Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 26, 1994, Image 25

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    emu «AH am
fall registration begins tbursday, sept 22,1 Oam
$5 specials
35mm Camera Use
Valeric Nguyen
Learn the secret’ meaning of .ill those numlx-rs
and letterV A short lecture covers how your
camera works, itu hiding discussion of film and
tonifx isiiion Bring entity A5mnt camera to i lass
VX'ed. Sejit 2K
6 00-9 00pm I'l l ‘>2 ys
Beaded Bracelets
Korrn Barren
Make colorful beaded Bracelets using late and
(lower siiu lies a good tniroc incite>n to Iteadvvorh
and a i lurtce to ask Ixading questions
I ties Sept 2?
6 00 900pm I’ll 92 SS
Tie I>yeinj4
Kathy Kale
t reate a variety of patterns using different tying
and dyeing tec hntques Bring up to three
prewasficd Urn cotton items to dye
W ed Sejg 2H
6:00*1 I’l t "2
Mugs & Bowls
1 rank <rosar • Andrea IHPalma
hired ot Tupprrwarc" You can handhuiltl your
own ceramic mugs tumblers and small IxavK m
this woikshop < lav ami gia/es provided
Wed. Sept 2H
2 ,A0 S AOpitt Pl.t 92 $s
Bike Doctor
Brad Mills
Perk up your Bike and avoid repair Bills Instate
lion will cover lultncatKin, tire trouble. Brake and
gear service, and trouble shooting Keep vixtr Bike
rolling smoothlv and safely Bring your hike to
class m llte Walnut Hi * >m Ivvo sections ofletvd
I Wed. Sept 1H
6 00 9 00pm PI l 92 ys
2 Hull's, Se|g 29
6 no 9 ottpm
PI I 92
holiday specials
Papier-Mache Halloween Masks
Igor (i.iiuU I
Be screamingly original .hh! create your own
Halloween mask this vc.it I 'lit- papier m.ulir
let Imique has .1 v arictv of we ll lours on
building colorful. decorative masks in this < lass
9 hours of insiruction
Itmrs i k t 1 ‘i -2~ I’l l 93 memlx*rs S_> i
(i n0-9-00pm I’ll ')a non iiu iiiIk is SJ,s
Holiday Photo Greeting Cards
su/amir Russell
Personalize vour holiday greeting cards by
shooting ami developing them on s[x*v»a! Iks. W
photographic postcard blanks | \press yourself
Ik- tunm. sa\ something special. add coloi it s
all up to you Camera ami darkroom cX(X-iient c
required Chemistrv anil some postiard stu k
provideil 9 hours ol instnution
Sun, Nov <> 20
S QO-H uipni I’Ll! 9*i mcmlx-rs $2"
Fireside Footsti>oi/caiie\veaving
Arthur (iravcx
Learn the folk an tei hnique of caning by wea\
mg a seat lor a fireside footstool Wi ll conccn
Irate on the elementary stvlcs with w ide biniler,
rush or shaker tape -whatever is available Tools
stool and iane provided (> hours of instruction
Sun, CXt 30-Nov 6 I’l l lX> metrtlxT $.30
2:00-S:00pm I’Ll V7 non-members $34
Porcelain Ornaments
Frank Gosar
You van deck the halls this year with handmade
colored porcelain ornaments You provide* the
holiday spirit All materials provided
Sun, Nov 13
2:30-S: 30pm I’ll: 98 $12
Holiday Stamp Art
Frank (iosar
STAMP OUT CHRISTMAS!" or Chanukah, or
Solstice, or Thanksgiving with rublx-r stamps
you've carved from your ow n designs Make
greeting c ards, gift w rap, or just go crazy deco
rating everything Materials will lx- provided
Sat, Nov 12
3:00-6:00pm I’Ll 99 $12
Tin: EMU Craft Cfntfr
The TMl Craft Center is .1 eotnprehensiw Arts
Program oflenng well equipjed fat d sties and
workshops in most areas i»i tin- Visual Arts The
program is I * ah eeltu.ition.il and retrealional,
encouraging .ill lewis of interest, front beginning
In *Mi\isi to scrums .irtist If you liave an interest
in .in or .i favorite luiliby the I Ml 1 raft tenter
.it tlx- I niversiri of Oregon is for \<ni A« hi li find
us in the Krh Meinorial I nion. 1 Aift I niverstty.
I .ist wing. lower lee el Please address reqin*sts
for atx'i munodafions related to disabilities to the
i r ift (enter director or ik-sigtH-e in advance l or
more information please tall VKi itol
Studio Facilities
• 1 erama s area wih high fire i apabilities
• Photo (hrtutxxm equipped fw icsw ot
ii >h ti jMinting
• |r«i jr\ hli lot casting and fabrication
• i * Mujilcii wondsbop with powei ii»iK and
supers i*>»< m
• l .u ilttics ii M iii'ii and fahrii
• Stained glass (used gl.I.ss
• Hike n | mii ii * its
• sewing wi ivmg .mil IiIh-i studio
• II.iml ti« ils lor woodworking
• books .mii pore xln als l( n mom!x-r use
• Mi >rage Ii k kers tor menilxrs
small SJ lJn largo S t on jxt term
• II.mil and power tool rentals lor I'O stuck Tits
• 21 minute loading sp.no available on I Mh M
• I Ii iW 111 v iiloi is
\ t rail t ontor membership entities you to use
the ( raft ( ontor l.mlittos and tools in the (raft
( ontor loi tin- term for which the momtxrship is
purchased Momlx rships arc not refundable
Momlx rs are required to have Ixish skills and
knowledge lor then given area assume the risk,
and have a willingness and ability to work with
Others in a silo and coojxralive manner Mem
IxTship is ojx-n to l () students faculty stall ami
I () alumni In aikltlii >n, tin- general publk tn.iv
(xirchase a ( rail (enter nxmlx-rship with
enrollment in a ('rail ( enter workshop of S|S or
more I >as us passes are .nailable lor current
IK) students t.n ultv stall and alumni Work
shops using the ( .raft Center facilities and
equipment require a memlx’tship and arc
mdti aii'il m the i lass listings ( raft ( enter
members ns on e a reduced rate in wi irkshi>|is
where there is tlx* ojuion to take a i lass with a
member or non memlx-r status
Membership Fees Per Term
s (> l () students and spouses
S101 k) faculty. siatt and sjxiuses
sis I <) alumni
siSCieneral publk with enrollment in ( rati
(outer workshop ol SlSoi more <11 you cancel
a work six »p within the designated limits, yixir
general publk inemlx rship will lx- refunded.)
Day Use I ces
si So jx r city l O students
S2 So |x i day t <) faculty anti stall
S.S SO jx*r dav l () alumni
Regis!ration is on .1 first-come lusts. until 1 lasses
l«gin or are filled lady registration is return
mended Workshop registration can lx- done in
|x-rson or In mail am! must lx- accompanied
with I I) and full payment Memlx-rs of tin- UO
communits pun hasing tncmlxTships will lx*
required to present l nnersits I I)
Mail in Registration
1 mversitv ID is required lor all I () mcmix’r
ships Mail in registrations are confirmed if a
sell addressed, stamped envelojx’ is provided
'send mail in registration to
I Ml ( tali Center
I mversitv <il ()reg< >11
l ugene OK 9~4(H 1225
Refund Policy
• \\iirkslnips an- loo refundable lHi hours
( relays) prior to the first class meeting, hut
non refundable thereafter
• sS Specials and Kaku are not refundable
• Workshops whirl) do not meet the minimum
enrollment w ill lx- cancelled on or Ix-fon- the
first i lass meeting
• I! the ( rail (.enter cancels a workshop t lass
lees will lx- lully refunded it is your option to
retain your ( raft ( 'enter membership
• Memlx rships are non-refundablc if you drop
a i lass although community mcmlx-rships
will lx- refunded at our discretion
art supplies for sole
Supplies For Sale
• Hike cables. Ixanngs. pair lies, lulx s
• ( cranm tixil kits stoneware, porcelain
• Pilx-r dyes silk, silkscreens .uid T-shirts
• (ilass cutters, cop|x-r foil, and solder
• (opjx-r silver, saw blades. findings and tixils
• IkWV photo chemicals. pajx*r and film
• \\i»nl dowels sandpaper and plvwixxl
croft center hours
Fall Hours
We will lx- o|xn from Sep Jo Dei Is \\ c will
have reduced hours JX*c s Is Please pick up
schedule at the < raft ( enter or call Vtb-I.^ol
Mon Wed IOOOam ‘1 yopm
rhurstlay 10:00am 11 oopm
I’n Sat 10 iH)|>m (i (Kipin
Sunday 12 oopm 5:30pm
I a/ O is an itfuaJ apfn>nunuy affintuutu• m /ion
nistiitninii cunimiUttl in i ullunil durrsitv anti in
itim/iluiiuc u uh IN Anumian l>Ukihtliins Ail
. Name
I Address
| City
I UO Student / Spouse - $6 00
| Faculty /Staff /Spouse - $10.00
I All Others - $15.00 $
Mail-in registrations are confirmed by mail (I a SASE is provided
State Zip
Craft Center
• Workshops are UXK re
hrdabte 96 hours (4 days)
pnor to the first meeting but
norvrefundatte thereafter
• ft the Craft Center cancels a
workshop tees wi be h#y
refunded your option to re
tar your UO membershf)
• Membershps are not re
fundable if you cancel class
• S5 Specials and Raku are
not refundable
Mall registrations to:
EMU Cratt Center
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1225
i MWKsm ..tiikha>s