Arizona schools visit the Ducks ■ VOLLEYBALL: Oregon to face Sun Devils and Wildcats this weekend at Mac Court By Andrea DeYoung Scom Cfepcvlr' As the Mwson Marts to draw to a dose. the Ducks are stilt looking for their sis ond Par ifu - to Confer once win They have sis more matt lies, two of which will be played this weekend when Arizona and Arizona State visit Mi Arthur Court On the weekend of Oct 0 7, Oregon faced the Wildcats ami the Sun Devils but could not come away with a win It took four games for Arizona to down the Dm ks. hut Arizona State was able to sweep the match in three straight games Both opponents were able to keep the Oregon offense quiet Junior outside hitter Amy Mi Neel was held to single digits in kills on both nights The team hit below 100 in attai k percentage against the Wildcats and the Sun Devils Since that weekend, Oregon has gone on to la*at the nationally ranked Huskies and pick up a win in iis film I non-conference game last Tuesday night against Portland, bringing the Ducks' n>< ortt to 8 15 overall. doming into the contest. Me Noel is leading the Ducks with 268 kills Sophomore outside hitter Shelhv Edward* is dose behind with 207 At the not, sophomore middle blocker Deni Cordova has ,i< cumulated 11 solo block* and 84 assisted blot ks Arizona comes into Mat. Court tonight ranked No 15 by the American Volleyball Coat-he*' Asso ciation poll The Sun Devils are ranketi No 13 Arizona brings with them Hart) Bell, a player with 3*2 kills and a 4 44 average, int hiding 13 kills last time she fated the Ducks The Due ks w ill be watching out for Arizona Stale's ( hristme (inrner who has 315 kills, itu hid ing 15 against the Ducks, and averages 4 63 kills per game Oregon will face off with Arizona on Friday and Arizona Statu on Saturday Both mnti hes will start at 7 p m Hockey team prepared to sweep Portland By J. Dante* Pearson f^Wrtance Go ahead Admit it The hast part about hockey isn't seeing some guy unload a slap shot from the blue line or watching n goalie make an unbelievable save It's not the breakaways or the short-hand ed goals It's the hits The spine-jarring, bone crunching checks that leave a player in a befuddled heap against the boards, wondering what just happened and where the puck went That is the Club Sports lux k ev team's game - the rapport of the Ducks. Oregon skates into this week end's match-up against the Portland lunior buck* loosing to torn* down its penalty min utes and spend more time get ting the puck into the net "Uist sear against Portland we got into a brew-test." Ore gon right winger Seth Prouser said. ’’There were a lot of punches thrown — it should be interesting." Oregon's three losses (1-3 overall) have all been by a one goal margin. But as long as goalie Mike Marsh can contin ue his nightly routine of more than 17 saves, a two-game sweep of the Junior Bucks is not out of the question. Game time at Lane County Ice is Saturday at 8:30 a m., and Sunday at 12:00 p.m. Emerald mum Call 346-4343 to place your ad today b« GREEK ANNOUNCEMENT Congratulation* to our n#W*«t mrtiataa P . K&t** W . M*«y.v \ A and iA 1 A»n> *0 y*>u love. yOUf AT S*ftt«fS too PERSONALS UO Singles i U00 44? /ono«110 Toti ff** i Call Your Date Now!!! 1-900-255-2525 * 5045 j $? 99 (MM mm Mini (» 1B yti Toucfvione Pltone Required S«v U (619)6454434 Vialtmfl Piof*»»oi of Scondtrw vimi a.rt-i lo fKHi^si! w i IkxjM Hum January 1 M.Wi'l 16. 1996 jwrtcum term) Cornett German me len^uajos and literature* Dopf 3454051 RECYCLE 135 LOST & FOUND COST IN EMU Bn * k*atf*« low WQ»**i VafcirtM tarnrJy phc*^ {kwimstwu pupe#-** nod card* Pteiis** cnniaci Hay ta' ^^|f> H3 TYPING A! 344*0759. ROBIN * GRAD SCHOOL APPROVfD . * “*j!^*v \,-,<**i. »;■,*. &»*.* j/m/nl T«rn> (MapfttS FuS H*f4t^Tw E *W»kj unap ON CAMPUS' DIAL A TYPIST 683-3066 Pro/Edit • Writing KtutlMHr • Typing i./iphni lr»l S<4nn»f>j[ • IfHtfttft 741-7553 ’’b GARAGE. MOVING SALES Garag« S*1* rumrtsjf«v (John*, dachas. «tc 7b0 Patomwo fort H®f • km ) Sa* A r*un (New 4 5) 9 4 GO DUCKS! Horoscope by Frances Drake K April li»> impatience muit tw kept in check when around the elder ly member* of v«ur family A *uiyn*e fmiuKid AHdtni (ram a friend timid be pee •mtfti HhW fmtr tun* TAURUS (April 20 i*> May 20) (tfllmi >«ur [K»n( mtght not he mu difficult •• anti*» paled iW*«re «*( £ on the p*b Ituemea* profit* are likely tiK.MJNI 21 to June 20) Ingenuity hr mg* ><*h g*m« The financial picture brighten* Group affair* v« your tup «( tea IWlh •ingle* and couple* * *pet mmw« mim wonderful romantK limn CAM ‘Kit tJurte 21 to July 22) Your mind ut mad* up about • future tnp However. hum family member* *j* m d>M|mment *t*>ut your daemon It tune to act on your tnaptraifcxi* but »Oti> tonjwwtwnl USO (July 23 to Aug 22) Act tpmkly to implement your goal* #rwi plan* eft the jab Yeu mutt • tr**e while the trwt t*hol Acordu* mg financial •ituation im aeived to your •aliftfaC lion VIRGO i Aug 23 to Sept 22) Thi* vrauld be a groat lima to gel together with friend* *nd make le» •ure plan* There could ha a diffiru)l pareon to daai with, eo be presumed to gat your point iCTOM UBRA (Sept 23 to Oct 22) You‘»* tliii at a •talemata with a partner, but a* the da? progreaar* you will work out yvur problem* tag* they K*v,*r>d thinking affect* a monetary deal SCORPIO (Oct 23 U> Nov 21) Y«n*'v* bean frusir a Uni «* ith a mur a project. but you wtU fmaliy finish »t You a/* m a roman Ik mraod met it * the perfect Urn* to plan a weekend trip for t «*• lamb for someplace nw and eanUnf SAGrTTAfUUB (Nw 22 w Dec 2U It tstmperetivelheiyaubeantmwfr for appointment* and social father inf* NotwMty will be impressed with a grand entrant* Handle financial affair* careful)v CAPfUCOHN* (Dec 22 to Jan 19) If you ovennduif * *n the pursuit of pleasure, th»a mold prove to be a costly move It is important that you do not abuse your health and die t At nifht. opt foe privacy AQCAKHS tJan 20 Fab |H> Fnanda are not *|y on the same eraseleiigth atyou IV.terwei* the bey to your so • • A home matter require* careful r »ammatw.r>, mo be attentive (Fab 19 to March 20) If you have been recently ripen ♦nortg Mtw doubts about nmf fo menUc hie this is change for the better aoof "p nth an eye for beauty *>*ve* look far bargain* YOU BOHN TODAY an > natural leader ami jiaww van jiwvo*sine idea* that impre-ea the folk* around you tremendous! j You ttke adven tore and travel You steal under pressure and enjoy having U> meet viaid deadline* The theater spuria, medicine and space related issues are the fie Ida that moat intrigue you Allow your ideas to motivate you to accompliihmiml You are rwl a loner and love to be around people Hirthda'.e of Michael thikakis politician, Ken Harry, actor. 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MAC Clasaic H 4 80 $499060 343 5*86 Wtotaoi Canauiuna Mi*. $ PC i loersor .i t -t-lujn I orientation, troubte shooting. data j roe-'very netmsn. 6 ! long distance » prepaid i|( *d» *99** too food lo bt ttvr *tr tctpcvtd 4* own ri«k 195 OPPORTUNITIES NEED MONEY FOR COLLEGE Recorded message gives derails The Internatronal Students E« change Advisory Committee (ISAC) us inviting applications tor new members ISAC is a student and I acuity advisory committee lor the Ottice ol International Educa ton A Exchange fOIEE) Its rms son is to tusk! bpdges among irv lor national students, faculty and administrators Applications are available at OIE E .330 Oregor i HaH. or the ISA oltire at ?0tt EMU Oatmine * 30pm Friday Nov to atOtEE Cruise ships now hiring Earn up to S2.000*rmonth working on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour compa nies Work) travel Seasonal 11 cm ploy men! available No e»penence necessary For mote information call 1 rUO-634-0468 e«l C80691 345 1073 ISAC Di uau nlav Outeosi lagged Alliance, Wartartfs IL SlmCtty, Master ol Ortea. 1-Cam or any other strategy computer game? You need to be familiar with an IBM compatible computer and Microsoft Window* and you need to be an r*per»encecJ SYRATfGY game player C all Cathy at 334-4971 (74 hours) to schedule a session (each session takes 4S minutes to I hour and you will recerve fRll CAM! VOf TWAR£) leave your name and phone number and l will return your call A national computer game company is currently conducting research project! concerning naming, feasibility, interlace, and playability testing We are asking people from the community to play our games and provide feedback We will provide FRI f CAMf SOFTWARE Ongoing testing sessions - first session November 6.7,08 134 4973 (24 hours) Doonesbury by GARRY TRUDEAU IiuKi' ; sew*?* i **n mu n •<. l THAI AMV 1 ^ — *. ! rwu&r; *wqn6 >»» •• rftt/TUFUL — a mu ABOur f’tofu CAUGHT '5V THt At Of «?A HtUN6>i>‘ ■m IKHQHJ UhAT nx/ff Jk.s» war / At&i&Nes&s «W» if * -»*£>; v A. ; .ijp.i-. **• flfww AIM49 A, 7 / ;th.~A*SJ rj VyJ