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Cruise ships now hiring Earn up to 52.00Q* month work wig on Chase Ships or Land-Tour comp* roes World travel Seasonal n wn pfoymert avertable No ttpwAh o necessary For more information call 1 206'634*0466 ftit C60691 NEED MONEY FOR COLLEGE Recorded message gives details 345-1073 Earn cash A free tong * starve] ^ pr»H>«*'d Cdisng cards 345-5535 { Teaching Assistants Hr a Ta fix the HnMix hri^xn iml &*in vafuaNc PR a outreach nprnmcf You will till alumm aikI tommmwv pofrwonili end (tun h them a* t jtrvKT jYtrntore with student* iniern4rd tn their fix hi T A ' are nrrOrd for the toiUmmg t taw* V irtH o Fn^iih Him xv Mum Psych* >k»#\ *** »>lo|gv fmmmmemal Mudte* Hwnrw l * iniiWTih i wd in All Mifurst t Uii Miot hr an rnthustasiic (m)tvuhiaJ with #o<*l orjtamrjttonal dull* and a Ueitrr lo uik to num ihfferrnt ptUftlNiMUis ftl*d ptMifHMI i jH k .m Sapp <* Jtmie Ahelr at M6 6021 for jppta ai*on> «*r queXMwn ApfMu aiMtiis due lliuoidav New 'Ah m ’.r Htutiinto spixiMxrd h> the < Ofrrf < enter \aa.AM O and I i >AA POSTAL AND GOV T JOBS 521 HOUR . BENEFITS NO EXP NEC WK L TRAIN APPL & INFO 1-800-536 3040 LUi'IiiRTrilfl Vo*uM«nw in «mu 4 L*ttn 4m*f >CJi One yfW posts to ’immQctHsiJk !**V human ngftfs. rntfug**** ht**Rh joumafcsm «ic Ce* po?Mft3fS* 7403 Wwk w*h surwon of Mutual tfQfttflCft VoAatHMV iriiirwig a? 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I-Ceo. er any enter strategy You need to be familiar wiih *n IBM compAtible computer and Microsoft Window! end you need to be An eepertenced STRATEGY game plAyer CaII CAtby 4t J34-4973 (24 hour*) to uhedule a teuton (e«h ceiiion tAkej 4S mtnutei to t hour and you will receive IRtt CAME SOf TYVARU Leave your rumc And phone number And I will return your ca!1. r A national computer game company is currently conducting research project! concerning naming, feasibility, interface, and playability testing We are asking people from the community to play our games and provide feedback We will provide FREE CAME SOFTWARE. Ongoing testing sessions - first session November 6,7.t8 334 4973 (24 hours) APARTMENTS IUNEURNISHEO 1 Bedroom 4 MM from camput l MM* fhru JhJy 31 1906 30? >M9 lor <)#t£tiH l bedroom townftouM av*< nn^tim© $4?S $k!?6 %Kjmn^e>t Ni«w*r school A.-*jwp 0 34 .M ??$ Gcmt k>cabort#’ ?■ Bdrm 0\S Mftwmjo auOfjry foom landMfMKS QTOundi Ca* iw 4pC# A variably now 481 On#*, or 466 135? Spacious 3 Bdrrr.. A MRh L#nd#C4p*d ground#. Mi squc¥3«d *^ fw W.»Nmo Month t: ftvjfrtfi tar $h»s*n 441 0199 1 tXKfroom cod ag# r«* * to campo* Ovule laundry 4 £xv#*nVmp Avsffcj* 1! ! f> 465-4 ?1$ as QUADS 3h*r» bkth »na kite ban •«,«» fum*tvrf« s atpatao ;>ft itrmtf part ■ng a* ubM>«« pa«). on *ite ittunrtry S;’*Vmo tfSQHityaft) u;mo® ns ROOMS FOR BENT Room# ftva*!4Ne for *>me? t*rr*> from $300ftho sfKimfcr'iQ rent ..,f >«*•«** Anti a# moats Student* Coop«Ht» five Assocufton 64*3 111? CHASE VILLAGE APTS Shiw« CmmudM 2 bdmv2 tfctfft ■* matuh# IflvniAi A* a# Doc I $325* l -v’ »t# Co# AfWt*#n 445 4 TOO T wo f«ma*w UO studonn M*mg kV frxxnnviv. W,i'^ I fo.Vm htX.VJ >n W»*Sf C ,^'fW! 1 .1 reft! . uf*f Optn l; t 48? t?22 318 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT MS ROOMMATES WANTED Sfw* two txjrm houM 11 kx.4?too Ho *nxsX A SI mrnrnm tSbfima 34>e?49 1&** you K) tf,* * u* >u\-.v h**v P«if* ttinxalm ptow*** S«63 .102-6422 fcW* 4 *i Miryfy r*i.-; Afyy $*ww» Urg« room in fum«sn«d W ’X** tr*J .» OdPW <** *0 Nh© or cftnoct but to Cdpn »*** $14Vmo * $JQ0 tUlpQiW CilB .to* * Aim I4& TU2 MOUStMATt WANTED T ‘ ■«w tom dNb, fcfc» rw** $»■’’ X fno O' OuS&no CM JuN* 066 m SERVICES fRfi Hflf1- ■•> ,U »Vv» 4 protTtot*s’> Cull Ako#>o4icx Anonymout 14?-4M3 ? 4 hrviloy conbOm(t4j ATTENTION ALt STUDENTS! Or*n«% A *choi»r*l*4p* «*• avatloOto Q tilt on* ol do4i«m »o grant*, qualify »mm«<$uit*iy t 600 40^0209 Con » jo# f mg aOorl Km ? -.•#***!« !%t Way conftdwiBit 60 / 0661 Btcycm Matntarumc* Tur>o-upft, aitsntM trumg. tifSfcc*§ averto-W^ *Vf» mate** housHi C4i>% 3V4-J610 Cfvts Atxtft* n S*rvs». Its 2 I ww*t f r*m PMUywney t**ni* 41 rt tr»wj * MMrft -*rv **i f> V i f. I Mh 14? 5940 ProOtem*? CnH th* U of O Critu t in# for fr*^- iWany -r* ju* vX'sufSfwsii/nj M> ‘'(^n >vs;’' ?4 hnuefcly w**Kv.lft 346-4466 310 ARTS 4 ENTEhTaInI UjdfcwM* «'ll» TW»' BLUES ET«GTHEW BLi ft* An Architecture of Xatural Forms Sculptural Clay Work Lecture by Brad Miller tbursduy, Nov 2. 7 /() [>m. 1 77 Ixturcrue, l ’ of O hor info 146-4/61 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson LOOK' GEESE \ FLHM6 SQCTO > m TVSE WINTER TWSCE A TEAR TVCT MIGRATE TtKMSANDS Of Hiulj ACS5SS M CCWTSNENT m AM exhausting, eterhal STVMGGUt TO EUEFU.L / NATURES UNHElCXHG / - PEMAMOS' 7 Ill 0tT T -«X) OoMT '41 i HA\ i j ME *11'' r t (XD BIAl / A SUMMER F*ST v HQMt «J SERVICES S4WUU AftMUH Support 5e*V*'e* .* 4-Ht 0»« ><>* 4&4-97U6. v VJd HUNDREDS ANO TMOUSANOS erf grants And schotartflfipt avarfAtrfe to students i ftf our y 270-7744 WANTiO tOO STUDENTS ’ .-■«• •«*•* Mef.tf •w . - [ii. 1. ^roudih Go«t? a* vt <>«*.} bosuns *SMX.»aj*t 1«00-200-3«06 OUTDOOR PROGRAM 5K#4$0«f 0 SUOf .*>« >w Moursame*K and i ((Wdttorm j Maul T amm Aft# prSNMnt 4 muftimn i tJu* sho* dnfKling h»» afSempl on j i-V.SOO n Ml But.*kK*m sf> I ’M. j NA THOHS0&* No, ; ' t. s .-• i '00 WrftomirftA H40. St Gw * f«<* i to SlULJerrtS A/Xj coop t A County Superior Court JuJye HiWtkS S Cow ifttrunt the v*at e LA P?f&«*vhxi py ffi4 UO Pftt Litw 80CN*> Nov 7pm m the EMU Bert t jmfc* Mm 492 E. 13th • 686-2458 m « • W W ^ —• *•»««< * *1 >tW,«*4 »* /'•» *• • • • * * - -: ^ Belle de Jour r l Pushing Hands j r Double Happiness ! ■i-iFwitimu Lp' ( l OCKI KS THE NET ess j □ cw 8th & TMl hi Tonight V(Ki*m/»«T J* Ulkmi bluikit with |\\ytO 10 tjjn Wtlt oim M7-27J6 tickets available at: H<>»> of Re^js J t Mt \iustru j M «Vf K*iTi kxkaxt M CDttwM M £*8*W Mt&c CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer ACROSS 1 to cop* *» Chem 9 l DM h(fTtfV»nt*oxit Of ParVa 14 HuHf'fvj t S l H***? |uC« 17 Entertain moot 18 t.»e ■ lope#*!* 19 * 10 th« Church on Trfh** 21 M m mf ,« ii u*u*#y 22 flctrwu CAfttdt* 24 f quiiaOto 27 Blond 28 Mariam Hftnglef* 31 I love to Livy 32 Oay u*iay 33 C*d cjtid .i*me 34 Camar tor Hue* Finn 34 Prepared 37 Contmuoul change 38 Gndtacfc 10 f .MKO « 1 X# tf* Mufe nuylw 43 A/>»i*ept* ttt4»rTV0t^l 4 f *rw»n Mto 48 lkx>fc of d sort 51 Uixto* in« 52 Oiw of MOM* S 53 Gaits# »U»l4f 54 f astern si 55 1aivui » 56 t -fxly s wife DOWN \ 1 : >4*t l» '.if NYC 1 L orsck »i 2 2 Tfoftan 3 WAr h«Uf 3 Ntit A»'-y < 4 I- Sfty fv Kw Sa*y a r t#iki 5 Ct\G>Jn’«■» 17 Man % hai 19 OtfftMenl >0 11m*i to Buy* >1 hU(J- j McfVtW 12 loo* k*;ft rmxj*>y £ Thoti-yhl 4 Uvwfl of lefttvt* 15 Nufiwn be