National Jewish fraternity starts chapter at University ■ GREEKS: Alpha Fps-'lon Pi began Sunday and will focus on culture, not religion, advisor says By Doug Irving Shifter*! H&f A now fraternity «! the University, biised on Jewish culture but open to everyone, is seeking a few good men Alpha Epsilon Pi inducted 10 men into its ranks Sunday This is the first pledge for them at the Universitv "One of the hardest things shout start ing something new is that people don't want to get involved until they see some thing happen." said Chris Kantrowit/, the advisor and a member of the fraternity Alpha Epsilon I’l is ,i national fralrrm ty that is traditionally Jewish Almost 90 pen eiit of its national membership is Jewish. However, that should not prevent people from getting involved in it Kantrowit/ said. " There is no discrimination at ail," ho said "1 vs ,int it to lx- a diverse fraternity Instead of being based on the religious aspects of Judaism, the fraternity will lie built around the Jewish culture, he said III this wav it differs from (Ju Alpha and other religious fraternities "! just don't want poop to to fool that the fraternity !■> limited,” he said "Jewish ideals rims every culture " Michael Mechanic k. who was indui ted as the first president of the University 's chapter, said he joined for several rea sons 'Apart from Hillel. there wasn't r > 11 s much Jewish life.' Mechanic k said "Nationally, it's tJie number one fraterni ty in n< ademil s. The thought of Ireing a founding father really appealed to me " Shelley Sutherland. the greet advisor to the University, said she is looking for ward to a new fraternity "It shows students are interested in the gr<*ek life," Sutherland said However, she cautioned that starting any group is not easy, and fraternities are no exception "It's n lot of work," she said “They've got a long way to go Kantrowifz agreed and said the (rater nitv is working to encourage linin' partic ipation 'I really think that the house is going to t>e strong," he said We re going to la* a big fraternity we re growing really fast " fig Ajxtrt from Hillel, there wasn't retills much Jewish life Salt anally, it's the number one fraternity in academu s I he thought of being a founding father really appealed to me — Michael Mechanic* Campus Chapter President -99 I he young Irntermty is using Kantmwit/'s house ns a meeting plat << for now Meetings nru every Sunday night .it 9 “We re already lining up the money." Kantrnwitr. said A new fraternity will help the greek system. Sutherland said. Instead of inking members from established fraternities, a new fraternity generally invites a new type of person "Statistically, people who join |a new fraternity) are people who want to start something new. she said. "It's going to appeal to different people ' About HO percent of Alpha Epsilon Pi's national membership would not havoolh erwise joined a fraternity Kantrowitz said. He said ho is pleased that many of the founding members are young students. For a Iwginning fraternity, he said, the need is great for first and second year stu dents who i an see the fraternity through its first years “Young blood is getting involved," he said “It's something they want to build,” If this fraternity is successful, he said, a Jew tsh-based sorority may also come to the University The idea for a University chapter tame lut spring when the fraternity i onta< t ed Kantrowitz about it After working with Alpha Fpsilon I’i through the sum mer and making phone calls. Kantrowitz was ready to begin this year in i.umarv the fraternity will Initiate ns founding i lass After that, they plan to petition the Interfraternity Council for membership If they are act opted, they will slowly work their way into the greek system. "1 want it to be a fraternity that sets the standard for what a fraternity is." Kantrowitz said T want people to say, These guys really represent the Univer sity of Oregon well."' Vets Club & Colonial Inn Restaurant' Open to the Public Power Train performing Wed, Fri, & Sat 9:00 pm-1:00am Buffet lues I n 11 am pm • $5.00 Seniors S4 50 Bat Menu Mon-Sat. 11 am-closing l ive Music, Blues & Ja//: Wed, Fri & Sat, 9 pm-1 am B»2h Willamette ★ J4W261 * Bantfuel facilities•wibbtr « JOIN NOWI DOC'S COCKTAIL RESEARCH TEAM 165 W. 11ttl • 683-8101 Life us a Journey ‘Not a 7 \ace Nothin# Kills V (>ood Hu// Like Prohiil ion If von drink, drink responsibly choose a designated driver. But II you need a ride call Designated Driver Shuttle 34(1-0621 it|MT.ilion Ilnurs Wt'd-S.ii % OFF Mountain • Hybrids • Cruisers • BMX We service all brands 10% LAY AWAY • TRADES • USED OPEN EVERY DAY aico^e too*t*^. msn» 8th Annual ec/ IlYrKRNATIONAL GIFT FAIR Eugene Mennonite Church 3590 W. 18th November 9, 10 & II Thurs.-Fri. 10 to () • Sot 10 to 4 • Proceeds go to local charities crafti of the wo*Id Missing: Search continues today for the two hikers ■ Continued from Page 1 an minor injury, and the two are in n tent waiting to be discov ered. The only sign of Hie missing students is a vehii le that was parked at the head of the trial they were going to take, the press release said. Blanchard said if the two stayed on the course they were planning to follow, finding them will he easier because researchers could concentrate on specific areas To this point. weather conditions have ham pered searching the area sur rounding the route the students were to take. Included in the search parties is the University of Oregon Search and Rescue Group, which is made of students, he said. At 5 p in last night, 20 stu dents went up to the wilderness area to help the search efforts though some of them returned Inst night. He said another 20 will join the effort at about f> Wednesday morning ET ALS MKETINGS Lesbian, Gay and Biaexu al Alliance Men's Drop-in Group will meet today from 4 to 5:30 p.m at the Koinon la Center. 1414 Kim aid St For more information, tall 346-1134 IMl: Hoard Budget Gom mittee will meet today from 5 to i» p m in EMU (amturv Room C. For more informa tion. tall 346-3072. Southeast Asian Ament an Stutlenl Avstx nition taotian Panel will meet today from 5 to 7 p.m in the Multicultural ('enter For more informa tion, tall 346-420? lesbian, (iay anti Bisexu al Alliance Women's Drop in Group will meet today from 5 10 to 7 pm. at the Kolnonin (enter. 1414 Kin raid St For more informa tion, tall 346 1134 Students for the Kthical Treatment of Animals will meet tonight at 6:30 in KMU l etiar Room A For more information, t all 142-6130 Students for DcFa/io will meet tonight at H in EMU (amtup. Room ( For more information, t all 344-7096. RELIGION Newman Center will offer a student social and mass tonight at ‘1 at the Newman Center. 1850 Emerald St For more information, call 343-7021 MISCELLANEOUS l niversity Women's Glut) will sponsor a lecture titled J “Oregon Coast Prehistory: A Vanishing Legacy" by Madonna Mo w today at noon in the Cerlinger Lounge. For more informa tion. (.all 464-5001. Career Center will offer ;i Career Center Servic es Ori entation today from 2 to 2:30 p.m. m Room 244 Hen dricks. For more informa tion. call 346-6001. Educational Opportuni ties Program will offer a workshop titled "Majors and Careers" by Donna Wong today from 3 to 4 p.m. in the Multic ultural Center. For more information, call 346 2174. Oflii e of Ac ademic Advis ing and Student Services will offer a workshop titled "Preparing for the MCA !"' today at 3:30 in Room 164 Oregon Hall. For more infor mation. cull 346-3211 ASl () Women's Outer will offer a workshop titled "Self Defense" today from 5 to 7 p.m in Room 1 Hi Fsslinger For more informa tion, * dl 346-40115 ,\St O Women's Center will sponsor a disc ussion titled “Awakening Mystical Feminism" in the EMU Ben Linder Room For more information, call 346-4065 Career Center will accept bids today until 4 p.m. for interv iews with the follow ing organizations BiMart and Frito Lay Registration is required to participate in the c ampus interview program. For more information, call 146-6001 l PS will he in the EMI today from 0 a m. to 2 p in Eor more information, call 346-6001.