Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 31, 1995, Page 7, Image 7

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    Costume shops offer Halloween variety
■ HALLOWEEN: Tnck-or
treaters are wearing
everything from gogo
boot? to poodle skirts
By Melissa Lebahn
Wizards, pirates and witches
will t ome out of hiding tonight
to prowl the streets and charm
portygoers with their goulish
Hidden under the hats and
patches are people who
searched for the perfect ensem
ble for this holiday Most got a
little help from the costume and
party shops around town that
have been displaying i realise
outfits for the last several weeks
Linda Collins, owner of Time
Warp Costumes, said usually
there is one particular theme
that people will go with Fur
instant a, she said one year peo
pie went with the Civil War
theme because the series North
and South appeared on televi
sion a week Indore Halloween.
This year there isn’t an overall
theme for costumes Some peo
ple are staying with the tradi
tional costume while others
have original ideas.
The most popular costumes
she has seen this year were the
medieval and colonial type
Along with the traditional poo
dle skirts, flappers, batman,
Brady Bunch, vampires,
-liniskirts and gogo hoots.
At The linaginnries. another
local costume shop, pirates were
one of the hottest- setting cos
tumes Victoria Machado, the
owner and designer of the shop
said she went as far as making
costumes of a family of pirates
including a dog pirate, which
was a Dalmatian with an eye
She has sold a variety of cos
tumes Men seemed to stick to
the wizard costume whereas
women went with the Freni ft
maid costume, she said.
MAH* I H MtH MAF* , t
Hayato SaKonju, an American English Institute student, dresses up for
his Halloween costume party on Saturday night.
"Men tend to t>e more embar
rassed to dress up, so they just
want n hat and glasses to look
like one of the Hlues Brothers,"
Machado said.
The cow costume sold out at
Chazpro Family Fun Shop, one
of the owners, Barbara Poz
nnnovic said,
Chazpro has sold a lot of
masks, make-up, black afro
wigs, straight black hair wigs.
hoods and capes
"The Grimm Kwaper. Drncuhi.
Raggedy Ann and Andy and tint
Cat In Tho Hat am popular sell
ing costumes too," Poznanuvir
Traditional t ostumes like tlm
harem girl, clowns, cheerleaders
and the Flintstones seemed to
sell pretty well at Backstage on
Broadway, an employee. Kim
Christensen said
• Kids can trick-or-treat at
Gateway Mall between ti-H p in
Merchants who are participating
will hand out candy.
• Valley River Center is greet
ing trick-or-treaters between 6-7
p.m Stores that are participating
will have signs posted in their
• The Kugene Hilton tradi
tional Halloween Hall and Creep
Show will feature the Revela
tors, Vipors and Nicolette Helm
and Destination, it will be in the
Hilton Ballroom from H p.m. to t
a in. There will he a costume
contest and cash prizes. People
must lie 21 and over. The cost is
$7 per person and 512 per cou
ple m advance or $8 per person
and $1.! per couple. ( iall for lid
els at Fastixx-I'red Meyers at 1
800-992-8409 or the Hull Center
at 087-5000 Henry Weinhard's
is sponsoring the event,
• “Scream in the Dark"
haunted house will be open
front 7 to midnight at the Lane
County Fairgrounds. The cost is
$5 at the door. Discount
coupons are available at The
Register-Guard and McDonald's
• Laser spooks, sprites and
goblins will haunt the Lane Fdu
cation Service District Pl.metar
ium with music by Ray Parker |r,
1NXS, Mozart ana many more in
the family Halloween laser spec
locular, 1 jiser Fright Lights laser
Fright Lights is a 35-miuute full
color live laser show for the
whole family, which will l>e per
formed at 7 p m Tickets art?
available at (hit door for S-t
adults, and $2.50 for children
Costumes are encouraged
The planetarium is located at
2300 Leo Harris Parkway, just
tiehind Autzon Stadium and is
wheelchair accessible Call t>H7
STAR for more laser information
Three students stabbed in fight near campus
■ CRIME: Three juvenile
suspects are m custody
By Samantha Martin
Commsuty fitfporter
Three University students
wens taken to Sacred Heart Hos
pital for treatment of stall
wounds late Saturday evening
after a fight broke out in front uf
a i am pus liar
The incident began at approx
imately 11:30 p ill. when two
groups of males passed ouch oth
er. After a member of one group
bumped into someone in the oth
er group. a fight occurred in front
of Guido's liar, in which 10-12
individuals wore involved.
Two of Ihe three injured stu
dents have boon released from
the hospital. The police have
not yet confirmed whether the
third victim has been released.
According to Eugene Police
Department Sergeant Stan
Reeves, there wore approxi
mately four police officers
patrolling the campus area at
that time Rmvm said there
would not Ih) an increase in offi
cers patrolling the campus area
as a result of Saturday's assault
"This is a spontaneous situ
ational stabbing." Reeves said.
"These things happen; it isn't
any different than if it hap
[winod in South Eugene."
Reeves said the slabbing had
nothing to do with tho amount
of officers in the area.
"It wasn't a fat lor in tho stab
bing," Reeves said "Stflhbings
are not unusual.”
Three suspects, each 17
years-old. were taken into cus
tody and lodged at Skipworth
Detention Center on charges of
first degree assault and con
spiracy to commit assault.
Police investigations are con
tinuing at this time and further
suspects are t>eing sought.
Victims' identities are being
withheld at this time for reason
of on-going investigations
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1860F 13th
Huy and sell
ia cl
'Not a
7 v roe
Every ilny until 9 p-m.
Sunii*y li MoruUy *11 d*y
Rlr\b*ll Bl
FREE Fi>ojli*ll
• 1*1*1* by the slke
• fWvrrajJ,- *peii*l»
• Pro-rhoke amoking
Sec our nuufft m hrtlulr in
ThuruUy'y Fntcrt4inmcnt icitioet
/hours \
f mow* re \
m '
-> Wear a
costume and
skate FREE*
from 7-9 on
* Skate Rental
Not Included