Southern Discomfort Values from the past ami present dash in Southern comedy Andrew Mayer f'r&0i&nc0 fl&f.xxttw c written by Jane Arena Theater's next Wednesday THEATER PREVIEW Coup/Clucks Lord leehruk Theatre ( Written by pne Martin Opens Sf\ 8 up/Clucks. a comedy Martin, will open the 1995-96 season at H p m in Villard Hall Theater Arts doctoral student and director of the play Jim Utz said. 1 chose this play t»*cause it is a great, funny comedy one of the best American comedies in the last 10-15 years "It is also socially relevant because it talks about changing nice relations in the South "The humor is adult. I mean I wouldn't take im 0 year-old to the play." The play is a farce of (.'one With the Wind and life in the South I he audi once will see actors playing actors, whir h Utz said requires a more skilled actor to play the part Steven Grant, who plays Dr Kennedy, said his ( harm ter grants the audience an exposition of the racism piwMuu m mtr \uvvn. anu riuii.uit's n Senior theater arts student Justin Guadagni, who plays the part of Travis, said. The play is a come dy with deep racial under-tones Cuadngni's i haracter usually plavs the character of Rhett Butler in the town’s annual parade in the ploy But. the characters in the plav cannot decide who will piny the roles for a float that will he entered in the parade. “Some of the ( hara< ters are striving for the days of old, and some of the characters are striving for the future," Utz said. “And that creates a lot of comical tension.” Utz thinks the play will probably not appeal to a racist or a person whose distaste for “taboo” top ics gets in the way of having fun. "Be prepared." ho said. "This play features peo ple running around in black face and Ku Klux Klan robes. While the play mercilessly ridicules this type of behavior, 1 suppose that some people might be a bit uncomfortable by seeing these things actu ally represented on stage ” Martin has gained national acclaim through her plays' premieres at festivals, sui h as the Actors —,»■ „,.jk r..—Jtm anow* mkc*in&c*jf nmm Ml* Zifl (Slacia Jansan) and Don Savanah (Eric Larson) talk about Yankaas In Coup/C!uck». Tha play runs Movambar 8-11 and 18-18 and all shows bagln at 8p.m. Tlckats ara S3-S5. Theater of l.ouisvillo and liie Humana Festival of New Plays Her other plays in< lode Talking With and Kft-lv ami Du' The cast consists of Michael Rleker. Chris H Curtis, Troy Fischnallar, Sydney Foils. Steven Grunt. Justin Cuada^ni. Shanisse llownrd. Staciu Turn to COUP. Pago 6 String quartet to perform at Beall The Pefersen String Quartet c! Germany vrnil play music from Haydn. Beethoven and 'String Quartet No 1* by town Schul holt as pad oi rhe Chamber Music Sei« concert at 8 p m m Bead Concert Hall Nov 9 Sludent rusn tickets will be sold a! the door and are S5 and $9 A bee lecture precedes the concert in Room 198 ot the School ol Music For more information call the Music Hotline al 346 3764 v the Hull Center at 687 5000 to reserve tickets Jerry’s Dead! Go home! Wash! Get a job! The number of Volkswagen vans and converted school buses with flowers and pea* u signs has int reased on the streets of Eugene these davs. Some ( an fw seen putting about on routine errands to the natural foods' store or the head shop, but most just sit at the edge of the street, like ghost ships on the highways Their crews of Deadheads are uncharacteristically stationary as well. They wait for one more trip to set sail across the U S. Interstate. They wait for news of a rendez vous from their ghost leader, but the word never comes from his cold grave Jerry Garcia is really dead. Worm food. How grateful is a matter of debate. Quo thing is for sme. however, and that is. many fans still have no idea what to do with themselves or the peace van parked out front. I'm not bashing the Grateful I)»?<»»!. lik»* many conserv atives who are no doubt grateful that J*trry is actually dead. I'm at tually about the farthest thing away from a conservative that there is at the Emerald In fact. I kindn liked the Dead I went to four of their t on certs and actually bought tic k*«ts to go inside 6n two of those im i asions OK, so I never dropped acid ut a Dead show But. In 19H7,1 did hang out in the parking lot at I-ong Beach Arena with people who were frying I even got ferociously stoned at the Silver Bowl in Lis Vegas back in 1902. The last time the Grateful Dud played at Autan Stadium, two years ago, I went so far as to drink a beer. Point tv 1 < nn relate, man! But what better time than the Friday fol lowing Halloween add All Soul’s Day to make fun of Deadheads' So. I took it upon myself to t ome up with the top ten answers to every I toad head's most vexing question these days: What are we going to do now that Jerry Garcia is dead' 10 Fatten up Hob Weir and take his razor away o. l ake the van to Guyana and join with Jerry via an arsenic-spiked Kooi-Aid party. H. Tie a Img of heroin to a string and drag it across Jerry's grave until ho pops out to grab it. 7. All Deadheads unite in voodoo ritual to bring back Jerry as an evil, rotting ghoul. (i Kxhume Jerry's grave and quickly rush him into a cryogenics Turn to HINDS. Page 6