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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1995)
•<: pets a Supplies LARGE FISH FOR SALE IS' Pack Eat* goM tan anti mw Can j\/s!.n 302 1 AC."1 US CARS TRUCKS M Santra AC. tag fagot. M>tt catwnio Rtxl 2 <*oor. sporty SS60S Contact Anga> €> 3A3 I i’?8 91 Butck Regal Maroon Run* grwjir *6600000 M UM6 • 1 VW Bug. Mgr prur.jrm "aw Wakes. ten* * m*» , ykndnr S mar*, grt eontt' *2000 6BB- t3#t SO Toyota Corolla BHN 4-Or. Au tomat*. Rums Ok 46 i -6664 «wi S8C«tot» 1975 Ford Mavarvck LOW mars Rum groat *900000 Ca* 466-9074 as* tor Stavri BICYCLES Brand naw 19" Mann Mat! Trad AI Stwnano STX components $?OQ Can Nathan 30?-2?09 Brand n#w ' ifiS medium A span mountain t>*e $250 Can Kathy 346-9428 CADEX MOUNTAIN BIKE $450060 CM Bot) <§> 683 4960 »M COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Notebook NEC 0*2150 12/260 MSOWX p aoftwares Active . .dot 9 5' now 5lt>» 3 yr* warranty $2100robo34l-1234 MacM SI $899 Loaded wrth soft ware, plus modem, color monitor Ames 687-564? or Ed 344 8221 MAC Classic II 4-80 $499,080 343-5986 Brother Bubble Jet Printer, o* cetient condition 21/2 years okJ. $ 150 Call Qnan & 33-4-503 7 Mac Col or Classic w-Stytownter H ir\kf<tt Pd $1800. soil $900;obo Has lots of software Eh 344-3823 Latest playstatK>n. Saturn, MooGeo CO Games. US & import. IBM & Mac software and services Soft ware 88 at gateway Mall 988-1068 Save SSSS new computers' Up to 70% oft Used computers as low as $399 1-800613-8365 165 STEREO SOUND EQUIPMENT CASH! We Buy. Sett A Service VMS VCR's and Stereos Thompson Electronics. 11 ?? Oak. 343 92/3 1?0 INSTRUMENTS Guitar Les paul Studio Blocs w chrome hardware repair worV J400 Can Adam 484<K)1! IN SKI EQUIPMENT Snowboard lor sale Avalanche F Mar with Morrow turnings ISScm S2SOrobo Can Beth at 34 S-1894 195 OPPORTUNITIES Cruise ships now hiring Earn 14) 10 S2.000»'month working on Cruise Ships or lanrt T our oompa «*« World If tivrri Seasonal n em ptoyment available Mo esper tones necessary For more information can 1 206-63*4)466 e«l C60691 New T-shirt design needed!! Dance Oregon would i*u a new design tor toe Vi>-'96 season An yone interested in submitting a inngn shotid drop of! a copy wi your name and number on * to toe Di*t< of Dance Ottice try Mon , Nor 6 Money w»i tie y»ven to the winner Want More? 11 you're smart enough to Snow mktng ts wtwre toe S 'S. ant) envi ronmental soMione are hot. then torn our team SSa-JIOkt/mo No y*e Orticfts n Portland, Eugene For ntorwiw iS03K»KW1342 Earn cash & Iroe long distance w,prepaid casing cards M5-MM Teaching Assistant* ftr a TA fr»t the Mr«ut a*x! ni-ijn aaftiaMe P* H ■ *.« rr a*, ft rtprnrft*r V hi *-i«1 * ai? ahtmm and o**'wcmmtr» fNroArtBtoHvt** and <iuiift them a* » *trrr ctwnt nt* •”tth students .metested m three fkw X A * *fv needed Re the R iil» rw ««*§ * Uw* Sa arm r* tnfth*h Mwaner Uu**< hixft-fcfi v» ffnwuntnrntal MuOir* hufttnctt* >aimwmMk^ and an AI Ma»» *f% i ? *%• Mutt he an rot fun*a* h tndandua! with g*» *1 >***«< r*t*»rui *RUH and a drtinr to talk to nv»jr* cWfrrrnt jm 4e**» nail Pa*d pmernwi ( aU ktm vapf of ftjnsr Aftrftr at **<► M2 I llxf t\\&* <« tjucsfw o* Appfe*. a» • >m due TTturtd^* V *• ’fth m i r KrmtrM k* vpoi«'foj fft thr < .arret * rnur \AA AM O ant!» r tr y 1 er t e t/A.kE toh*Wly k* *4 iwnni or 't-tpurw wrr««Nl to 'Irfji cwMrM imJ «v>' or »* «w*( !>»"'» to « urw^ir o4 4rm to tor «>»Vr«*w Mh Fto! *99* t< km t» Sr tn*r protofaft jw* Rnpwuf at your irmn rnk f 5 i NEED MONEY FOB COLLEGE Recorded mesAage g<vM trr.v^ MS-1073 POSTAL ANO GOV T JOBS S21 TtOUR . BENEFITS NO E*P NEC-WILL TRAIN APPl & INFO 1 dGOS3t>3040 The Student Senate curtentty needs a representative to In) Seat 11. an Undeclared major Academe Senate seat tntrxmation and apipa cations I of interested Undeclared major* am available m the ASUO 8 " 'tuilt 4, EMU or cad MB 3724 AopAcanoos are due Weds Nov 8 at Spin ASUO >9 an AA/ECV ADA employer Votunt»«r with Seiual Assault Support S«rvic«». Us« your e> ’ and t»m© to make positive cNtnqe m our community’ Crisis line, ad vocacy. adrn*n*s!rat»v«. and pubbc spo«i*ung positions open w.<i*«nd framing starts Novemtxjr 4 CaH 484 -9/91 to fogisier THE SKY IS THE LIMIT U S Manne Corps Officer Programs tor women and men College under graduates and graduates umianiwhl IMii aaau JidilatrH. now Musi be a citizen to apply For more information cell 1 ftOO-ftSI^OM 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS Footnotes needs a JANITOR to clean out oil ice every week mgN Wort study only need apply S5 5<V hr Apply in EMU Rm 34 Bowling Alley lane tech needed m EMU Rec Cenlei 10 hrs/w* General mamlenanc# experience requited, bowling alley experience preltitfed Call 346—4328 of Mop by the Rec Center Apptcaltons due Wed Nov 1 at 5pm 205 HELP WANTED $ AGGRESSIVE S Looking (of l pro! ess* mm individual m the Eugene arei lo do wriat I did Iasi year tarn a In figure income mal eta Ooubto this year Serious m cjumesonly (8011 268-8667 Nanny needed in CT and NV S400-S600 a week plus assurance, i-a' room and board Call Oregon Nanmee 343-3756 $1750 weekly possubto mailing IXj» circulars For into 301-306-120? $ Cruise Ship* Hiring! S$S»Ftt!.. Travel SeasonavPerm Grade No esp net 9t» 9?»439fl e»l C1007 Now hiring Cl impeller hardware. Software support speoafess *o serve as coorcknaior lor a Move* PGM.*: LAN and computer lab Eiionsrve hardware and software eepenente required Novel nuponente helpM 5-tO hours per week 57 00 per hour Appfatahoro at 3S0 Chap man Hal For more into, e-mail karubeah«phonor* HELP WANTED ESCAPE SMdMa >» . ix»w«N ancnptmg apparatoni tar en» f*nv Wng pomaon ol P\£><*: L»wJitrW>ip Drvrtip'iiirt Ovnaon H|>1 Apr* arta rjt! dnacnpaona ivo Arartatw! »> EMU. MM! < tan U«4US! App Oaadtaw 11 3 AAtOf AD A BUSINESS OPPOBTUNTTr S«l B<*ngu»i rwp*® ta bwp mm Ou* fgrowing tnHtmaltanal txtmrws* - l-a00«B* «J/4 Profnet SaTnrWa nn> rnnng Co Dimeter tar I9BVM ncboor y»w Sl«wnd ftsamo Ca» .V4ft-OftV1 or Wop b* Sure 3 m the £ MU lot mentnto AA. ADAl.OI Waning part time i> i;*'*VO IV' rw' Worn iittrwi ctnr* ftoaorne* Onfy ?S*£ >. 3m A»» HOUSES fOR REN Tudor Coti»y» Pemodoiflti twKtuMuT c:n>nl 2 bdrm eonaga Otm Boo< <* t32g W 6!f! (across «fto> from CmB A irttf) Vv'Xlmo No wnofrig or [Wt« M3-4O0O IUO Call 23m ■> Mdroom*. 7 ** mfHwnr «. wood Wovo. Q,vaQe $1200 Spyglass Associate* W» 1130 M‘s A,V,| tom Am tmnm NTS (FURMfSHtOl FumHhflK) 1 bwJroom afWlfrwH ArtVitfto* Nov H 1515 MrrywJ Si 4*4-9922 220 APARTMENTS lUNFURNISHEDi 1 Barlroom 4 bm» from cimpui ItKKMt thru Ju*y 3M996 30? .1949 tar detate Spacioua I Barm IV>‘> W ! «ih l arxttcapact ground*. tuM utturpprta kOchon SSBSrmo Month to month or x*as« Shown natty 401 019V Graat krcatrona* Bo-kutrtot 2 flttrm 0W, gartwgrt Inurxfc, room, tandscat**! ground* Cat tor an appt Avartotxo now 4010199 or 4te 1362 1 bwdroom apt. to campu* <v«.i S3Mr'mo. nx Krto-i on mis Can 48S 2823 or 686 8061 Availablr Now; I argi' Studio Walk In campuv VV»5 4H5-7776 or 4X5-6.m von Kl»m Property Management 1 bedroom toemhouae avail anytime S4?6 VV2‘i sunww Near school Angie 9 1 /?8 2K QUADS Share bath and kitchen some furniture. carpeted ott street park mg. tMi utibliea pan! on »ae laundry SlMSrmo l/SO Hiiyarel VU-tlpg ns ROOMS FOR RENT Room* avarfaWo lor wtottr i^rm from $300 mo »vckj».J«^Q rtnl, and an rno^fs Siudant* Cotiper» fivt) A&sooafton 6&3-1112 MS ROOMMATES WANTEO CHASE VILLAGE APTS Share beauelul 2 bdmv7 bath * nHiture Iflmale Avail Oec I $3?S» 17 utiMxis Ca« AnoatB 405 4 790 HOUSEMATE WANTED Three tx*m. dean. iwe-new $2/3r nx> On busline Ga* JuSo 686-2899 Two lamala UO students kicking liv roommate lo snare 3 txjmi nouse m West Eugene IO rent • util Open 1/1/96 tig/-1222 Slewe two butffi house EiCCSOrt location No smokingpets All ameratia* S360rmo 343-8749 Snare targe room In Furnished dean, new and guiet 2 btlrm apt to minute take or (Steel bus to cam pus JI4Vmo . $too deposit Cal JWf or Russ 748-7112 :4< ROOMMATES WAR W* wmx you to hv« * j» M»n <3n&* P#r* F*trmt* p#***n* $*m.1 >03 6422 (Wt .i m>:. A , «s ?rc MEETINGS 0«M»roji aa ii »*ty tO ur>tWil!4»''»»og l.«irn ho*r ijnwrnt fwrtp <j* our «tv»rylKiy Uftt EMU «(X)n Nov t >* 30 prrt into 46 f -41999 iss SERVICES HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS of gf«*n an] actioiartfiipi avmMMo to all StVAlOOti l«K OUT (tVjVA of f|» MMffft txmoM you liivnmtafn tjuW •<» at**' caa (SOO) 770 77M FREE HELP- ,i* iA7 a |n<*of ' Cafl AkofKXic* Anonymou* •I «• ’ } . 4 ••«.. M, ATTENTION AU STUOCNTS’ Grant* * KhoiAfANtpa ar* avaiiaoia Billion* of dollar* in grant*, qualify immediately I #00400 0M» ProtXomt? Call lh* U of 0 Cntii tin* for dn(«VTW« counaaHnQ M f 5pfh rt*wn .‘4 fv5.-1.ja-, ******** 346 4 am S«*vkii S<4Pport S«<vk«« « 4 Hr Cn«r» t‘*v 484 9?96. vlCkl Pfagnanl'* Womocff W« can help •vtfailiHXml a-tng ti4xport Fr** pregnancy teat?. i ■»* Wa> 687-866' D'C ytl* Maintenance T ijfw> up« wheat trueig, tvafcea iMtnQ flat*. ON«*fWiufcr W-J ttkiM f«w« caAt j.U 4610 Chrt$ At«rt>on S*rvc«4 to 21 *•*■*•+ % f (tw pnsgrtancy I*«H 41 ,V;v» *•*■»•» Sm\Km 603 t urn. 342 5840 msFOOD ft ORINK WANTED 100 STUOCNTS Hi tom ft 100 4a Now M«tdtx4*vr» B/*m» through Guaranteed R&iuih 136 00 coal 1800-200-3896 3cs CAMPUS MINISTRY Wesley Ni^hi f ellowship Wednesdays at 7pm Wesley Foundation ' 1236 Kincaid Street (Vi! hj UO BouAjto**} Kn Crotmtil f’titoe IK CAMPUS EVENTS l A County Superior Court Judge Konakl S Coen, dtacusM* irw n«)> CUM »yiten> *1 L A Presented by !he UO PfBlAw Society Hov 2. /pm m ire E.MU Ben l mder Rm OUTDOOR PROGRAM SPONSORED SLIDE SHOW MihjKivwi and E •(MHlttonm Paul T amm *n« praaer* a iMm da afyjw dap* i««j m afim»a< on ?;‘SOO ft Ml Bokadalwn m Chi NA THURSDAY. Nsw ?, / 30 pm 100 WiHomafla Ha# SI Gan Fiob lo aiudwaa and coop nswCTwn evtenUi of equal or lesser value ®g> b V 1901 i Agate 142 4972 Ovw 6000 titles Extensive cult 1 fwenjn rums Expires 113095 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson '•4WIFF Poof i * f I CANT HUP BUT WDNDCR WHAT WHO Of DtSPtRATt STTUlTS NCHXD OBWIt A MAH TO lAWCHT _ MS TUlAKi Lttiicutt/Jimi STushl ciout>lt* loi lay november Strategy Computer Game Players ■•VMPtaV: OutftsL Jtflftd Ailaict. Waritris II SiaCtty. Hastar«lOrlM.I-Ctm •ramfoOMf strattcy CMRPtttSr VMM? You need to be familiar wtth an IftM compatible computer and Microsoft Windows and you need to be an etpenenced SiHATCGY game player C all C athy at 114 4971 (74 hours) to schedule a session leach session takes 4S minutes to I hour and you will receive MUI CAM* SOI TWAfU.1 leave your name ami phone number and I will return your call A national computer game company is currently conducting research project* concerning naming, feasibility, interface, and playability testing We are asking people from the community to play our games and provide feedback We will provide FRFr CAME SOFTWARE Ongoing testing session - first session November 6.7,e 8 334 4973 (i4 hours) WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln Ibnttfhl V. Hfrtihrr / Sut'kOK "‘Ik U'ldi ui flruukisu ■"‘k the W tilts 'A din luatu I// I *,'» * ttf/| tH!U The ODE Classifieds... more than Just a place for the crossword. CROSSWORD By Eugene Shefjer ACROSS 1 Pace S Corn hokfer a a rw*jM 12 i otoon 13 A f»dJ tty by n*yrv^ 14 $4Mr^ 15 Kalahari ()*4**1 country 1 f front or bock to 4 g»xt«» 10 Am^>. 4 w*tf» 10 Strong t«4Kic 21 CoAt* 22 fioud C’ufkonty or not 23 Once AfOuTK) 20 tiartwe % beau 28 **€ key 31 Actor Tarruroff 33 Cape* pMy 35 ft* planet and sucb 38 Georg* city U» 40 notation ckl<i»»Kin 41 Have mo*e ttv#n |u44 A hu#*;* 4 3 amp rnuwc 45 Qtieen orf tout 47 Acc umy Utf0 51 Information 52 Mating trim petition 54 Pi/zena 55 A k*4 wacko ■ 54 Tackle* teammate* 57 AfMKOsana 54J Prtvti«ge4 *t*5» 59 tWK,© at 85# p««c<t DOWN \ Wo4M i/Hrf up 2 (.MMlty 3 TtriW? 4 I i«m« 5 S*#<J 6 PutMTfc* 7fMloI B ‘W#cK Wo*tV4fi* 9 Acti* m#t#0 Solution t»m« 21 mini YNltrdty • miwtr 10 OmwkJv ctafcTft t ry 11 Nit p4*> n 10 1 itrvo i>onoO 20 I cfMlrt 23 I n4onft fligh! 24 AkAft aMw 2 5 You mtgM hfKj him atniung 27 Wowdo 29 Historic 30 Onto ft 32 Thru* S<n<«r Bo«H MVP 34 T «wkk fO*» in *A*fcT 37 tflOAtOf 39 Boofck*' 42 ikri 44 Y«Hfc»**ifi two*n 45 f u*&e* 40 t out star r«v*«m 4f Moy#t m a §40 49 l oo*»n 50 BndQ* potftition S3 Evm rx>w»