Bookstore board votes to increase student discount Marcetone Edwards t>«pc» O&jy Cmtftu The student discount for text books was raised to 10 percent last week when the bookstore board of directors voted unani mously for the change, said Jim Williams, University bookstore general manager The board of directors met Thursday during which Williams “recommended ih»» board consider raising the dis count " The hoard discussed the idea and then approved the pro posal The change went into effect four or five minutes after the meeting. Although some signs at the store still say 9 per cent, the discount is 10 percent. The unexpected success of the m i football team has allowed tho Bookstore to look down tho road financially. Williams said Tho Bookstore was able to raise th*> discount txx aus»» sains of Rose Bowl merchandise, which began following the game against Oregon State University, have done so well The Book store has increased business in recent weeks and has made more money than exiled The Ducks are having a good year and because the Bookstore i* the main supplier of Due k merchandise the hoard thought the students should reap some of the Ixmehts. Williams said "Wo wanted to pass the sui - teas on to the students." Williams said I..‘ist year the discount saved students $040,000. The now JO pen ent disc ount is projected to save students more than $700,000 The discount is for the 1994 95 school year, but ft will ho evaluated annually and Williams said he thinks the dis count will continue into the J 09 5-90 s< hool year. 1 r THE ONLY PLACE ON EARTH YOU CAN RIDE THE MOVIES! Now everything that happens in the movies happens to you! Scream through time on BACK TO THE FUTURE the greatest ride in history. Feel the heat of BACKDRAFT. Fly home with E.T. Face KING KONG. Jam to the new FLINTSTONES SHOW a live Rockstravaganza. Take the greatest rides based on the biggest movies. Get a close-up look at the action of a real working movie studio. And much more on over 400 acres of rides, shows and adventures! SAVEUP TO $20(1 i Brace yourved for terrsftc uv Jte to I ■ our bo* office j/kJ we take $5 off each admivuon for 4) _ | to i people In your forty TM drtcouot cannot be com- | I tK'ied with any other offer or with pet ip.u tight ■ seemg tours not va>.q io» separately ticketed events Distribution of this certifi cate on USH property is profrbtted ( NOT fOR SAlf) Offer vaM through 1/31 ;^5 »*m*J C*f %>&m. Inc Hi ftGMTS «$*8VtO