Car camp at a loss with no place to park Labor union candidates vie for presidency ■ HOMELESS Organisations work j together to find an appropriate site k>r homeless lodging By Melissa lebahn The Centennial ( ar Tamp is 1 in danger of being eliminated ! bin iitise of low funds and land •' disputes unless the Homeless Action C oalition and ProjtH t | Recover t an work with the i itv ol Eugene to find a solution As of right now there will not l>e a Centennial ( nr (tamp this year, said Tom Mussel white, executive director for Project Recover There isn't any money to give to the i ar camp, said Richie Weinman, housing and commu nity development manager It takes S100.000 to run the i amp Last year the state of Oregon, city of Eugene and Lane Countv helped contribute. Proposed car camp Lmcoin Si 3rd Awe 6lh Av« n*rr a*oTON Project Recover would like to use the base of Skinner Butte between Third Avenue and < otn Street, to set up a « amp on alnntt 2 fi at res of city land, but the c ity doesn't want to let KO of that pierce c>f land, Musselwhite said. Weitirnan said the land that Projet t Recover wants to use is a maintenance yard that is not an adequate site to use for the car camp A reasonable location for the car camp would have to he property zoned as public land, whit h is land where schools or the city hall IS (mill. 1 ie said that the land Project Recover wants to use might have been rezoned and is no longer public laud The decision not to use that land for a car i amp w as made h\ the l ugene City Council. Wein man said He also said that the council is very concerned about the whole homeless issue They are trying to find wavs to address the issue and still keep a balance on all other city issues "This was a special one time allocation and it isn't going to be available again." Weinman said The (its of Eugene and campers' foes contributed most of the money last year, but the city isn't willing to contribute ttiis year without inter-govern mental support. Weinman said. Musselwhite didn't see money as the issue He said camp fees pay for toilets to he brought in. which art- the real necessity; everything else is sup plemental. The camp offers a legal site for homeless people to live, it pro vides minima) services to the residents, such as toilet and shower facilities, and a .M hour stafl to supervise the residents. Residents buy their own resources like food, but church es and other non-profit organi zations regularly donate food. The l amp would provide the homeless with the stability nec essary1 to carry on the daily func tions of life without being told they are illegally camping. We just want a safe, stable place where people can just be off the streets from the police." Musselwhite said. Project Recover is a non prof it group with a mission to help an increasing number of people, who ore poor anti have the char acteristics of homeless, to find a productive and constructive way of livelihood. They also have the need to address eco nomic and environmental stabil ity and environmental degradation The Homeless Action Coali tion is a coalition of agencies, social services, homeless people and students who are interested in homeless issues SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE THRU. NOV. 1st ALL SUMMER CLOTWNO UP TO 65% OFF l\( IPItONAl VAt VIS’. BIC BAKGAINS! QUICKSILVER, BILLABONG, RUSTY, MCD, * MORE BOARDSHORTS, KNITS, WALKSHORTS, T-SHIRTS BALL CAPS* MORE! I1TH S. MOM The Oregon daily emerald IS NOW AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE MU YORK (Api -With a call for unity to confront the Repubiu an Congress, AM, ( ({) President Thomas Donahue opened the annual convention that will i home between him and a challenger who claim* enough support to take aver Donahue *• address Monday genii rail) steered clear of the issues that divide him and John Sweetie!, who i laims control of 55 percent of the votes to be l ast by federation delegates representing more than 1 t mil lion workers on Wednesday It’* true that vve i.oirie here today divided on the issue ol who will lead us over the next two year*. Donahue told more than 1.000 delegates Hut on 1 hursd.iv, let there tie no ques tion that when we leave this hall to < irrv on our work, we must do so with our divisions and student loan programs, and hi' threatened lo veto propos als lo cut Medicare and a tax ( red it for I hi) working poor It is lime we learned a fun damental lesson." Clinton said rreefing working people in ii del eni lair, humane, enlight ened way gives you a stronger American economy, not a weaker one " The delegates greeted him with a chant of "four more years Much ol Donahue's .' > minute speech focused on Kepublti an plans to curtail the enfori emeu! of labor law % and proposals to abolish the mint mum vvage. rediu e i ollege loan programs and trim a lav i red il for the workinw poor and what Donahue worn threats to working men ami womt'n Its ttic agenda of House Speaker Newt (.mgrich of (.oorgin "In the next ole an "ohKt’iw sfH't tacIi’ rill’ Dflirnu rats (lid not >’si apt? his critii ism mthnr tkmahuo rt’ialli’d labor's dif ferent vs with ( Siiiton ov« r th*> North A morn an Iroo Trttdn \< • lion Floor business began with a motion to postpone a vote on a < onientimis proposal to create a ihiril non iitivi- (Hisiiion at the federation Sweeney's side carried the motion to postpone* with ahoul 700.000 mom voltes than il tioodwl a (tor a Ixiistnrous show down with Donahue's forces o t» * t» r bust n « Information Session for l ndrigrndiiatc and <• ruduatc Students Wednesday. 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