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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1995)
WEDNESDAY S TRANSACTIONS BASEBALL AL ■ ME H YORK YANKf ES—Mared Gordon Blakeley dredor of vSematenal scouting. pm (kao >nm league taw! end Begge Wa« area scout <o« South** CaMotraa ■ SEATTLE MARINERS-- HarwO Stew Smith coach Mahon* league ■ ONawariMfos- Ayeedtst*™ ■Ah JUfcan Mock, scouting (Vector. on « too-ye* contact BASKETBALL NBA ■ Hi W YORK KMCKS-Syted Gary Grant. guard Placed Anthony Tuck*. tor »*tt 00 Pm njuied as! FOOTBALL NFL ■ ARIZONA CAROWAl s.Signed C J Bchvdson. safety Placed Paint* Hum* Cornett**, on injured imewe 1 CAROL INA PANTHERS S-o^sO Ono PHaw (unmngbock Placed Nate Turn* running ux* on njurad mnrvo ■ GREf!N BAY PACKSR$ Placed Ty Detm*. qu*rt*tadt or injured reserve Signed W*c McCoy. quarterback. to the pracace squad Waved Seth Dafner oHeowe tackle, ctf "v> practice squad ■ NEW YORK GIANTS- S^netJ Ten Watson solely Raced V ••.•« >• t> /.i • solely, on injured reserve Signed a* Johnson cwnertiKk. to the practice squad W acred Kern Feighery pur'te» ■ M ft YORK ATS Placed Got- ft*y »airt»»t>ac*. on enured R**ia*a Oe«ter Carter >o Signed Ena A ‘•H-’ rj.jr’wtao and Jed Sy»w wide pur! returner ■ SAN FRANCSCO A9ERS -Waned Ton, /*n*s*s EttcefcOker. and Tot JofdftV v/:r end Sgned ATI ft * r,s p*e*ic*#r SOCCER NAT ION Al PROFESSIONAL SOCCE R LE AGUE ■ ONONNA Tl SJt VE R8AC* S T •***) U*c OoM#*f deMnder. tOlheftrlMo f»//ard lor the rights to (Alt Kmoefcj, defender COLLEGE ■ BROCKPORT STATE Named Ben t>*e men's »mut' MstctMl coach M« e Gum autatan! sac* and Md coach And 8onm* Weston chearteaijng coach ■ KE AH -Named Sears Oevene, Scott Sr ~ Jo* Wettf and Bs« lOBs men's as**** baseetta* coaches and Jer>> ftOTCer, womer.'s ass*’..v' basAettaJ coach ■ 1ONG iSl AMD U Named ftr-ndes Saunders men's aswsSsh! CftsAefca* coach and Yotanda Champagne eromen's assis tant tasaettsai coach ■ SOUTHERN UTAH-An- ■ rtthn r«*gnahon ©< Jac* ftrshop. toot!.*-' coach ■ AT ST MINSTER MISSOURI Named Mph Young tooeaS coach and Terr, Lcgue sports ustormatwn ooateji\*tp Ill the Nov H edition iif the DDK, nn article incor rectly spelled (. reg l.ahovitch's lutnie In the name article, the varsity c lub sport team was said to he allotted $200 and had to pay for most of its own expenses In reality, the team is allot ted $2,000 and only pays for its uniforms and the expense to travel lo tin- national Sour nwmmt. In addition, thi' picture accompanying the story miMilmitifiml )i>smi Hun t) ns David Mustaino and (raig Knnaud as Scott Dm kt'lmnnn The Emrrald regrets tile errors Ducks sign pair of early recruits ■ BASKETBALL: Head coach Jody Runge and her squad will welcome a center and a point guard from Oregon to the team next year The Oregon women's basket ball team announced Wednes day the signing of two in state re< nuts to letters of intent to play Iwsketball Jenny Mime, n B-foot-4 renter from Powers, and Shannon Thorne, a ft foot 10 guard from Beaverton, signed letters of intent, head roach Judy Runge said Mown led Powers High School to a 2t-2 record and the t'i'15 lA state title Playing less than three-quarters of most games ns n junior. Mows aver aged 2!i H points. 1? rebounds 9 5 blocked shots and 4.5 assists per game during the regular sea sim Mowc increased h<-r s oring performance to 2fl 5 points p«*r game in the state tournament scoring 35 points and grab bing 2fi rebounds in the first round A two-time all-state and three time all-league performer. Mown ha* been named first-team all tournament at every tournament she has competed in during her high school career. "Jenny committing to us early is a big issue,” Rungo said "She was a relative unknown until the July period at whic h time she began drawing attention She vvns one ol ion! htghlv re< ruited five players in the country." Thome helped lead Beaverton to a third-place finish at the state tournament, the highest finish in the school's history. In four postseason games, she totaled -i‘i points on -12 percent shooting from the floor She also added 20 rebounds. eight blocks and night steals As a sopho more. Thorne and the Heavers won the consolation crown, which was the school's best fin ish at that time She contributed 27 points and 17 rebounds to the title effort "Shannon has always been intent on coming to the Univer sity and has made a concerted effort to tell us that all along," Kunge said. "She is a great ath lete. has a tremendous work ethic and loves the game Once she gets physically stronger, she will be n great asset to our pro gram." "Heine able to sign two of the ties! in state players is very sig nificant." Kunge added, “fenny and Shannon have played on the same AAIJ team and that had big impact on both of them committing to us." The early signing period runs through Nov. 15. Young to return against the Cowboys ■ SAN FRANCISCO: The 49ers will probably have their star quarterback play this weekend SANTA CI.ARA. Calif (AP) — Stm i' Young, a reluctant expert on shoulder injuries, said ho thinks ha'll ho back to run the Son From iv n 49m’ offense Sun day at Dallas Ho also conceded, however, that there's no way tho deep. left shoulder bruise that has kept him out of the past three games will be completely healed. "I'm not looking to be 100 per cent. 1 don't have to !>e 100 per ient to no ploy football." Young said Wednesday "There's a gray area in there and om» 1 reach that gray area. I'm going to push to play football. "1 intend to be ready to play football on Sunday." he said. Young, sidelined since being injured (X:t 15 in a loss at Indi anapolis, said the same thing Inst week but wound up sitting out the -tiers' 13-7 loss to expansion Carolina "It s redundant but I am getting better." said Young, officially list ed ns questionable for the rematch of the teams involved in tin* past three NFC! title games Dallas won the first two on the way to Super Bowl titles. San Franc isc.o came tine k to defeat the Cowboys Inst year en route to a Super Bowl victory over San Diego ' “1 won't make the same mis take 1 did last week of throwing too much We're going to make sure it's ready for Sunday, not Thursday.” said Young, who lim ited himself to 40 throws Wednesday, including 25 with the first-team offense. He originally hurt his shoulder in a Week 2 victory over Atlanta. Call 346-4343 to place your ad today HorOSCOpC by Frances Drake For D>Uf*<l*y, Nov 9. IW A HIES l March 31 to April IS) You find youcaelf tn on argument with# relative «v#t« multt»Uw** Ik ttmwwm If out »»«f away frucn pew.*? item* Your bud get realty can't handle on retro *i ponditure TAUKU8 (April 2*) Us May 201 Your conduct cm lb* po*» should loon toward the conwrvaiw *»d* You're Iren plod to try the unortho dot but thia i* not the Urn# Some one cluee la brine vary myeter »oo» GEMINI (May 21 to June 30) I Yu* it not the l»m* to lake any financial riaka or make tricky in veeUrvenldeaia it talaowta*k'juini your credit card* A partner urn l apt to folkm your load in huainee* CANCEK i June 21 to July 32) Your mind wander* and you tan l fat * grip on taaka at hand Thera era Ickel) to be change* in travel plana Time alone Oua evening take* precedence over ancialuirtg IJSO (July 23 to Aug 22) Although you aeek advice what you hear conflict* with what you'd thought originally Keep to your own fwiwrl, and tr-uai your intuition liana are on hold while other* try to make up lhatr mmda VIHOO (Aug 23 to Sept 22) Keel free to aay no to a friend a re^ueat for a loan You're being truth fuJ whan you aay you r* not ixi the puatOon to do ao Social plana are subject to change UtAKA (Sept 23t0Ocl 22) Someone cloae to you la being un char acton* Ik ally unpredictable and difficult to deal with SurpnaeevcnU lead to a change in scheduling A higwig ta unneceeaanW negative sooRina Ukl to N« 21) Your* UR Cooling y«ur h*wU. wad Wf for w>mac*n* U> keep an appoint m*ni UlUmatety. that permit* neve* ahow* up Soma you dr*: with *r* »vMi« arwl mi«l*admg SAGfTTARlim CNt>* ritofb, at) You have a difficult time daaisng wtlh aotneant on tK* fob who k*-*}.-* changing h» «r her «Ufl4 Re curt U> tend Lo unfuu»h*d tack* (rvtn IK* day U/or* CAI*KIOC>RN (t w< 22 to Jan 19) If you can eifwi'. •am© delay* Thea* are mmstf but you •till mu*t gua/d your temper )tear **» about a potential part ftff make* it h*nl U> know what • t‘>\!'•« on AQUARIUS Uan 20 Us Fab IS) Ikm't ru*h out lo buy a kdUry ticket »»wt it* not the tima for jam blmg UruMpeclad ecpenaaa tncc in your pursuit of plmurv Accent Kum# lif© iruclead inserts iFeb 19 to March 20) THiwc around you are troubled by your inamaiatent behavwc A* a r* •ull, they react unfavorably U> your cuggvatton* At night. CoOMNMM dmpa by and evaralay^ hi* welcome YOU HORN TODAY uk* dehght tn the creature com forte of Ufa. auch a« food tvicv doth lax and a poah alwda Toward that end. you are a Hard worker and atrsv* to attain what you want out of I if* You would mak* a wonderful chaf. homo deco raba or clothing do*tgiver - all lied tn with your interval* You land Lobe aomewhat flamboyant. but never overwhelmingly **> Your *ooaj lifa t* alwaya tn full i*m| Hirthdate of Car l Sagan, a*tro*v> mer. Spiro T Afnaw former wca president. Sett Hob < Iraham. t) Rl C JOBS t-a freitrm *y*ul«*u J«* D‘‘. GREEK ANNOUNCEMENTS IK Colleen Ik i*m the he***! ugnu m town to have you k» my IBS®' ! * You* Buy Si* IK ‘J't y»H IK IK Ken, IK Tonights Sh© rsghl’ l kYve you IB on®. IK *VBS IK iK SPRING IK Your Big Sis love* you love. YBS IK IK ' K Emily, IK The »*ting.» atmcm owe baby snake’ IK I* YBS IK RECYCLE r PERSONALS mate to Ckh# Hm 3 moi«h» leaving \}/27fQf> *8. a) tractive and smear* You are at tr* t «« adventurous aw fa •. A t tft JO and interested m a romantic hoMtry You can ca« mo at (Sat) 9S/ -;i806 ot ***** to at S28 NE Urv coin. Hnaoturg. 97470 UO Singles 1 eaxar /OSO i 110 Tott-fraa MBA MfL NHL SCOMt Si NO* t -soooae- taoc f «t *.’» p» •nn ' Stp41 • T fiwcfs form l*N)n# Smv-U no TYPING At J4A-0759, ROBIN a GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED 20 year ihawaHttMYtatCTi background T«rm papers Fu* resume service Ei»mg laser pr ON CAMPUS1 DIALA-TYPIST 683-3066 no TYPING Pro/Edit idittng • Wr»tmf> AnnUmr • Uptng ( tn! 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MtC* NO■> I ¥(M UKt PR/Pt. at ao ,“we i ^ \ SW/p/