Dr. Martens advertisement promotes violence against women Lawr’s Bazar recently plac ed an ad [ODE, Oct IB) featuring the footwear brand name "Dr Martens'' printed on a woman's naked buttocks. This brings to mind the typical argu ments about how such imagery objm ti fies women The woman's buttocks are stamped like meat t SDA prune cut no doubt. Or maybe, considering the woman is still olive, her buttocks are branded to show ownership — as is done to chattel and other forms of male "properly Nevertheless, this simple question i ontinues to command my attention. What does footwear have to do with a woman's naked buttoc ks ’ Perhaps this is a far-fetched theory. LETTERS Thanks, guys Thank you. Jesse Bohrer-Clan i v. for your explanation through quantum mechanic s that God exists in tfie lectures you fell asleep in [ODE. Oi t. 13). Oh. and another big thanks to Saul Harper for his contribution to scientific understanding at the University [ODE. Oct 17) Mv favorite part was when JHarperl "dared to sav" that any "God" that existed in scientific mystery must be a "Christian god" and that Bohrer-Clancv's vision that God only existed in the unexplained was based on "Christian theology." It seems his understanding of quantum phvsics is only sur passed bv his studies of the Bible. Joshua Akin Physics GTFF allegations Yvonne Rauch and Ernest Stromberg made some very seri ous allegations [Opt.. Oct. 19) about the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation's leadership. The upshot of the allegations is that the executive board is not interested in running a democ ratic union. I hope to demonstrate that nothing could be further from the truth. First of all, they alleged that the member* were not informed ALL DAY TUESDAY s p A G H E T ; ALL YOU CAN EAT EVERY TUES! includes Garlic Bread PIZZ* ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamette • 484-0996 COMMENTARY i m.nii i; miir] i htit I'm fort «>d (o wonder if the juxtapos ing of footwear and a woman's naked builcx ks isn't h promotion of violent >< against women f>o»ts the ad not suggest that wearing I>r Martens and kicking a woman's ass are fashionable' Ours is, after all. a culture seething with violence — particularly against women I'he last public servii e annoum ement I heard on the radio proclaimed that every 11 seconds another woman is hat tered That same day, the edition of the Hegish-r Guard featured a domestii vio lent e display at Sai red Heart Hospital constructed in memory of Oregon women who were murdered by I heir husbands or partners. Furthermore, images of violence against women abound in TV show s news media, movies, music, advertise ments. ad infinitum and ad nauseam. Hmkandslash horror movies are espe i tally idept ai filling our minds with extreme violence Granted, these movies frequently include male vii tuns as well as female victims But clearly there is a disproportionate number of female vie tints who are hat ked and slashed while they are naked, either before, during or after some kind of sexual conduct After some time, the seemingly end less barrage of this and related imagery works its wav into our collet ttve, cultur al unconst ions The imagery fn>< times part of th»l taken-fur-grnnted portion of our cultural tx-lii'fs beliefs that are no longer examined with a critical eve We just accept naked women/sex violence ns a viahli' image To overcome this harmful image of women, it is imperative that the issues be brought to a i ohm tons level to work them out of our cultural um.onst ious and eventually out of our culture alto gether 1 am asking the hnu’rahl to consider the issues raised herein I am asking the t'mvrald to place integritv above profits by setting a higher standard for printing advertisements, by refusing to run such ads and bv essentially just saying "no" to sexism Ltmum llvmu'tt i s a rvsidrnt of Kngent? about the usual pro-ratification moating thut occurs nftor a ton tative agroament on a now i mi tract that has boon reached between the GIFT and the Uni versity Phot meeting occurred on Oct. t t and was publicized in advance in the OTFh Voice, the union newsletter that all full members rei oive Main of the questions thev asked about staff changes were also addressed in the Voice 1 can only wonder why thev didn't consult this newsletter before making such spurious allegations in public Their second major claim is that (/IT's are being kept in the dark about the negotiating impasse that now exists between the executive board and the pro fesstonal staff There are several wavs that (i l l s < an get informa tion about this They can attend 1 ’> hours a wiuik \Vi> want a more democratu union whare that memliers are better informed and more m lively involved Ken Pendleton GTFF Vice President tor University Relations Sexism is Hey. Kay Krautscheid You're right women study ami work in virtually every field Howev er, this doesn't automatically equal equality, as you assumed in your column {ODh. Oct JO). Have you compared the num bers of women with the num bers of men in those fields and seen that women are hv far the ''minority" of those educated, well-paid workers' Have you looked at the statistics i ornpar ing the salaries of women and men doing the same job and seen that women are paid less' She probably ha$ however, been a victim without realizing it Currant research still indi cates that teat loirs pay more attention to male students give them more help, and grade them more highly in the workpltu »>. identical resumes with male names get more favorable rank ings Women are still in the minority of managerial posi tions. making less than ?f> per nmt of what men earn, even when they do get a job. Maybe kav really hasn’t lieeii discriminated against, hot that's not the point do, and attitude* have i hanged, inking discrimination with ihi'm. then affirmative action will not have finished doing its job Barbara DeFillippo Graduate Student Psychology Vote for Lee I vs mild like to show my sup port (or Hobby law. who is run ning for the Kugeiu* tots Cumuli As his former room male, I have witnessed l.ee's commitment and integrity first hand and have found him to tie highly respei table, intelligent and generous I he point of affirmative «< turn is to encourage six it?tv to be more equitable This is still not a reality, «?11fu»r for rm oil minorities or for women. Inter view top executives or mirmnis trators and you will find that many still have stereotypic a! view they will likely take to their graves Some of our par outs and grandparents are of their generation and hold these beliefs Parents today still encourage their children to play vs it it gen dor-spec ifit toys, and tern hers in grade school still think girls don't do yseli in math We have come a long way, hut we have not reached gender equity and equal opportunity yet, Until we A group of young University alumni was formed throughout the state to help elei t l ee because we all felt that the l ugeiieCat\ (animal desjwratelv needed a drainatu change l.ee uni lie that change for the better He is progressive, envi ronmentally i oust ions and innovative in polios making skills l or some of you seniors, if you remember Hobby bee when he was ASt'() president leu k in 1 Ittl2 ll t. you know he has the leadership skills Talk to your friends, and support Hobby bee for bilgene ('.it v Council Marc Hill UO Yount) Alumni for Bobby 1 ee till WIIMiliMt 1 MU tHIVi; iM'.llli meetings (which are public ized in the? Voicr), or they can con tact the GTTF office ,it 144-08 (2 and make arrangements to speak to one of the union officers If an officer is not in the offic e when you call or come by. one will contact you to arrange an appointment. Finally, any t.TFF member is welcome to attend the n< tual contra* t negotiating sessions. The members of the executive board have put a lot of volunteer time into tins union in my ease somevvfiere hot ween 12 and Apparently not Maybe sf you opened your eyes a little wider (inti took .t look around you would realize that the "sexism that oni o exist ed” still duos Shannon Varney Eugene Not there yet While I'm pleased kuv krautscheid has not experi enced overt discrimination (VUE, Oct. 20), that is not nearly as surprising as it used to be STUFF YOURSELF WITH EUGENE’S BEST PIZZA all Hen STUDENT SPECIAL! Cheese or MEDIUM 7 95 epperont LARGE STUDENT I.D. REQUIRED /y' pflif food Sunday ihrvugh TtnUrwikiy iKler K -1 OOphnyhly .VtWhmuiiV $7 ,/k) for rtrlivrr^ TRACK TOWN PIZZA • 484-2799 Two convenient locations to serve you: CAMPUS 1809 Franklin Blvd. • WEST 2511 W. 11th & Wilson Tuesday. October 24. >996 Oregon Deity Emmakt 3