Gang members sent to death row for murder HOUSTON (AP) — What was intended to be a night of a rou tine gang initiation in a field beside a Texas bayou took a ghastly twist when two teen-age girls wandered too near the young toughs. Both were raped, viciously beaten, then strangled with shoe laces and a belt 1-ast woek. just 15 months after the crime, three of the youths were convicted of capital mur der. joining two fellow gang members — none yet 20 years old — on the path to Texas' crowd ed death row All five await death by lethal injection, punishment meted out by a citizenry "fed up with the expense of crime, the fear of crime, the devastation of crime and just the senseless nature of it,” said Billy Bramlett, a juvenile delinquency export and profes sor at Sam Houston State Uni versity. Corrections experts say they can't recall a similar case where so many people have been con demned to death for a single crime. Peter Anthony Cantu and Der rick Sean O’Brien, both 19, were convicted earlier this year Uist week, in separate trials, jurors convicted Efrain Perez, 18, Kind Villarreal, 18. and Joe Medillin. 19, increasing the number of inmates in the nation's most pop ulous death row to almost 400 inmates. A sixth member of their loose knit ‘‘Black and White” gang, a juvenile ineligible for the death penalty under Texas law, was convicted and sentenced to 40 years in prison. On the evening of June 24, 1993, gang members gathered along a railroad trestle over a bay ou to drink and initiate Villarreal by making him fight each of the other gang members About 11:30 p m . shortly after the fighting stopped. Jennifer Krt man. 14. and Elizabeth Pena. 16, took a short cut through the field, trying to get home from a parly by their curfews Their path took them past the gang, who grabbed the girls and took turns raping them before beating them, strangling them and stomping on their necks. The girls battered bodies were found tour days later When one youth was arrested, he snarled obscenities at camera crews and tried to kick reporters as polii e hauled him away Tes timony at the trials showed they divided S40 and some jewelry taken from the girls, then bragged about what they did "I think they are more or less oblivious," said Robert Lineber ry. an urban crime historian at the University of Houston. "From their point of view, life is of lit tle value." The ages of new death row inmates in Texas are getting younger and younger, officials say. Of the 393 inmates on death row last week. 12 committed murder at age 17. 21 at age 1H, and 30 at age 19. Among all felonies nation wide. statistics show the most common age of arrest is 16, Lineberry said. The sis ond most common: 15. "The composition of crime is changing." he said. "You've got 11-year-old kids or 14-yeor-old kids committing crimes that wo would hove thought were only done by deranged adults." 1-800-C0LLECT Intramural-Recreational' lAl UNIVERSITY OF OREGON RECREATION & INTRAMURAL SPORTS r FLAG FOOTBALL SIGN-UPS October 4 LOCATION 102 Esslinger R.I.M. Office PHONE 346-4113 VOLLEYBALL SIGN-UPS October 13 LOCATION 102 Esslinger R.I.M. Office PHONE 346-4113 INDOOR SOCCER SIGN-UPS October 18 LOCATION 102 Esslinger R.I.M. Office PHONE 346-4113 i COLLECT Save The People You Call Up To 44%.* AT AT minute e* » SIMPSON Continued from Page 12B "It's Iru* that for many of the people, this will bo more inter esting than anything else hap pening in their lives," l.evenson said "But reality sets in. If the judge decides he must sequester the |urv to shield them from publicity, that would fur ther limit the pool of available jurors Many will not want to leave family and friends for the isolation of a hotel where thoir communications are monitored and visits are supervised by bailiffs More recently, jurors in the Reginald Denny riot-beating tri al reported disputes while they were sequestered One alarmed her colleagues when she ran down a hotel corridor screaming "I can't take it anymore!" and demanding to see her boyfriend. The ultimate question is w hether 12 furors and eight alter nates can got along with each oth er in close quarters and whether sequestration itself can affec t their decision. The makeup of the jury proba bly will not Ice known for at least a month as jury questioning is likely to !>e long and tedious. And the public;, used to watch ing every phase of this trial on television, is in for a period of withdrawal. On the judge's orders, jury selection won't be televised. i WordRrfcct Big Deal. sph im MMin n riMi ()H1-R WofdJVtlCvl 6.0 livr Windows. t,Xuitn> l*n> 5 0 loi Windows, and Random House Wcbslcr's l lcvtmtiK ! >u tiorurs .Uhl lltrsaurUS. Colley l ltltlofl fdfllRS / V ulnmuir : ri 7 V tdttmute UnM fiw fnlph <» i iJ/%7 /vr wnhitu ¥U' i 5 8 TKr mtKU /*mirfui DOS iJppfh utkm f\rr' fcartiku/'i^ in flt'i fnmu th i(*>if imrf *k*r' See v<>ur local campus reseller fur nturr int»rrruitt, ill WordPerfect Nov«iJI Application* Group