EDITORIALS. OPINIONS. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Payment date shouldn’t depend on postal service ■ OUR OPINION: B would eliminate fees for mao delayed credit bills What you won't hear from the credit r ard representa tives in the EMU: Regardless of when you mail your pay ment, we will c harge you a latr* fee/inleres! if it arrives late Therefore your credit rat ing and amount owed depend partially on the eflfi Cieficy of the U.S Postal Service. Not a comforting thought. ! lowever, a new hill under consideration in Con gress would change that pro-lender polit y. If passed, the bill would require c redit t ard i ompanies to consider payment dates based on the postmark date. So. if debtors get their payments to the post office on the day their bill is du«. the i rod it com pany would b«* forced to c onsider th«* payment on time, even if it arrived a week later. Just like the IKS While politicians who reside in tin* back pockets of hig business will oppose the bill, it would be a great Imkjii to c onsumers Visa and Mas terikird have called the bill "misguided,” but they could lose? a lot of money if the bill gets the congressional Oh (dearly, credit card t om panies earn enough money in interest without penaliz ing consumers for the lethargy of the postal ser vi< e. Hut the bill may actu ally benefit them in the long run. C kins tuners with more t ash in their pew kets are more likely to spend it well, charge it. Flier statistics don’t present complete truth ■ OUR OPINION: Wi it *.* consider (act can bt» one sided mlormation The racist-slanted flier stuffed in mailboxes and tat kod to bullet in boards in Ksslingtir Hall Iasi Wednes day raises intriguing ques tions alxnit the nature and use of statistic s to sway pub lic opinion. Apparently compiled by an Australian journalist, the statistic s portray African Americans as criminals who have a penchant for < ommit ting acts of violence against white people. The reporter said the information he released "could not possibly be published or discussed in the IJ.S. mainstream media." He is right Even if the statistics wore numerically no urate, they paint a warper! picture of reality Americ ans tend to be easily influenced by mathematical "fact," but sta tistics i an lie In this ( ase, the reporter has released a selective sw tion of data that supports his views it may be true that 1 .HOG white people are murdered by blat k people eat h year, but how many blat k people art? murdered by whites' Mow many of those murders involved inner-city drug deals or the police? What is the cause of the violence? Statistics don't show the whole truth, and American journalists would be irre sponsible to present them to the public. OriQftfl 0**t '>****& « a** tton&ff ff-fcogft f *** *#! ’uevU*, jtS m mw«« t* m» OflQon 0**r I ma> «** of ft* coMnmi the * w»W «% J*hi** m***h t*» * ;a »•»•»?»*: c* om Of pipe** « (■«**:i;lAb* Op u» t #*tv *• Oi#f 0»«d tHt* - n»M8>»g flits* , »■■ fr*rty*u» Orvf« 0» tetter AOuif l img Caas-aST Mfssaeftt ‘ -Jwi-tM *■«•.'** **.«► r«*m*t* Uafcuj 1 rtu’v . -Ah i S«tg *tW - *t«g«\» to **• Mi l SlWfl R-a-. A »*«*» ttefete Act-t*i»*i a."--, , edfev A*rs*» #jk* J*."'-in Civ Oouq *'**9 kortl *»fw* Mflf*te| fl#A* UvtlfeVc «**>*&* «Mg* A/vftM OlVogflB. ?***»«*** Cftrn >»r»» t Amplfc-vp » . '?« JUl* M ?k*x3 tariff. fhpnp A J tfimtftAi (ktytilffllift tjiry ti*re Aiy *.»iwtifh*«J Co*? 0*a R|N%r» , .y» te* -'s*g»f‘<;n As».-a ®rw :;•• <•-** *i ■ t «gf» ’<*%'. »‘V* *'4u>%» • - > ^ WWffflMf kuw U ■ '/ «j as* A.--.:,?•* B?» »?■ , ■>.* U-- ;* i .'-■•*«•• v-,*,-. •. AAju'l tWU?hMi .V** Gf »#»<<* r*ft •' '•'!» IM! Wt*« i.A-li>n C«*«'pl Mister . . t, JUM-rt.l-*® fVA»4* Mf '-i ' Aiv* A-ra -. - Ul »* V<*h fO» .••„...■> V** ’WV >-«NaE:j<'. A«)9plro»’ 'U--i-*' M ^ JpV^V Uwc« ?om U>tt*ttSi«3S JmnUgi IftAl tfftl SNiAlflQfl WchHV Rc*.» ictgndWhl* i's> *.• ,.-.H t««| OluiKMtl' rm»f0V ( &. |tfi**tHSA J#ff ..V^WKlft JOflff*. i CAQ Ivt mi )4*S5t? y** m? M*«43 Fl% I Ww,r Aftxr na 'o*hY poli ihATcovers'>' A . rv, ! DOJV& 0*r TWEBE No room for gays, lesbians in GOP? Time So start gearing up for the political season onus again — tlu* Republican primaries the race fur Hob Paokwood's Senate seat and, of course, gathering sig natures for the referendum measures Oregonians love so dearly. Part of the political tradition in Oregon in ret ont years seems to In* an intense politic al focus on guy. lesbian and bisexual issues |une Way la* Cay Pride Mouth, but around here. November is („ty Politics Month Okay, so it's only October But why wait for the rush? There's already plenty going on. To start us off, there's Hob Dole and the I-og Cabin Republicans ror most! ot you wno don t know. the u>g Cabin Republicans art* a national organization of gay and lesbian Republicans whose goal is to achievo ecjual rights for gays and lesbians in the Republican Party. 1’orsonnlly. I’ve never been able to understand how someone can be a gay Republican To me, the two seem diametrically opposed To be fair, it's an admirable effort to try to get gays and les bians accepted by a party whose vision of "fami ly values" clearly excludes those families with two mommies Kilter Bob Dole In June, Log Cabin sent Dole a $1,000 contribution, which was sol it ited by Dole's campaign manager. John Morgan in August, shortly after news of the contribution became public. Dole relumed the money, saying he didn't agree with the group's views. Last week., however, be took the money back, blaming the donation's return on his campaign committee lie also said that a<< opting the group's money didn't mean he agreed with their agenda Can you say "waffle," boys and girls? But Dole isn't the only one accepting endorse ments from those he doesn’t agree with Gordon Smith, « Republican who will !*• vying lor Pat kwood x Senate seat, recently accepted an endorsement from the Oregon Citi zen's Alliance The (X.A is a rabidly anti-gay organization whose main foe us over the past few years has been to undoor prevent gay rights legislation Aside from a plethora of local measures, the group has worked on Measures ‘1 and 13 statewide initiatives that would have prohibited passage of any gay rights legislation. Smith opposed Measures 9 and 13, but he also opposes gay rights legislation. He says gins, les bians and bisexuals are already protected by the Constitution. Without spot ific legislation, however, gays, lesbians and bisexuals do suffer discrimination in areas sui h os employment ami housing. In tboorv thn l mulilitl ion mfll- tif-ilt-, I fivurinnA in our country, but if it's not spoiled out legally, •hero is little recourse for those affected by dis i rimmation To make Smith's story even more interesting, he is not only endorsed by the OCA. but by the (^)l' s only openly gay legislator. Chut k Ciarpen ter, as well An IX. A and gay-backed candidate? 1 never thought I'd s<'e the day. Of i ourse. the