CINEMA The Professional’ focuses on relationship, not action, to entertain Dylan Alford for Or*pan Dt*y Emtmkl Great story Great acting Great acton Th^s «s what The Proonai, director Luc Besson's follow up to La Femme Nikita, has to offer Besson uses creative camera angles and an intriguing musical score to cre ate some of the most amazing action sequences in film However, the action is not the key to the greatness of The Professional The focus on the bond between two people, comple mented by the extremely we;, directed action scenes, makes this an amazingly intelligent action film Although trie film i$ very violent at times, it is so we;1 The Professional Jean Reno. Cary Oldman and Saialie Portman Director Liu Beeson Rated R balanced by the tenderness o? the moments between the two stars that the violence almost becomes secondary Jean Reno, who also starred tor Besson in La Femme Nikita and Sub*ay plays a profession at hitman named Leon who saves a 12-year-old girt from bemg executed by dirty federal drug agents Reno creates a character fu« erf ironies. and bongs a human side to a Char actor type that is traditions !y one dimensional. Although h« may be a profes sional murderer he is also a soft spoken. trustvsofthy. likeable man Most lo.-.vs are portrayed as hardened tough guys .vho completely shut themselves off to any emotion Not Leon Even though otting Mat-kta • N C.i e Podmjn) into I . . to goes against h«s better judge ment, he can't help feeling a bond to her This bond S the tocal pom! ot the film and Port man plays her ro*e to perfection From the moment she appears on screen, she is absolutely captivating ij.»(.!!» M it via depth than the average 12 yea' old female character that at times she seems to be much oidf>r than that Matilda is tough, sensitive passionate, stoic, irrational and logical an at the same time She etc as sympathy tmm the audi ence at one turn and almost makes them cheer at the next t or example, earty in trie film she breaks your head as she sits, nose bieedmg pot ause tier lather hit her, and asks Loon. *>s ‘e a way this hard or just when you're a kid7* l ater m the film she puts it a back together agam as she demonstrates a<’ a.Mig courage m the tar »* o» a very frightening man That man is federal drug agent Gary Stansftefd, played by Gary Oldman Stansfieid as»s Ma! i.u if she loves !'?e She answers that she does to wfnch he responds, 'Good That's good l wouldn't enjoy taking the life of someone a no didn't enjoy it * Oldman's performance is astounding He makes Stanstieid a dospcable charac for almost right from the begin ning His complete disregard for human life and indiscriminate killing create a stark contrast to leu- s *,».{(* t>f No women, no k C-1*. Stansfaild w>:i basu a fy k'll anything moves after he pops one of Ns pills and starts hearing Beethoven's overtures in hts tread Luc Bessons movie a nveting and intelligent thriller (AP) - There's a scene tn Luc Besson's new English-language him. The Professional, m which a wyged-oui DEA agent tens a 12-year-old gift how much plea sure he will denve in killing he' It's an incredible piece ot film making, no? so much because of the sheer terror experienced by a child at the hands of maniac, but because this very child has come armed to the teeth to kill the agent The child, played with exquis ite precision and honesty by newcomer Natai e Portman. is the center of this engrossing story about a hitman and his young protege The Professional is one of the most intelligent and riveting thrillers to emerge m years It involves more than car chases, high-tech weapons, martial arts and explosives, focusing on the human condition and what bonds one individual to another The amazing Jean Reno, who starred tor Besson in the French anguage La f emme Nikita and Subway, portrays l eon, a pro fessional human who lives an austere existence without friends, comfort or any plea sures outside ot milk and movie musicals He's a quiet and haunted man whose credo is no women, no Children" he will kill only men His one companion is a scraggiy plant he loves more than any thing in the world until his 12 year-old neighbor comes into his life An abused cr id, her parents sister and baby brother are rubbed out in a drug hit by cor rupt federal drug agents, led by Gary Stansfiefd (Gary Oldman), a pt- popping lunatic who nkes to k to Mf action sequences. Besson has the ere alive talents of fine Serra w’wsii score breathes tension and intrigue There's also a nice lightness to a Pictures release pro duced by Patnce Lodoux who has produced ail of Besson's recent films It is rated R for graphe violence Q < X ExJ s w Interested in learning more about freelancing? You're invited to .1 special open house f riday, jan. 7. p.m. Suite 300 EMU Stop by to learn how easy it is to become a freelance writer for the Oregon Daily Emerald Hours are flexible and story topics are negotiable1 Current or past freelancers for the ODE are welcome to attend We'll see you there!!!! For more information, catl: Lon Betlmeski. freelance editor at 346-5511 Musique Gourrnet Caiermg to th« Omcnm>f%«!iog CottactOf CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC. OPERA. 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