Russia opposes NATO expansion WORLD BRUSSELS. Belgium (AP) — Russia stunned a NATO meeting Thursday by protesting plans to give membership to East European nations and hacked out of a pro gram to improve cooperation between Moscow and the alliance Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev was expected to endorse the plan approved lust hours earlier by NATO foreign ministers Instead, he criticized it. saving the dec ision to draw up conditions for future NATO membership would create a new division in Europe. Mis comments cast a pall over the meeting and over NATO's attempt to draw its former Warsaw Pact enemies into its alliance However, some diplomats said they believed that he was playing to an audience bac k in Russia, where the government is c ontending with a strong nationalist opposition In an effurt to overcome Russian objections to its eastward expan sion. NATO allies had agreed to a spec lal relationship with Muse ow and insisted they had no intention of forming a hostile bloc "If the strategy of NATO has changed, then that is something which requires further discussion." Kozyrev told a group of grim faced foreign ministers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Kozyrev refused to endorse a wide-ranging program of military and politic al contac ts with Mosc ow, intending to ixise Russia's fears of an eastward drive bv the alliance Hr said hr read thr ministers' statement on membership and immediately called Russian President Hon* Yollsm This communique rai*r* mom question* than it answer*," Kozyrev said in impromptu remark.* that were broach ast to reporter* U S State Department spokesman Mike McCurry said Kozyrev gave no advanc e warning that he \santed clarification of the sched ule for considering new NATO members next year. "I would be tempted to xav it has to do with domestic politic s In Russia." McCurrv said Kozyrev's outburst only added to the alliance'* woes There have I wen unprec eslented strains in resent weeks between the United States and its European allies over BosniaHeriegovina In an effort to heal the wounds, Ses retarv of State Warren Christo pher swung liehind the European view that diplomacy, not force, is the ties! wav to deal with the ronflic t It was a major policy switch bv Washington under pressure from the Europeans, led by Britain and Fram e NATO has been anguishing in ret ent years over whether and when to open its doors to former foes in central and eastern Eu rope At a summit last January. President Clinton and other allied lead ers approved a U S initiative. Partnership for Peat e. to bring for mer f.M.s i |(.s4T, but without memtwahlp Twenty-three nations, including Russia, have enrolled in the pro ject. whic h allows them to take part for the first time in military ever rises and other alliance activities * Mexico’s president takes oath of office Ml XI4.() QTY (AP) Ernesto Zedillo was sworn in as Maxi co's president Thursdnv. vowing to spread prosperity to Music mis untouched in free-mnrkot reforms, make peace vs ith Indian retails and curtail his own nearly absolute powers Even as the 42-year-old economist was taking his oath of office, more than 10,000 people shouted slogans against him at a rally protesting his Institutional Revolutionary Party's fi5-year rule "Out with Zedillo!1- shouted the protesters who jammed the plaza surrounding the Monument of the Revolution that com memorates Mexico's bloody 1910-20 revolution. They raised (win ners (aiding for a civil insurgency. (Jutgoing President Carlos Salinas do Cortari handed over the red. white and green sash of of fit e in a midday ceremony at the Chamber of Deputies The 1,500 guests included Vice President Al Gore and Cuba’s President Fidel Castro. "Our most important challenge is to provide dignified living conditions for every Mexican family," said Zedillo, whose elec tion ( apped a year that saw the opening of Mexico's economy in the North American Free Trade Agreement. He promised better lives for millions of Mexicans who haven't seen any benefit from the economic changes wrought bv Salinas, vowing to use NAFTA "to help generate the jobs we need and raise living standards." The dignitaries were then taken in a caravan of gleaming black limousines to the National Palace, trailing Zedillo's auto as it was showered by confetti thrown from balconies "Zedillo! Zedillo!" people shouted We think !»• will lie ii good president’ said housewife C-armen Valencia. 60. a ruling party supporter He i ame from below and understands poverty Things were different at the Monument of the Revolution. Zedillo No! Zedillo No!' shouted the protesters hundreds of them supporters of the Zapatista National Liberation Army, a guerrilla forte that rebelled on Jan l in the impoverished south ern state of (ihiapas The crowd grew by the hour, but pole e made no move to inter voile Some protesters, mostly farmers in straw hats, had clubs and machetes Opposition leader Cuauhtemoc Cardenas. w ho came in third in the election behind Zedillo, told the crowd they now had to strengthen his party’s base while challenging i ontroversial elei turns Many Cardenas supporters believe he was cheated of the pres iduncy in 1‘iHH, the year Salinas was el in ted, because of ruling party vote fraud Mexico's ruling party re< untly had to defend itself against fraud charges in elections in southern Chiapas, Veracruz and labusio states Serbs reach economic agreement with Croatia KN1N, Croatia (API Rebel Serbs approved nn economic agreement with Croatia's government Thursday, hut they still hurled artillery shells at each other 1'he agreement calls for resuming water and elei trtcity supplies and riH>|a'n ing oil pipelines and the highway connecting Zagreb, the (jmotian capital. and the Yugoslav capital Belgrade Two sections of the 220 mile highway arocontrolltxl In Croatian Serb rvliels It is the firsl at t ord between the foes s»n< e they agreed March 2‘> on a for mal i ease fire The self-styled Croatian Serb assembly approved the economic to cord late rhursdav Croatian author ities had already approved the deal, which was t rafted with the help of interna tional negotiators The two sides will not meet face to fat e to sign the deal Friday, the United Nations said in a statement Thu (Croats will sign it at U N headquarters in Zagreb in the morning while the Serbs will sign at UN headquarters in hum, their capital, in the afternoon The diplomatn moves coincided with battlefield action Artillery duels < ontinued Thursday near t ake Peru ui. alxnit 10 miles southeast of Kntn, saiil Paul Kisley, a UN spokesman in Zagreb Croatian Serbs denied there was any seri ous military m lion Thurs day. German terrorist released after 22 years LUEBECK. Germany (API — Irmgard Moeller, the Red Army Faction terrorist who blew up three American soldiers with a car bomb 22 years ago, walked out of prison Thursday after being freed early from her life sentence. Wearing jeans, a leather ja« ket ami red sweater, Moeller smiled, waved and gathered up bou quets from fans, who were singing 1960s anti-Vietnam War songs and chanting revolution ary slogans outside the prison's blue steel gates "It still feels unreal." she seal, her words nearly drowned out by the crowd of 2(X), who carried red flogs, champagne bottles and Christmas presents. Moeller. 47, appealed for free dom for other "political prison ers" and thanked her supporters and friends for helping her cope with years in prison Moeller was convicted of tin ving one of two explosives laden t ars that blew up May 24. lw?2. at U S. Army Headquar ters in Heidelberg The blast killed Capt Clyde K Bonner and two enlisted men. Charles L Peck and Ronald A Wood ward Moeller was arrested six weeks Inter and sentenced to life in prison plus t .r> years. The longest serving female prisoner in Germany, she was freed because of her poor health, although she has shown no remorse and refused to cooperate with psychiatric evaluations A court m the state of Schleswig Holstein, where the prison is located, placed her on probation for five years (.Treat A laska Bush C ompany Totally Nude Dancers No cover charge with student ID 1030 Hwy 99N • 688-9027 the pink building Go Ducks! SATURDAY SPECIAL Cheeseburger (Limit 10) Saturdays Only East Broadway Location Only CarPs Jr. East Broadway & Hilyard (Limited time only)