat N 11 » w J'iClUB SPORTS The U o* 0 Women t Club Vol feytiail te*tm w*« tie hotting tryout during If*© wool 3 Ol 11 /$ & 11/12 The t»mee search ben©w y42 5940 I.... ?85 SERVICES ProMams? Call tha U of 0 Crisis Una Ior troo anonymous counw*ng M f. i(jm4HKn . I he vita, «w*Mxht MS-ASM FUSE HELP- Is .wonol a problam? Call Alcoholics Anonymous M2~4t»3 ?4 hrvday. con**Jert>.« ConsitJaring abortion? Consider »v. trtorrmln, ns 1st Way. It on arnl contdanbai M.' mi‘>t ATTENTION AU STUDENTS! Grants A scholarships ara aval labia Buttons ol dollars in grants, quality immadiataly i^oo-40Dom Soauai Assault Susnxyt Services ■'* ►« Dim unn aivt •?/«,. vlkkl m FOOD & DRINK WANTED 100 STUDENTS lo mm ft tgo *» !<•'« MetatxMvn Bunas m- nj,jh , i ii.i",tnu.l Roju.iii S3S 00 00*1 t«OO-XH>M*0 »JCAMPUS EVENTS WILDERNESS MEDICINE WORKSHOP WnitHn W Forge*. MO Nov 9, / .IGpm IU0 Win f «EE’ Outdoor Program S HE I 310 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln l< might. Xovvmber V MsiJjuiu 1II l l \ *•«<’ W IH»|M4 K •i. t *. i » *•««* .Belle de Jourj T NM » , l Pushing I funds JEFFREY. LU* < I.O< KKKS So mat lung to Talk About CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheifer ACROSS 1 ‘ ******** i**!V !*'*' i Acknrmt If** •SET*** dontan 11 Q«n 1) TaJ uie 14 Cafdomur c«» 1$ N^lgr*7 14 In tfhi »fyt» of 11 Sofn*Mn »4Je*mtx*» 14 Otnum uMa 20 Pad dowr 22 CJalucaf muwc tfHaaaome 2t S*Mwa4 (Ulan** It Saam liras.* concern MOvarty 11 Boo* before OOadraA 12 Oitum 11 Smal vjfcr, 14 l.mfcs &l4b$bt 34 Y«*> Vtfguw* * rMNrftfMlfM'rr M tfcnid (Wlh 37 I 4rty wu c BC Pw+mn tong 44 Cotumntftl HlA 47 M«v« r»t* 4$ T v«ng«4(t! SO fW«ctK)n f« Yoncfc 41 7*04(41 Omm) wrortf 42 Cootompi 43 fac»Wy 44 *Ht>ft6tMX) ' 43 ( ,'ckwvo commcml 44 *Th« OMtOtf" 44 Court