What s a Buck ($1) Tennis & Racquetball Restring Specials t «f Say it with Roses... Rose 6 Pak FREE With purchase of a 6 PAK. Per customer please up to 12 free. Good with coupon !tin>u#ti Oclubcr .'0. i«s Eugene’s Flower Home I 111 1 NIVI RSI I V I 1 «>Rls I 610 I I Jth ai • 4ks Owners arc I of (> alumni IL_. _J MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL 50" Screen TV $1.00 Hot Dogs On Tap: Budvveiser, (Oors tight, Kogue n Berry, Blac k Hutto Porter, I teld's, Hamm's, Weinhard's Ale, Henry's FREE POOL 2-4 All Week • 9:30-4 Sat & Sun C,tm tktm*11 L J841 Willamette p Open 9:30 am to 1:00 am all week FOOTBALL OREGON VS WASHINGTON STATE Student tickets are hard to come by ■ FOOTBALL: Unused tickets should either be given away or returned to the ticket oHice By Trevor Kearney Spent* ( dstor in on effort to gel student!! into the rest of the Oregon football team’s home games, expanded til ke! sales will be offered to sin dents at a discounted price. Dm* tor of Ticket Sales Hunt Hoi supple said Student season tickets, whic h were available for pit k-up earli or in the season, have ail been distributed, but Holsapple said that (lie administration has i time up with a solution Ai i ording to Holsapple, stu dents wishing to get into Satur day’s game against Washington Slate <an Imv standing-room-only tii kefs at the child's price of $5 But, he added, even those tickets are going fast, as only aliout MM) of the 2,noo tu kets remained ear lier this week "What wo are doing now is sidling the students standing room-only tickets for $5>, which is the child's pro •*.' Holsapple said "So they < an get in for $S. whit h doesn’t give them a seat, but at least gets them in the door What we want is to get them in to see (tip Karin1 At the Pacific gamp, students had the opportunity to sit in the general admission section for no charge, but. HoUapple said, then* jut! aren't enough tickets to do that every game "Every student that wanted to go to that game got to go to the game, so that worked out pretty well," Holsapple said “But we don’t have any seals in the gen eral admission area that we can just give to them " 'light now. students t an buy tickets for the Arizona State game at the child's price of SH 50. and standing-room-only ti< kets will 1»* available after that, l or the C iv il War game, the only tickets left are standing-room-only In addi tion. 250 student tit kets for the game against Washington on Nov 4 in Seattle will he available at the Casanova Center on (k t 2J The fact that season student tu kets can he picked up all nl onto does pose a problem, as some students may not get to see any games at all "We are limited by what the contract tells us to do as far as the distribution of student tickets,” tlolsapple said " The first two games were on a single-game basis Game three through six. though, students wore all on campus, so they could pick them up all at once. "Anti that is just what they did. which lends itself n problem, because maybe only fi.000 stu dents get to go to the games and I'm not so sure that is right " One solution that many uni versifies use would lx* a ticket lot tery. in which students are picked to go to a certain amount of games That type of solution could make the w hole process a little hit easier, Molsapple said. "I think there has to be (some thing done) because it is not fair to the students to deal with it this wavhe said "What 1 would like to see lx* done is to either go to an individual pick-up one game at a time, or even go to a lottery svs tern. That is something to look -it But the most immediate solu tion to the problem. Holsapplo said, is for students yho can't make the games but have tii kets to either give them to another stu dent or take them lw« k to the tick et office "If you are not going to go to a game, give it to another stu dent." Molsapple said "If stu dents are not going to go, they should bring it hock here and we will give it to another student.” EMERALD FOOTBALL PICKS Trevor Kearney Mark McTyre Andrea ( DeYoung ! ihris itewart Pete C Schentder T avid horn Morgan Smith Oregon «9 WSU OSU California Arizona Washington .1 5 Stanford UCLA *4 Notre Dame USC .4 Florida St. *33 Georgia Tech Northwestern Wisconsin *1 Nebraska *25 Kansas St OVERALL Oregon California Arizona Stanford USC Florida Si Oregon California Washington Stanford Oregon California Washington UCLA Notre Daev USC Oregon California Oregon CaMomia Washington Washington UCLA I Stanford Notre Oame USC Oregon California Arizona Stanford USC Oregon California Washington Stanford USC Florida St Florida St j Florida Sf j Georgia Tech j FSoncte St ! Florida St -i--4--~4--i.-—j——-—J—_— Wisconsin Northwestern Wisconsin Northwestern Northwestern1 WiScons n : Northwestern — -4-.-j-——j—-——-4----. Kansas St Kansas S Nebraska Kansas St Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska 0-0 ’0-1A 16-8 13-11 16-8 13-11 16-8 M. 'ii.r. Snutf s "i- . 'eyci Do y CnwaUiI x{.t«M of the Woe* The football experts? irevor Kearney Mark McTyre Andrea DeYoung UfUiS Stewart Pele Schneider David Thorn You can do better than these “experts.”