CALL 346-4343 BEFORE 1 pm TODA Y TO PUT US TO WORK FOR YOU TOMORROW! CLASSIFIED POLICIES Deadlines l iiw Adi. l p m , one butinni ON CAMPUS' JO TMf TVPVSQ PPO T«rm Papw%Thmt>»Mnationi CMI mSlOMS Any*m* WHEN YOU NEED REAL HELP, REAL FAST. CALL USI f iMIng • Wrtttog A>HHfic< • Typing W tfy*M •r»d neWcom* Prc/EtMt 741-7553 *Gv«»r»nM»(] F rn» 4 -M Profftdt* Small Sc’CIlC by Adam Kinchcr /AiTsoRisur Towa U'SSAN When Japan buys out U.S. comics m TYPING SERVICES ALL MCW: Sony <%m. -man VW Sorry Compact D*C Plaryat $«C Sorfy iQ-O-f Gordtoa* phone SJSO VC«. WO ATT Intercom WO Mfufrihi M»f> Marao VGA $2&> Pag, 4&4 7154 Computar dMfe *«h (»»w» and »hat* $70C)feO « t 4£ Twm bad, sicatlant condition $fOOOSO 34&-A7M Tain maftraaa A bo* sat. MM $’00 Panaaonc OCP 11»l Oo< Mai? » prWar $150 46SA061 2 couchas 4 safe. .« $40 5' $30 livadtn loo* t* 4ft4 «360 >m>« U5 BUY OR TRADE Wanted Backpack m Internal frame to* Sx^nmar trarvw ( ifatw't condition 3435016 iao PETS Two Bah Pythons vdth -,v-je tiaqp and a* naadad <**j«pmer*t Paopto fnandy* $4001)00 34SB6B0 , 145 CARS TRUCKS CARS FOR *100' Truck*, beam 4 oOiMtars, makxhoma*. lumtturo dm* trorucs compulor WC by f» IRS Of A A**»iat** your ryon now Co* i 005 96? 600C i .1 S-8642 Toyoto Torcoi, 12, 1S» iuro »or> srotvoeo Co* _ *1*60 Tokos this *86 Mrtsubrsh, Qatari f u*y loaded 112K rim drool Surnn* Cor 66? 964 ! '76 Volvo Row brskoo 6 mufftor Grrws rntanor eym Yssumo mui opkon mi tnoa 34:- m*n 64 VW futxvt Sunroof novy bkro Sl 700 or bool oflor locks good, runs uood Co* 686 4440 ISO MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS ft Taman* TOO Spaclat Nm t*a* f >««M rvnmoQ ccvx*t»n |SOO •'Huma Caa Horn*' 686 32*3 us BICYCLES B»tdat|*lon* M6* mountain bata 43ca*. **» mm .v m# tataat oik, oacM S.'fc*. MJ mm Mountain bik*. i rmv «d »•• ■: i lock ISO 343-64 U Mountain bik* itiaaia Uav-. * T-aa nm« nVXT 4 t*ag* nub* 112V *ft*. ’0 01 -» n--at4aj» Spaciattiad Rockhoppat imak '•*«« U' Ut Component* b» ana* Good conation t?fS Cat Ja« 3464M? ?t-*pa*d Mongooaa MUttoppar t*a "*» "an aocaaaonaa 1275. caa 6862102. Maywood i65 computers Electronics tmapawrttai a Prlntar t » anant con <*bon H50 Caa 48V300? to» mora m Mac Mat. MO. CPU only Twc yaax oat M00 CakMartm »■ 3438626 or anal a naanapaairaina uorapon aJu t70 SOUND SYSTEMS CASK'" tt» Buy Sat and Sarvic* VMS VCf?l and Sfcaao* TSompaxi (Mctionca 1122 CM 343 «n YERNICK bv Charles Marier TeRmiCK ft\z offers Pu 0 l i C A Po L o 6 /'h.EAcjL • • Hcuo, faKi. As y*o my Kccau, Usr ST»tP WAS A JoKC Aacx)T THC Local CorirtoiCKSiKL CV-V^euiT^ 'BiMC Ji«.* Wtu, I woi/cp unr To r*Kf THis orronrofitxy to AtoioUilC To ViHPCT *1CV «MQ2? NOusmeBCumei kx f?i££ - ir msrvYm mnxf- (&&&& THB INPICTM£NT *J*>HU£>tN H5caucus. orsTtta courr mu xxj TH&MORNIH6 KCCUAK ANYQttSJIONS* **> T*6£ extawvts neuay F*C£S6AKY euntmust NO Attest AT &cax>HCH&CK ewes \ MiATf They see* sanctuak/' i M SKI EQUIPMENT PACKAOf DC*l1 JOS KJ » » l-J (Utcht* boo«» (Y*«w 6»a S’.» cm »*-* x .w tnu.« m*» Of EUSNftEB 34C-4343 i« TRAVEL 1 * Pacific ^^Challenge Australia, Nrw Zuland Join us thn h inter in thr sun fkn*n L’rutfr Uto* venture \iud> program, offtunf .5*«ioaI irtdtt U\um-a on rm if.cwncntai cultural «*«rnru and jklvcmutr Infn mceiing May 26. 7 p m EMl! Walnut Room (’all Dave Wright 1*0 4124. FREE SUMMER IN EUROPE by Unking a car to Gar many Fran 24 hour into Musaga (503) 452-5990 205 OPPORTUNITIES International Students 4 Visitor* DV-1 Qreencard Program by U S knmi gnbon Dspt Qresncards prowls US permanent raadant status Cft/ana o< a» mo* *l countne* art atowed Appfccation dsedhne June 15 Into & Form* New Era lag*! Same**. 20231 Stagg St Canoga Park CA 91306 816772 7166 816996 442*., Moo Son 10am llpm 210 HELP WANTED AA Cruise Ship* now hiring t am t*g SSS A iravai me world free' sGanbbean. Europe, tic) Sum m*r/P#rm*rv*nt positions avarfat*} GUARANTEED SUCCESS' _CaF (91ft) 929-4396 ««i C377 HOUSE MANAGER Univaratty Thwla For the i'994 96 Robmson £ Second Season* Work Study or nor W.odt Study E ipenence P»e«errec1 Must be avwtebte weekend evenings posits ,n the F rtf; KWVA ta hiring all staff positions ' July 1, 1994 through Ju»y 1. 1996 Qpnn positions are tiene*# Manage* Program News Muse Promotions and Traffic (Vectors Applicant* must be current UO students enrobed on at ‘east a pan t»m« has** (6 units) Job de scnp&on* »x5 applications ttv&tabie m ASuO Suite 4 Cafl .146-4091 lor more *4ormatton Appkrations must be turned *n to the ASUO E Bacubve m*.-; bo« by 6 00 pm Friday May 27th m a sealed envelope Cafis tor interviews ws* be made during the wee* of May 30ih KWVA e an AA/t O employer MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES now accepting student application* for con tutting and purchase plan posi tion* beginning summer term Musi have microcomputer savvy, good com mumcahon and orgarexattoftte tkitis Apply room 260 Computing Center OUTDOOR RECED STAFF North watt Youth Corps e now hiring start to work w#h teens ages 14-15 *n out door ed.x^torvf ecr eetJon program SuocasaM applicants w>: have tender sNp eipenence and be highly mobva! ed to work wrth teens Teaching certrfi u*i« detnabte Also h*r*yg tor rarudan tun camp positions To apply contact Btf Murphy 7466663 210 HELP WANTED Summer Camp Jot**~*n not too ata to •or* at the be*** Boy * Sports Camp «n »nUl*l»r»-„ im -S kJOking lex COuntefcxs W#t U>..i r teaching am***." * to Ctv4eJr«ri A# are cispwat#* .nteresied n archery taksabai arums. hockey. uicmtM. «*« mg. twiwnmmg and !*rv*» Oonl mna out Cofi Camp Wmadu. 4 » 3 44 7 £900 TRAVEL ABROAD A NO WORK M i*e up to $5000 $4000* mo tuch mg baa* ar>^MfKyvAi Engpth m j» P*n T»w«r> or S Korea No background O' Attain language* '® quxed F Of reformation CAI! (206) 632 1146 ext J6069 Opportunity-Major Corporation College Program A growth opportunity awaits for success rrwvJad sekmofevated mdhnOua! who »S accepted *nto our framing program For thoee students wrth marketing recruit mg. and framing ak#s fast promotions to branch. dtoaroo. and area response tan are m store Ca* 345-3213 ky an mtenrew Ask tor Mr Harris Project Safari da la accepting appli cations tor staff and dispatcher pcs taxis beginning m September tor the 1994 96 school year Staff positions in clude Co-director. Volunteer Coordtoe tor. and Pubbcrty.'Fundraising Director Job deecnpbons and applications are available m the Safende office. EMU Suite 3 Application deadline ts Tuea day May 31 Interviews will be held Wednesday F riday. June 1-3 Call 346-0663 for more into Work study >s preferred Sefende *s an AA/EOE STUDENTS! MIOM SCHOOL OH COLLEGE We can grve you some extra framing wittiout interrupting your school year. a»i expenses paid. plus a salary We also have the Montgomery Gl Bill ben ef«ts >f you qualify Gail EUGENE RE CRUITIMG OFFICE. 666-7920 or 1 600 265-2764 Oregon National Guard Alaska Fisheries Summer Employment Earn up to $15,000 ttxs Summer is canneries, processors, etc Male, fe mate, no experience necessary Room, board, travel often provided* Guar an teed success1 <9<9) 929-4396 X A377 ATTN: Female Child Development Majors F ree rant tor your help with my terrific daughter 344 1107 COLLEGE Ml DEBITS Alut oth«r\ HIGH STARTING PAT uevrvww now twtor? rvum and start P/T. then secure F/T powbon jfctf fnah No exp nec trer*n| powded 100 new opeiwifi IVaw cal 9am noon <* 4pm 6pm MS-1127 CONSTRUCTION JOBS-Ewn up $26/hour as a construction worker Carpenters, roofers, framers, laborers, disaster reconstruction, supervisors. A other positions Year round and Sum mer work For information, caB i 600 641 6524 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Farri up to $2000*/month working on Cruise Sh*» or land- tour companies World travel (Haw»i. Mexico, the Caribbean, etc ) Summer and JuK- time employment available No experience n«ceaaary For more m formation call i 20^634 0468 ext C6069 ALASKA SUMMER JOBS Fitter** - Many Mm *2,0011. C6069 TNI FAB MOB By GARY LARSON .CQ3fri^UU&fr6 FiMiOtiNSQti f MERRIEST MAN _ OP THE MONTH