Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 04, 1995, supplement, Page 4B, Image 24

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    EMU mi (EMEU
ujinter registration begins Wednesday, dec 7.1 Oam
$5 specials
Beaded Braceiets
Komi Ramtt
Make colorful treaded bracelets using !*»< <.• and
firmer st»< lies .1 good mtuxluciion to Ix-adwork
and a chance to ask I x-ad mg questions
Wed, Ian t
6 00 9 00pm I'l l K6 $S
Tie Dyeing
Kathy Kale
( reate a variety of patterns using different tying
and dyeing ter hniques bring up to three
prewaslieo cotton items to dye
Hiurs, |an S
6 0<> 9 00pm I’l l' K’’
Bike IXktor
Hrad Mills
Perk up your bike and avoid repair bills Instnu
(ion will cover lubrication, tire trouble brake and
gear service, and trouble shooting Keep your
bike rolling smoothly and safely bring your bike
to i lass m tin Walnut Room rWo wdfoni
1 W ed Ian i
600'HKtpm I'll K8 ys
i.Thurs, fan S
0 no 9-OOptn I'l l xu is
35mm Camera Use
Vak-rie Nguyen
Learn the "secret" meaning of all those numlx-rs
and letters' \ shod lecture covers how your
camera works including discussion of liliu and
composition bong an empty 35mm camera
linns, fan 5
(lurnoopm |»u <mi ys
Megs & Bowes
I rank (tosar • Andrea DiPalma
I ued of l upperware? You can handhtnld your
own ceramic mugs, tumblers and small bowls in
tins workshop ( lav and glares provided
Wed Ian 1
1*1.1 91
holiday specials
Papier-Mac hi Hand Pi wi ts
Igor (tandel
team Immi (vtpicr mat he techniques white
designing anti i < instructing an original hand
puppet Hand puppet* have long history in
storytelling, entertainment. theatre <S education
I xplon* tins cultural an form by i rvatmg vour
own hand puppet, learn basti movement and
presentation 10 hours of instruction
linns, Ian 2<> l eh 23 I’M >>2 memlxrs $S0
0 M1H SOpm I’ll 93 non members SVi
Hoh< i iain Valentines
1 rank < rosur
It s a gilt Irom the heart to your heart s desire
a jxwcelam valentine, handmade by you tor
that special someone K ml mss a with Lne
paint it with brightly colored ilass make it
unique, original, s|Xi ul just like the one you
love Materials provided 3 hours of instruction
Sun. I eb 3 1*1.1'9» metnlx'rs $10
1 30 t 30pm I’l l OS non ux*mbers SI*
John Vincr
Buikl your own portable solar panel learn the
principles of photovoltaic,** Constmct a small 3'
solar panel charger capable ol powenng a
Walkman in full sun or tharge A A to I) batteries
6 hours of instruction
Mon, Jan 23 ♦ 30 I’Ll' 96 tnemlx*rs $30
6 30 0 30pm I’l l 9" non-members $3*
Arthur (iravcs
Pull that old rocking chair with the broken scat
clown (rum the attu and cane it hark to perfet
non bring your own chair or pure ha so a st<x>l
from the (“rail ( enter to learn the fine art ot
seat weaving No prior experience is necessary
'some materials can lx- puchascd at the Craft
Center, and handouts of other caneing sources
available at registration (> hours of instruction
Sun. f eb S ♦ 12 PH UH mcmlxT $19
1 00 •» 00pm PLl' W non memlxrrs
The EMI J Craft Center
n«' I Ml Kraft Center a comprehensive \ns
Program oflrnng wi ll cqui|>pcd fat titties and
mi trksltojis in ttv»si arras. of the Visual Arts ll«
program is I* *h cdut jiimul and ret reatx mai
encouraging all levels of mu-rest, (mm beginning
boNiyisi tu serious artist If vow have an interest in
art or a lavontr tin KM! ( raft Outer at the
I 'mvetsitv ii(< hrgon is for you You 11 find us m
tin- I rf> Memorial I nmn. I -Mil A I ’mverstts l ast
wing, lower level Please aiklrrss risjui-sts for
ai i omnv slain >ris relateil to ilis.ilnitm •. to tin ( raft
(a-nter director or designee in advance lor more
information pk-asc call ,V*r> i v.l
Studio Faciijtiks
• t <raimts area with high ft tv capabilities
• I’fmto darkrooms cijuipjHil lor lVi\X or
color printing
• lewelry lah for tasting ami lahnt at it >n
• ( ompleie wotslshop with [lower tools ami
• 1 at ililies for silks* teen and fahru dyeing
• Stained glass luseti glass
• Hike repair It * tls
• Sewing weaving ami filx-i simlio
• Hand it » >|s |t .1 w. s njv. i irking
• Hooks .m<! (H iiotlitals (or hh-iiiIht .is<
• M.,i.ige linkers for memlsers
small S-J 00. large $V00 jn-r lenii
• I land ukI |h twer tool rentals ft.i I 'O Mutk-nls
• t minute l< tailing s|>.ttt available on Mill M
• III iw M idt.-t IS
\ ( rah c enter incrnlx-rship entitles you to use
the Cruft < t ruer facilities .1 nil tools in the Craft
Center for the term fo» wlmh tlu* membership c
pun tu.vcd Mcinh'i'hip' are not refundable
Members are required to Itave basu skills and
knowledge for tlieir given area, assume the risk
and have a willingness and ability to work with
others in a safe and cooperative manner
Memliership is open to I O students, faculty,
stall and ! < > alumni In addition, the general
publu may pun Ium- a t raft ( .enter mcmlx-rship
with enrollment in a ( raft ( enter workshop of
SIS or more lias use passes are available tor
current I'O students, fat uity stall and alumni
Workshops using the Craft ( enter facilities and
equipment require a meml>ership and are
indicated in the da vs listings (rail Center
memlxis receive a retimed rate in workshops
where liiere is the option to take a 1 lass with a
member or non member status
Membership Fees Per Term
S 6 Id students and spouses
Slot O faculty, stall and s|x»ust-s
SISl’C) alumni
SIS General public, with enrollment in Craft
(enter workshop of SIS or more (If you cant el
a w orkshop w ithin the designated limits, your
general publu mcmlx-rship will lx- refunded >
Day Use Fees
SI So jx-r das 1 () students
S- SO jx-r das l (> faculty and stall
SS SO |x-r ilas IIO alumni
Registration tv on a first-come basis. until i lasses
Ix-Rjn or an* filled Laity registration is n*com
mended Workshop registration tan lx- done in
person <x by mail ami must lx* accompanied
with I I) ami full payment Members of tlx* I'O
c«xnmunip purchasing memlx*ishjps w ill lx
mjuiml to |Hvseni ( nivrrsity 1 I)
Mail-in Registration
Proof of I nivrrsitv ID is required for all 1 X)
memberships Mail irn will lx- pnxrsscd tin- first
day of registration Mail in registrations are
confirmed if a self aajtirrssetl, stain|xtl envelope
is pn ivi<ksi Send mail in registration to
I Ml ( raft Center
l diversity of Oregon
Fugene. OK ‘I' tm 122S
Ri iund Policy
• Uorksht»(v> art' till refundable‘Hi I tours
i t ctaysi prior to the hrst class meeting, hut
mMirefurxlaMc thereafter
• Sk SjKt uls ami Raku are not refundable
• NX! irksln>ps which do not meet the minimum
enrollment will lx- cancelled on or before the
hrst class meeting
• It the ( .raft < enter cant els a workshop, class
fees u ill he fully refurnksl it is your option to
retain ytxir Clan ( enter membership
• MemU rships are non refundable it you drop
a i lass, although community memlx-rships
ss ill I* ret undo I at our discretion
art supplies for sale
Si ppi iis For Saij:
• Hike i ahles Ix aimgs. patches (tiles
• ti'camii !••■'! kit'- stoneware, [xirieluin
• Hlx-rdyes silk, silkst reens and I shirts
• (■ lass r utters, i opjx-r toil and solder
•topper silver saw blades findings and tools
• I Vs NX photo chemicals. pa[x-r anti film
• NX-wxl, dowels. santlpa|xi and plvwotxl
craft center hours
Winter Hoi rs
91 e will lx- otx-n from J.in 4 Mar 22 Vu- will
have reduced hours Mar 1.4 22 Please pick up
a st hedule at the Craft t enter or call 4-W> 1.S61
Mon l ues JO OOam 9 40pm
Wed Thurs lOtXiam 11 OOpm
I rt Sat I0t00pm-6:00pm
Sunday 1200pm-S 40pm
1)h I i«/ () l\ ttn > ifiutJ nffmrtumh affirmatttr .it /tow
tn\tUuAtn < nmmiW h» t ultuml aitersiry tint/ in
O'mfthunir utlh thr American t HsafnJttii*, Act
UO Student / Spouse - $6 00
Faculty / Staff / Spouse - $10 00
All Others - $15.00 $
Mail-tn registrations are confirmed by marl it a SASE is provided
State Zip
Refund Policy |
• Workshops are UxA re- .
fundable 96 hours (4 days)
poor to the first meeting, but |
non refundable thereafter
• If the Craft Center cancels
a workshop tees wi« be tuty |
refundedyoor option to re
tain your UO members/sp
• Memberships are not re- |
findable it you cancel class
• $5 Specials and Raku are '
not refundable
Mail registrations to:
EMU Craft Center I
University of Oregon i
Eugene. OR 97403-1225