BOOKS Over 50,000 Titles • Books in Print on CD Rom • New! Reference Books on CD FERTILE GROUND IRENE DIAMOND Booksigning This Wednesday, 12:30-1:30 Ecofeminist and UO professor of political science and women's studies, Irene Diamond will be up stairs autographing copies of her new book. Fer tile Ground -Women, Earth and the Limits of Control. Ms Diamond makes a passionate argument for a new politics that confronts injustice and greed while it celebrates the cycles of birth, decay, and rebirth. Her previous books include Sex Roles In the State House and the co-edited volumes Femi nism and Foucault: Reflections on Resistance and Reweaving the World: The Emergence of Ecofemlnlem. Fall Booksignings: Barry LopCZGerltnger Lounge Oct. 3rd Irene Diamond Oct. 5th Jane Lidz Oct. 10 th Timothy Zahn Oct. 19th James Welch iiuit center Oct. 20th K. llelphand, C. Girling Oct. 26th Patrick McManus Nov. 15th ( lllltllrli'v \ll II111,1 \ I • |i lit,ll lulh 1m L111 (li IuIm | _’U| || OCT 8™ is the LAST DAY for Fall Term '94 Coursebook Refunds! Bring Your Receipt! UO discount on all book buys! Courscbooks. General Books. UscdBooks. Study Guides. Course Paekets