nss Tochno phobwa unitt? i.f fj‘£r iii tor »i* i (Kit univfm ri«'* mjffht mjkc a» ;jkr test* ott mmpuieii Krrp up the p*t »d wuili' / ft for I H*tlry tophamorr. < *ihf \t*tr l . Werutmtnto I hank vs* u f«i voy( thought* ihout tht* whole »upnlii([hwi)/c mul crjiy rmnic thit Kfirn to be tiktng fHff * ft C WOtM | VC bcfft Hillmf la I * lc» ttcfiv but I Util «kwi i know tl ! II rvef like it 1 here ire umj mint little rule* md vert to* gunlr» to let me in on ptopn 'nciKjuetie I'm pj-wl fit kmm thjt I m not ihc onlv one «»ut three th*« uill remember* when people uwrti 4 good old pen 4lit) 4 pirif of pfotemed tfer Hr*h f**t Htnion. frttbman. t Si', ( hum 1 van trim us the editorial I m i lah monitor *n the Modem uim ptllC* lab talk ii«mM star* I hr onlv thing I knew about tomputrn I learned m> freshman veil in a hint tnmpuifi vUu an*i rum I m npecmi m help mu dent* (KHiHriHocM and to iinftrt ihcir m»r«hii»i I hr fif*i thing I do when I gel in strti h thetk mad and untie t»» rvct> nnt I tan think id }u*l t*> l , an much the kohojfd’ Mang in there, ti ll get better? Hrt$ry Htiltrr, /junior, (ikiahoma Stair t , Stilluaiet / t#nn> /wu tf*rtr irftm ur'c trnt by c •f.Jil, hub r*i Soxenaa l' Md£A£int <k"Knp(um in iHr frunt u»ff "i ditnnai tonirm totu*o on the Jivriif muetftu •iitiYtfici. juttudn j»i»d vwmrtm v*< *tu dnui fen*# y<li tollfgf* *n*J univ(#niin * l i anxenu V% Kiiu| V* f)ivt< t ablr n! Vi Dfiftittn^ Vn Mum t»i w» Kith ( umpktil. U*ff. ( «f lULtw+trr tt> Back on Prozac In trvj*Mtw to »Hr Intel in the iVto Hrt mur that ilU^krd m* itorv on PftMi* Awfl Srpt I*HS;i I 111 wen that the k-ttr* *l«ft wm oticruied. Hut dw it mm Am about tHr Ian* Fit! Ptotii it uwd to neat drug audit ttotu. rating dmudrrv iihwiuvr tompultivc ditordcu. prnhitim with h**uwhoid pen and mote I i H»th Prtttji arid dcj'iriHon air mpofuihlc lot ictual numbing Anv pmliMinn will trll you that one ot tlw top lonipliinn about ['rtuai iv >u efleu on the %r\ dmr Ian A petton on Prowi ttdi hat high* ami low*. but (Hr** rmoitom air put into pcnpcnivc tlH s\» K)U%\ *1 B«ivs( \Nti, 1' iM C iKTt^U, VE$. -r1 v - I*t i tl*J f«sf th*j |Wa wiwjjfeJ fum U* 4 \rv> 'A • *fi*J < VijrY s» m. *Cf ■» nl pikMWtim mJuKj Jnc duMr « » per . /dtwr> litithe*4, tenter. I of le*Mt. iut/tn Hook ’»m, Diino i4» ir*j <buvr * fifth $r«k Urvd Mi*t* you %h«>uid rcvtr* KhiIu. kh> l)*tttel S (,riffith. n*pit<tmort. I'uiduf t W«V Si'ttt tin U« .1 «■■.•'?. <* Y-:-* «* •• ttvg t*n tin fowsk rft f/ui right *»«»«*' Ira htr w «u j i*f Briivo! I ir> ytm gmV Some mv! null in the iuut A|»pff iiiir the ^i»*d ic2«J ind you nuking; tilr 2 bil iiK'if bcjtllhlc Httfit mtui H*Zik Htn Sitthameii. t af \ric.tnut Briivo! Part II flunk* k« giving iHHiif4 dtuofui tfudenu utmhc »« thr ftjkk to t' "Btfikmg ! i*Ji ixm* «ory fAwg Vj*t 1995} ! m 4 mjurwxi M \x*t okJ who « rrv*ttg (o work a part tunc pub. taffy a fuli tourae load and deal with rm u*n and daughtri t duly dove of "tho that person donn « Itkr me " !>»** tt our timr I i *n truly ichtc to dm Jonathan / John ton, temor, VI cj irtn Hit nun l Tough pill to hwaHovv 1 tmtmi the (nliturul varunm depn? mp a nudem being lofted to ewaikm 4 j*|l labeled "mui(uultur4h»m‘ t View* Aug /Sept j very I'lirmnr It t» iruH amaa mg to me lliat people air uparn about tet ognwmg that the l ' S » culturally diverv Muitkulturai cduvatton vrerm rvpcvuily important in j urmcraty briauw the jstwJ ol evitK a<M*n tt to teach u* Ivm to live and wmti with petiple ifutti 4 variety td backgroundi and |ietvj»ec ttvr» I hope that t Magazine will not fun ilkotraOnm that are tfirviifealh dorgned to »dfrtul imii dtvctw pof natation ( ynihtn graduate Uudent, ( )hto State l Olrnrmr i’mor© I ju%t Imt ytnit magarmc I tevctvtrd it mwe when I *0 m high whoul. a?nJ the trtldn wetc f rally upbeat ami hunumm» Where van I grt i*> IX» I have to have a *ubw upturn* Keep up site givxi work’ l filtt l). /ftf-Ur. ftethman. Pent* State l Snhurtftfjani jrr $ /& bkt H'U > an get it faff* Imt liH'k H mi K'nr .<suits’?: nrun U. Goofs Due to wme random votmtv nm alignment. we rmu reduce! la*t month 1 L ^ icw-i editorial varfoon Neat Vaw>n on M !\ Ihe iliuvtration by Iwm jetlefa. I of South l iroima S<»rr> Unit that Is li new: lupfK-n again Your first time — ecstatic or traumatic? (ociatic. oo-v Tmumnttc: 3WV Virgin: 7"V flofh 3% Muh: »% v. nun » : Jenny junior Emory U. Gil • t.tnr I (Inin i want i« m and '*>• « "... ivr»i lot r Brigitte Htadsky, sophomore. U of Mary land • „ ■ t., « , . j Andrea Hansen. sophomore, U ot Iowa • \.c , mo« deserving of my virginity (fun my fudtic «*tlr t Xu vs will be r> statu because «c will have proven ouf 3miUi.ll love tn waiting ioi r ^n. " Bruce Lange, sophomore. U of Michigan • tn ( otuttiri, Mfstot, with mss binfiKtsd, who i d known a i s (3 ;c m-ct 4 month I wan 19 yean obi, and ms parrots had tirsnycd h>t us to have a room together alone because thev really felt my first time should tv certain Stephanie Bigbee. sophomore. Southwest Tests State U. * It Wts certain, hut I thinli that's because I wasted until I knew I was tn love Darren Betti tenor, Louisiana Stats U. Should the* government regulate the Internet? Mo; <HT* Yens: t*% The Imcmn it a |bM art For the U,S to try uui ttni iitt the art, »t w«>«U run only hare ft* p*»Ur the roitfv iS hut each *j«J cvrrv hmrign (khi ujoimg m Dmtm* Yates, senior, U of khs SiSSfppi • llit Interact n otic of the b|d4 freedom Jorum* people have If the Intel net wan regulated, it would definitely violate him Amendment right* Use Lanspery, senior, Ohto U • I don't believe the jovfmmrni van regulate the Internet It"* danger uu* when you have people netting up pcdkic* or trying to vontrol behavior that * obvioudv out ode 0/ thru control Bryan Vogh, sophomore, U of Nebraska Omaha • IV In-. ■■■■.-* i* something that can evpand out hnrtriHti mh. tally. intcHevtuaih and juvt about aery other kind of way llvr government should not have m hand* on it Eric Pratt, setuor, U of Nevada, Las Vegas • Right* id bee speech should be pcotninl. but there should ni he anything on thete that violate* iommumiv standard* — pom, Kid* who arc juu suiting dwp 'tart van end up m a pi > c the* -houltin't be Ray Macke, sophomore. Syracuse tt • It we allowed them to do m, we ought a* well *Jh*w the pout other to read out letter* ever* da* MtcheUe Rydberg, senior. Mtctu gan State U. Hashing it out solo for Thanksgiving Orphaned again That’s what I was Another (amity holiday away trom home The only diflorence this time was that an ocean not the Mason Duron line, was the great barrier between me and another down home Louisiana Thanksgiving dinner Sigh Going abroad lor a semester was no dittcrent from being at school a zillion miles trom home It all amounted to the same thing another holiday spent with Swanson’s best, watching Snoopy whip up a toast and jelly bean least tor lellow Peanuts Or so I thought T wo other “orphans'’ were also saddled in London without plans So being stranded Amer leans in a vehemently un American land we chose the equally un Ameri can alternative a 12 hour bus ride to Amsterdam Yep that's right Twelve hours On a bus With skeevy potheads on a ptl grtmage to Marijuana Mecca And a broken toilet So there we were, finally Checked into our shady hostel and delirious with enhaustion Orphan 2 the designated tree-hugger tn our trio, insisted on a cultural Thanksgiving eiperience We ate at "a vegetarian bistro run By two women and a cat,” according to her peace, love and travel guide Two words Big Mistake A plate ot talatel and a blob ot congealed garlicky stuff looked adventurous at the time, but a tew pints and a local smoke later it was downright scary The whole espenence was a slow trip down Surreal lane Orphan 2 beg gtng to visit the Anne Trank house and tour cheese factories, and Orphan 1 and I dying to hang out tn the Van Gogh museum and tour breweries tn the end. we compromised I ate cheese with a new understanding and Orphan 2 eiperienced Van Gogh with the munchies Take that. Snoopy Mow bout them peanuts? Colbmi Rush Assistant Cditot IS. Polls r«nd/ng for college athletics* — too much or not enough? Do you b«//eve In aliens'? BOO/BU-VIEWS {999-4397) Mora polls at Wpi//Wwn». V.