ALL DAY TUESDAY 2% ALL YOU CAN EAT EVERY TUES! includes Garlic Bread 11 30 am 10 pm pizza ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamette • 4&4-0996 WUNDERLAND ----- sm ST«trr © 'C PlIBUC market k VIDEO ~ - r?l^5 683-8464 VIDEO ADVENTURE VAILt ▼ «fVl« Pt AJ A - *■ -J MtfW¥¥¥¥¥¥V¥¥»» Roses $9.99 »* • Orlwfi 'fiwfcluHU' {\ t r* l Ms v\|} iji »’» flt'l -LA* W l * !• < feMfcbrrv Or f'MJ ■ 4A4- 11* I PV*r <*tfm wriruaw • Drlvm Advertise in 346-4343 00 OFF Foot long Sub SUBSHOP 4 1225 ALDER 345-2434 1 THrSHHrSrSri This Week s Luncheon Special Chicken with Cold Noodles $4.75 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT Try ouf timers too1 I & 879 8. 13ttl • uwim **•«? rouoHoonrcwr • 545-2852 • Takeout Avi»ut*e Position* now open for 199-1-95 RESIDENT ASSISTANT Application* Available at llousinic Office (Walton Complex) Applications taken until current vacancies are filled. University Housing is an AAEO institution, committed to cultural diversity and in compliance with the ADA The Eugene Public Library will have to remain at Its 13th and Chamelton site, at least tor the time being •Ml p; w I L 9flSL’ LIBRARY Continued from Page 1 area ku ked off thf town meetings on Monday Ward 8, the Chun lull ami, will host a mooting on Wednesday. Juno 29 Councilor Jim Torrey sopnratoU organized a third tow n hall mooting — to tnko plai o today that w ill involve prosontations from propomints and opponents of a now library Several members of the Monday night crowd at Petersen Community Center pointed to govern merit waste "The c ity is bloated," said Tim Brandt, who suggested the city < ut its payroll 10 percent Others said the library was a losing proposition, no matter vvliat We've voted on this library issue liefore I want to know, what part of 'no' don't you understand'" demanded Lugene Lynch Ho said tfie city should build several smaller branches instead of a major new fat ility Jim Johnson, executive manager of the city's Library. Recreation and Cultural Services Depart ment. suit! outlying brant lies are part of a larger library plan developed by a citizen’s group in 1988 But. Johnson said, for smaller branches to ojierate. a large centra! fat ility is necessary Supporters of a new library point to tile increas es in circulation, patronage, and library materials since the library was built in 1959 Before Mon thly's meeting. Johnson pointed out that • Cirt ulation increased t> T> times between 1959 and 1993 — from 211.000 items to 1 38 million items annually • Library patronage int reused t.7 times — from 16.711 in 1959 to 62,043 in 1993. • Materials the library houses increased 4 5 times — from 57,345 to over 260,000. Eugene's population grow 2A limes — from c>0.000 to 120.000 during the same period, said luhnson Some residents nt Monday's meeting asked why the existing library couldn't he expanded by adding a story But library proponents nt the meet ing. and some residents, pointed out adding a sec ond floor is untenable because of new earthquake codes. Some library supporters say the time is not right "This thing that we've got to have it right now and right down there is not good planning." said lean Fisher, a supporter of a new library But some library proponents worry that a delay might threaten the Sears site for u new library We need to go back to the voters while people still understand the measure reasonably well,” said for mer City Count ilor Kinily Si hue, who has cham pioned the new library. File fears may lx* well founded. While seven out of 10 Eugene voters who went to the polls in March 1091 endorsed a new |ihrar\ in the Sears Building, only one lone person at Monday's meet ing raised his hand when Fisher asked how many favored the Sears site. "We keep getting fed in the paper that this Itha Sears building) is what we selected," said Fisher. "This is not what we selected It was selected and we endorsed it." Opponents of the library say it should lx* at the bottom of the city's plan Bill Mason, who cam paigned against 20-09, said the city should balance its budget and provide public safety services before setting out to build and run a new library. "1 live in a seven-minute response time area,” he said "My neighbor died earlier this year lx*fore the ambulance could get there." LAZA SBAZAR OVER 500 DIFFERENT TYPES AND STYLES OF MEN'S & WOMEN'S SHOES. SIZES 1-16 AIRWALK Simple, • L A. GEAR • HI-TECH • VISION • SACA CLOGS • SCOTT ‘ ELLESSE • SABRA NEGEY • SENSI • BOKS • PUMA JOMihifflOC w/ rtzSzrzm 57 W Broadway Downtown Mall 9 SHORT BLOCKS WEST OF CAMPUS LAZAR'S BAZAR x 687-0139 «® OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK M-F 10-7. SAT & SUN 12-6 EUCENE S POPULAR PIPE & TOBACCO STYLES SINCE 1974