Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 26, 1994, Page 12B, Image 27

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Clinton wants helping hand
(AP) — President
Clinton moved
Sunday from
politics in a Harlem church to the
United Nations' world stage,
extolling his military interven
tion in Haiti as "saving our neigh
borhood" for democracy.
The president, apparently
buoyed by the sun1 foothold 1: S
forces had achieved in Haiti,
made no mention of the fin-fight
in Cap-Haitien in which U S
Marines killed 10 Haitian men
Saturday night outside a police
Instead, he sounded the theme
he will use in a spies h Mon dm
to a special session of the U N
General Assembly. Democracy is
on the rise, and the United States
welcomes a helping hand from
other notions to assist not |ust in
the Caribbean but in Bosnia and
in other world hotspots
Immediately upon switching
gears. Clinton received Bosnian
President A1 ita l/.etbegovii ,
whose Muslim-led government
finds bet raved.
Having act opted a plan to end
the more than 2-year-old war in
Bosnia, it watched in despair I n
day os the U N Security Council
relaxed some sanctions against
Yugoslavia, rewarding Serbian
President Slobodan Milosevic for
promising to end weapons ship
ments across the border to Bosn
ian Serbs.
On Haiti, the other major for
eign policy problem on (he pres
ident's immediate agenda, the
White Mouse press office Issued
u two-sentence statement, saying
"we regret any loss of life in con
nection with our mission in
Haiti," but reaffirming U.S.
resolve to respond to hostile
action against American fortes
"We will continue to work
with Haitian military authorities
for a peaceful transition," the
statement said
(.Union s churcn appearance
ccip jmhI a weekend of politicking
for Democrats in Illinois. Min
nesota and Missouri.
Kven though he has boon slip
ping in the polls, the president
seemed in good spirits, recount
ing for the black congregation
how he enjoyed walking the
stncets of Harlem as a youth from
Arkansas "because 1 was fasci
nated by it; I wanted to see the
people. I wanted to talk to the
people. I wanted to sin' what they
are up against."
Some Democratic c andidates
ac ross the country are keeping
their distance from Clinton in
their campaigns, but he was
upbeat in proclaiming the virtues
of brotherhood in politics, in
boosting the economy and in
world affairs.
"If we can just face our chal
lenges and move forward and
come together, we’re going to do
all right.” he said.
Appearing with Clinton wore
Gov. Mario Cuomo, a Queens
Democrat seeking a fourth term,
and Rep Charles Rangel, a
Harlem African-American
At the United Nations, officials
said, Clinton will stress the need
to expand democracy and assert
that the administration would
work closely with the United
Nations to promote the security
interests of free nations
Madeleine Albright, the U S.
ambassador, said, "There is no
question that the cooperation
between the U.S., U.N. and
NATO is one that also is point
ing to n direction of how many
regional problems can la1 solved
and worked on together "
With American troops bound
to remain in Haiti through the
year, the intervention is a lively
election-year topic. There are
calls in Congress for setting a
deadline for the forces to get out.
Clinton sought, however, to
portray his 1 Initi policy as a win
"I think more and more Amer
icans are seeing that what we are
tiding there is good and supports
democracy throughout our hemi
sphere, which is nothing more
than saying our neighborhood,"
he said.
Moreover, the president said,
the U.S.-brokered agreement in
Haiti for the military junta to
yield power to ousted President
Jean-Bertrand Aristide "helps to
end human rights violations that
we find intolerable everywhere
but unconscionable on our
doorstep and offers them
(Haitians) a chance at stability."
Search for Simpson jury begins
IXXS ANGELES (Al’J — After three months of end
less publicity in the O I Simpson murder case, 1 .(XX)
people must look inward and answer a question:
Could I he a fair juror for this man?
"People have a personal involvement in this case.
Some of them may have been out there on the free
way that Friday afternoon," said Loyola Universi
ty Law School professor Laurie Levenson.
“Both sides have to be scared of jurors with an
agenda, people who want to send a message "
Those who raced out to roadsides to cheer Simp
son in a Ford Bronco with a gun to his head and
police in pursuit would 1m* less than ideal |urors
But as the first stage of jury selection gets under
way Monday, lawyers on both sides are realistic
enough to know that no hope esists of rinding jurors
unaware of the i ase Nor would they want such a
jury, Levenson said.
"You want someone on this jury who's at least
heard about the case, bet ause you want a funt
tinning member of society," she said
Yet jurors also need to be able to put all prior
know ledge aside and decide the rase on the evi
dence, Levenson said.
At a minimum. prospei live jurors will know that
Simpson, a former footlmll star whose fame extend
ed into show business, is charged with the murders
of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her
friend Ronald Goldman.
They will also know that Simpson has declared
himself "absolutely 1(H) portent not guilty” ami that
he has the liest team of lawyers money can buy.
Issues beyond bias for or against Simpson also
must be considered.
Jo-Ellan Dimitrius. the jury consultant working
for the defense, has pinpointed a new phenomenon
in the Simpson case: jurors who want to get on
the case because of its notoriety and the chance they
will become rich and famous as a result.
'Tve never seen it liefore," Dimitrius said. "Usu
ally. people want to know how they can get out of
serving on the jury. In this uise. they're coming up
to me on the street asking, "How do 1 become a juror
on the O.J. uhm'"
Now. Levenson said, many prospei Is may tie fac
ing the reality that they can't afford the time to serve.
Of the 1,000 people summoned by Superior Court
Judge Lance Ito, more than 700 have already
returned one-page questionnaires discussing their
availability to serve in a trial which could stretch
into 1995.
About two-thirds have said it would lie a hard
Turn to SIMPSON. Page 138
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