1972 Grateful Dead concert released on iammin’ two-disc set J. Daniel Pearson Ft&HunCm %f>c*f*» One of (ht* best things about being a Grateful Dead fan is that there is alway s a new tape to get. Hundreds of people taped the band's shows every year, and once in a while, a crispy soundboard copy of a .show was released into circula tion by sound man Dan Healy. In l‘t'2. the IV.td toured Europe for the firsi time and played what are considered by Deadheads to be some of their liest shows ever A live, three-record set was released following that tour, and it cap tured some of the hottest versions of their songs to date While it is widely known that there is a plethora of live Grateful Dead ret ordings available through bootlegs, it has been somewhat difficult to come across many tapes of decent quality from Europe '72 CO REVIEW Thank1, to Grateful Dead vault keeper Die k l .at vila. a gem of a shovv from tin's, tour has b**en released on CD The first side of I (HI Ymu Unit 100 Year Hall include* many stan dard Head favorite* such a* ‘Bertha." "Big Railroad Blues and n version of the newly written "Play mg m the Hand, which opens up nit el\ in the middle, accentuated by Garcia's use of the uah vvnh peddle something he straved from in ret ent years Hut what stands out is the first record ed version of the Pigpen number ' Next rime You See Me" end the three-song Voodoo Glow Skulls cruise on ‘Firme’ By isa Lester "We re not the ones that want to change you or make you think!" At least they are honest The latest release from the Voodoo Glow Skulls, h'irmr, is not exact ly overflowing with insight. In fact, it is quite lacking in musi cal virtuosity, integrity and taste. The hand desperately tries to make up for this, however, by fully utilizing what they do have, a large band, including trombone and trumpet, youthful creativity and testosterone I'he result is a fusion of punk rock-brass-ska-hip-hop with explosive potential. The seven members of the Glow Skulls waste no time. Where they are going exactly has yet to be decided, but they are definitely cruising. Within 15 seconds of the first track they are in overdrive, and they never bother to shift down. An occasional respite is CO REVIEW I irmc Votsd00 c4*jw Skuli t offered whenever the brass section feels like taking a groove break, as they do in the otherwise rambunctious "Fat Randy,” (Did I mention that this album is not for the easily offended?) Do not expect to he able to dame to this album Only Jane Fonda on speed could hope to keep up with this blast - COURTf 5V pmOTO The Glow Skulls explode with fusion sound on their new CD release. ing band. The appropri ate locomotion mode would be the punk genre of slam dancing, the predecessor of our beloved mosh. An ability to appreciate wild, juvenile abandon is also required when trying to move to this band. Need help visualiz ing? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Try this: Imagine the Oregon Marching Hand directed In Anthony Keidis and Flea at the Rose Bowl If you want to check them out in the privacy of your own room, buy the album If you don't expect too much, you'll have fun with what you get I I I I <y//u.S70//,S 1311 Lincoln VViil<ifn. t!*' To\vm Building 345-1810 i Haircuts...s8 ft*}? Sl*> with shampoo & conditioner spirals •••••• 3 s reg SS06S w/ conditioners, cut A style longer, color treated hair slightly more Coupon food writ* Slurry NO* (J»* J IO*.rr Simla Ha#. flat tor,« t*«- va tv s* > SNry lirtwn 4 m.*o *»**h Good Through Nowfitfor I4). 1995 Perms... *29* tell your faraway family and friends to read the Oregon daily emerald now available on the world wide web I http: / / darkwing.uoregon.edu/-ode EMU CULTURAL FORUM PROUDLY PRESENTS: JCATHER/NE WHEEL & C /$ 14 UO\ students ^ %v \G Do? s Eye view EMU BALLROOM TUESDAY, OCT* 31 • 8 PM HALLOWEEN NIGHT! Tickets available 0 KMU Mala Desk, Face the Music, House of Records, Record (tardea, I CD World. 4 YOU CAN READ THE EMERALO FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. o.d.e. on the world wide webi http: / /darkwing, uoregon.edu/-ode it's just like really being here, BUT WITHOUT ALL THE RAIN. Jwmrr Jor 1X4 1 }>»»*< CALOBO HIGHER GROUND ARTIS the spoonman TTVK rave-up of "Turn on Your LoveiightCioin' Down ihe Road-Saturdav Night " The jams between the three songs twist in and out of tsu h other, and there is even a hint of "Not Fade A was " before T.oin Down the Road" actually get-, going The first CD is outstanding, and elm ks m at just more than >,H minutes But it is the sis ond disi that would send chilis up the spine of Neal ( assidy The disc begins with a hopping version of “Troi kin " so new that Bob Weir is still having trouble reinemliering all the verses (what else is new?) complete with a rare jam in the middle, and a reprise of the last verse And then the bind takes off for never-never land spi ruling, twisting and shooting through an improvised passage (iarvia i liases la*sh s Hass line around like two hum king birds through the air. all of it colored in bv Hub's rhythm palate, until the music slow I v fades into a drum solo and a fninil car Is si i And then it i nines Hie roll, and now it's "The Other One " Rising and falling, peaking three times before fulling back onto the opening c herds of the first live version of "domes a l ime " (.an in gives everyone a muc h needed rest alter the frenzied pace of the last half hour, and his vote v sounds sweet on tins quiet song (list as soon as it started, "domes a Time" ends and turns into a version of Sugar Magnolia making it hard to resist the temptation to dam e around the room WO Year Hall conies at a perfect time, on the heels of ( .arc tas death It makes I leadheads rwntemlier the best thing about the Grateful Dead, l.v«»n though the tours aie over', there is a never ending supply of nuisii out there to find and enjov Tom COAfTAATEA SATURDAY OCTOBER 28 ' % Eugene Hilton Ballroom s 66 f 6th A we , fuger*. Oregon for Information Call (SOJ) 34V 66*3 Of 1 800 937 6660 I JT’ Costume Contest 10pm Irr nun UN Uu' (.■tiainiB Mtt> Turn hanui Duccauti p2 ♦ Nfc.Mit»AT Vendors Fairs \,i*H (510) 42015» Special Multimedia Show by HPX Doors Open at 7pm ADMISSION »19 50 AiTvanct, 114 50 at the Door AcMmte txhrnat Oregon DchlOnnUf, CD W<*td, Mom* oi Recorch Backstage Danteweai fMU M*rn Dcifc MapprTrartv-CorvNhi OMtCWlV Mtiwc MMcrtfumi Portland UnttMT ' Ow< * <xj» <** w«ti V»« fatp w« rockfwib umcwmilafi sierra 21 and Over Please