Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 29, 1994, Page 6, Image 6

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    Inmate being held as suspect in Dahmer killing
(▼I m i >i v# n .
WU (AP) — Jnf
fray Dnhntor wtt
attacked and
k i I loci will In
<.leaning n prison bathroom Won
day m a gruesome end for the for
mer chocolnlo fidory worker
who strangled and disniomliared
17 boy* and men and ate some of
Another inmate was Iming held
in Dahmor's slaving and in the
severe beating of another prison
er at Columbia Corns lional Insti
tutlon Authorities wouldn't
identify the suspei t. who was
serving a life sentence for mur
der. or offer a motive
All thn<e men were working cm
a (leaning detail in the ns metion
area of the maximiiin-sei.urttv
prison when the attai k occurred
A bloody broom handle was
found at the scene, but Cornu •
lions S<‘> rotary Mil haul Sullivan
said he didn't know if il was the
murder weapon
"One could surmise a numlier
of things Their head* could have
been smashed against a wall,1'
Sullivan said
"There was a great deal of
blood In the area of the attai k."
Corrections Department
spokesman Joe S< islowii / said
The 34 year-old Dahmer had
extensive head injuries and died
at a hospital about an hour after
he was found.
Dahmer. who had l*s-n impris
oned since his crimes t ante to
light in JlJOi, had been attm ked
once before In July, an inmate
tried to cut his throat during a
c hapel service, hut the razor
blade attai bed to a plastic han
dle fell apart before it could hurt
At the time. Sullivan said that
it appeared to have been ait iso
lated ini ident and that Dahmer.
who was serving H» life sen
Dahmer crimes reveal horrific nature of solitary man
MH.WAtJKEE (AP) — Friends were hard
to come by for the solitary Jeffrey Dahmer
So when he invited attractive young men
fie met at shopping mails and gov fairs home
for drink*, he wonted them to stay.
Kven if he could keep only part* of them
When police finally hurst into Da tuner's
apartment on July 22. 1MI. they found tor
so* soaking in acid, severed head* in the
refrigerator and freezer, skull* in boxes. a
hand and n genital organ in a HO-rjuart ket
tle pot. and photo* of victim* in various
stages of dismemberment. Two human
hearts and a bicep mu.v ie Dabtner said be
planned to eat were in the freezer
A sit kcnlng stench permeated the whole
"1 should have stayed w ith God." Dah
mer told a judge at his sentencing in Fete
riiarv 10<J2. ’’I tried ami 1 failed, and cre
ated a holocaust."
As gruesome as the discovery was. it
merely swung wide a door into a secret,
murderous life 1 Filmier had been living for
13 years, during which he < burned 1? vic
tims Die notion was stunned by the deprav
ity of the murders, the dismemberments,
the lannibahsm
in Dahmer's neighborhood, that shock
was tempered with rage He killed hi* four
final victims only after a close call with
poin t* in May. when two officers returned
to his custody a 14 year-old l.aotian hoy
found staggering naked in the street
Dahmer told police the boy was his homo
sexual lover and had drunkeniy wandered
out of hi* apartment After hi* arrest two
month* later, he admitted killing 14 year
old Konerak Sinthasomphone moment*
after police left
Officer* had dismissed witness' concerns
that the boy vrai really in trouble and had
joked about the incident over their radio*
In the prior, largely minority neighborhood,
the /uiion* confirmed suspicions that polk*
wen* indifferent to the disappearances of
young gays and minorities
Neigh lairs it! !hi* iow nil onie apartmant
building just northwest of downtown had
long suspected something was seriously
aims* in Apartment 213 For months they
had heard sawing, scuffling and screaming
coming from the apartment For a year they
had complained among themselves about
the smell
No one called police, they said, because
people in the neighborhood believe i< is bet
ter to mind your own business
But Glenda Cleveland did rail police after
her daughter and mer e told her of the naked
boy. She repeatedly asked an officer if he
was certain Sinthasomphone was an adult
"As positive as I ran be," the officer said
Police recordings also reveal that one offi
cer laughed as he reported finishing his
"Intoxicated Asian, naked male." the offi
< <*r said "Was returned to his sober
"My partner is going to gel deloused at
the station,’’ he said with more laughter
l la Inner was arrested two months later
when a handcuffed man managed to escape
the apartment and flag down police. The
officer* who handled the Smthasomphone
investigation were fired but won reinstate
ment after a two-year court battle.
Although Dahrner often targeted gays and
minorities, he said race and sexual orien
tation had nothing to do with his preference
for victims
"Mv only objective was to find the host
looking guy that I could. I went to bath
houses. 1 went to bars, shopping malls." he
said in a jatlhouse interview broadcast last
March on Dot Hi no NBC
"Their sexual preference didn't matter to
me." he continued. "Their race didn't mat
ter to me The first two young men were
white. The third young man was American
Indian. The fourth and fifth were Hispan
ic So. no. race had nothing to do with it It .
was just their looks."
lie didn't lure them home specifically to
kill them, he said.
"The killing wasn't the objective. I just
wanted to have the person under my com
plete control to do with as I wanted."
hating parts of his victims "made me fool
like they were a permanent part of me." ho
said. "And it gave me a sexual satisfaction
to do that."
Dahrner pleaded guilty hut insane, but
a jury found him sane on all founts. He said
he had hoped to loam why he had been "so
bed and evil,”
1 didn't ever want freedom. Frankly, 1
wanted death for myself,” Dahrner said.
Utnu'v win no! believed to >«* in
imminent danger
"Oh tnv Cod? Mv *on! How
«ould this happen?" Duhmor s
mother. Joyce Flint, said when
TV's Hard Copy informed her of
(its death
The other victim in Monde v \
altar k wet Jesse Anderson, who
w#j serving a life sentence for
slabbing ami bludgeoning his
wife to death Anderson's case
drew widespread attention in
Wis< onsin 1h« nuse of his claim
that two him k men atta* ked him
and his w ife, txiih white, as they
left a restaurant
Hahmers body was found in
w ruing
cliff notes
studs guides
science Ik lion
ms sicis
vlk til’ll.Ilk's
Ills!’ ’I V
ait skills
alt hisi.n\
ak liitev tuie
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11 ilk ism
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evlik at ion
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i • 'inputei s
momij) friday 9 00 5 00 Saturday 9 00-2 00
two locations
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find your books - pay by January 7
Smith Family Bookstore
textbook and general bookstore
(across from Sacred Heart Hospital - near the U of O campus)
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general b*>oks
(across from the post office near the Hilton Hull Center)
525 Willamette Street 343-4717
textbooks may be sold at either store
monday-friday 9:00-5:00 Saturday 9:00-2:00
the! stuff's bathroom and show
er area next to the basketball
court Anderson was found in
the prisoners' bathroom across
the court and was hospitalized
in critical condition w ith head
A guard overseeing the three
inmates had just left the bas
ketball i ourt when the attack
occurred. Sullivan said. He did
not know the whereabouts of
another guard assigned In watch
the prisoners
"Dahmer had a death w ish,
and I know that he didn't have
the gumption to do it himself,
so I had predicted tiiat the dm
would i unit* w hell he would be
killed in prison." said Gerald
Hoyle. Dahmer's law yer at trial.
“He never expressed fear."
his stepmother. Shari Ikahmer,
told WJW TV in Cleveland.
"From the day he w as arrested
he felt he deserved anything
that he got
Dabster's gruesome past
i aine to light in July l‘»<n . when
a handcuffed man (laired down
police and led officers lo Dah
tner's reeking ajMirtment Police
later lugged oil drums packad
with bod\ parts from the one
U'droom apartment
Within days, the sandy*
haired factory worker had con
fessed to killing 17 men and
boys since 1978 in Milwaukee
and Ohio.
Dahrner drugged, strangled
and dismembered his victims,
having sex with one corpse and
oatm# parts of others. Ho
(lushed brains down the toilet,
kept skulls and other parts ns
mementos and saved one or two
hearts 'to eat later.”
Da hitter pleaded guilty by
reason of insanity to 15 Wis
consin slayings at his 1992 tri
al. hut the jury found hint sane
on all counts He later pleaded
guiln to a killing in Ohio. He
wasn't charged in one other
Wisconsin slaving because of a
lack of evidence.
Michael McCann, the dis
trict attorney who prosecuted
Dahmer, said that he was sad
dened and distressed by the
slaying and that authorities
should have known Dahmer's
life was m danger because of
the July incident.
"That’s not justice This was
murder. I'm hoping that who
ever did it doesn't emerge as a
folk hero." McCann said.
For a year, Dahmer was kept
in isolation at the prison in
Portage, about 40 miles north
of Madison; then the staff
determined he could mix with
other prisoners, Sullivan said
The slaving came as rela
tives of Dahmer's victims try to
auction off his possessions as
partial payment for the judg
ments they have won against
him The contents of his apart
ment included a lava lump, a
toothbrush, homosexual
pornographic items and an H0
quart kettle
)«paam« VlttdtRt Of|«Riulioa will
mw«M tun;§ht (mm S to ft p m in fcMU
i Wn Room A lor more inform*!tan.
cell 4N l J07
VtudenU for l.ile will bum «n orgeat
rational meeting tonight at ? to f Ml
( j*ntur> Room A Far more information.
call fttke
IhrbuMt Ttte will ureKuit a lec ture mi
■(^MOptwwtr* end I'wU-nnwi u Collaho
retor* tree tin || New Music for an
Kneeroble lay ‘ today et 4 pm in
the Oflmgef Alunuu Umnge For more
information, cell 146 MM
On Monday. Nov. 2H, the
Emerald ran the wrong pho
tograph in the sports sidebar
A photo of Kenny Wheaton
ran in the edition instead of
the aim*,! picture of Herman
() Hcrrv I In- b.uwrahi regrets
this unfortunate error
The Knight library will
close at i a m. beginning
Wednesday, but Friday and
Saturday it will close at 11